Tag Archives: parler

BREAKING: DNS and host provider Epik Software hacked by Anonymous

An update to this story is available: Anonymous hack of Epik reveals a devastating amount of information

Editor’s Note: This story has been updated to reflect the amount of data hacked is 180GB.

[Sammamish, Wash.] – (MTN) Sammamish, Washington based Epik Sofware, the controversial DNS and host provider for websites and apps such as Parler, Gab, and 8Chan was breached by the hacker group Anonymous. The organization announced they were able to access and download ten years of data, with most of it unencrypted. In a message posted by the group, they provided details to access founder Rob Monster’s e-mails, as proof of their claims.

Epik Software provides hosting and DNS to thousands of websites, most involved in the dark corners of the web that spread hate, discuss and plan domestic terrorism, platform QAnon conspiracies, and spread disinformation. A DNS is similar to the physical address of a home or business. Websites use an IP address, which could be thought of as latitude and longitude for a physical location. Most people won’t navigate to an address using that data and instead will look for “100 Main Street.” A DNS provider enables a URL (or multiple URLs) to point to an IP to a common URL.

The potential information on the people or business behind sites such as Parler, Gab, The Storm Front, prolifewhistleblower, 8Chan, BitChute, and Patriot.win, to list a few. Additionally, Anonymous is claiming they have passwords, internal communications, and other data going back ten years. For some sites and apps such as Parler, most information is already known. The bigger reveal could expose thousands of people involved in websites that peddle suicide advice, medical misinformation, and support QAnon.

One-hundred-and-eighty gigabytes of compressed data were released and currently, several sources are working to verify the data and make it usable for researchers and journalists.

The company based out of Sammamish, Washington, and run by Rob Monster, operates under the banner of protecting First Amendment rights. However, the company has a history of not cooperating with criminal investigations when websites have crossed lines into potential criminal behavior.

The company recently made headlines for providing DNS services to the Texas website prolifewhistleblower, after GoDaddy booted the site. The website was created so people could report anyone helping a Texas resident gain access to an abortion, and earn a $10,000 bounty. Less than a week after Epik became the DNS, their legal team also dropped the website. GoDaddy has offices in Kirkland, Washington.

Stop the steal believers move on to stop the vaccine

Editor’s note: This article links to content to validate our research and findings. They are in no way an endorsement or an attempt to validate disproven conspiracy theories.

[SEATTLE] – (MTN) Weeks after Joe Biden became the 46th President of the United States, ardent believers of “stop the steal” have moved to a new message – stop the vaccine. While a shrinking fringe clings to the idea that Trump is or will be President, a loose affiliation of far-right, neo-fascist, and QAnon followers has taken to the Internet using various tactics to interfere with national vaccination efforts.

Within hours after the polls have closed on November 3, groups were forming to support the message of “stop the steal.” Amy Kramer, a Tea Party activist, created a Facebook page before election coverage had even finished. Before Facebook removed the page, she had amassed more than 360,000 followers. Facebook and other social media channels removed pages as quickly as they popped up, so the movement became more decentralized. 

A review of Telegram, Parler, and the darker corners of Reddit shows a begrudging acceptance of the 2020 election among the believers and architects of stop the steal. It isn’t clear if that motivation is because the message of an illegitimate election no longer resonates among a widening group of Republicans or if organizers are chasing donors. The new mission is to erode trust, discredit the government, and slow down the vaccine rollout. 

For far-right and neo-fascist groups such as Boogaloo and Proud Boys groups, the message is about government overreach. They see vaccination efforts, which are voluntary even among military members, as government overreach and control. For these far-right militias and anti-government groups, the anti-vaccination message is the actions of a controlling government.

British conspiracy theorist David Icke has produced a video called Murder by Vaccine. Icke is better known for his theory that lizard people run the planet. In a rambling 1 hour and 10-minute production, Icke tries to build a case that the COVID vaccine permanently alters human DNA with lethal consequences.

For QAnon adherents, the message is a hodge-podge of beliefs. Among them are ideas steeped in the distortion of Biblical prophesy that receiving a vaccination is getting the mark of the beast. QAnon followers have been wrestling with the “great awakening” concept since former President Donald Trump endorsed getting the COVID vaccination. On social media, some have accused the former President of being part of the deep state, while others have accused him of being paid off by Bill Gates.

COVID-19 has created a perfect storm of misinformation at the same time that numerous groups either are actively trying to build distrust or inherently distrust the government. Anti-vaccination physician and founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Simone Gold, was arrested on January 20 for her part in the Capitol insurrection. Her organization includes Doctor Stella Immanuel, who infamously stated she believes in “demon sperm” as the cause of sexually transmitted diseases and alien DNA.

America’s Frontline Doctors pushed hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID. An idea embraced by the Trump Administration resulting in millions of purchased doses using federal and state tax dollars. Some states have attempted to force distributors to repurchase the doses, with Oklahoma leading the charge.

The more sinister efforts are happening at the state and local levels. On Telegram, groups have organized to take advantage of vaccination schedules.

In some regions, a hodge-podge of disconnected systems finds and assigns vaccination slots. Different insurance networks, providers, government agencies, and pharmacies don’t share information across these systems.

Small but organized efforts are clogging the queues with fake appointments using fake information. On Telegram, one person in Michigan wrote, “Me and my coworkers creating fake appointments to keep people from getting the vaccine. Let’s make Biden look bad!”

Other groups have shown similar efforts, but it is hard to determine if this is online bravado or an honest attempt to disrupt and slow down distribution. Nationally, the number of no-shows for vaccination appointments is around 20%. While the Johnson and Johnson vaccine doesn’t require specialized handling, the Modera and Pfizer vaccines do and have a short shelf life.

A growing number of experts are becoming concerned that a fourth wave of COVID cases is building in the United States. Twenty-seven states show growing infection rates, with Florida leading the way. Variants from the United Kingdom, South Africa, and California are taking hold. Here in Washington state, 14 counties are outside of the requirements to remain in phase three opening, including Pierce County. Detected cases have almost doubled in the last two weeks, with schools on the brink of reopening and office workers returning to Microsoft and Facebook.

Among those recruiting new members into the anti-government movement, fear of COVID-19 and vaccine efforts is a fertile hunting ground. 

Insurrection update for January 25, 2021

From Malcontentment Happy Hour, January 25, 2021

A summary of events from January 22 to January 25, 2021

The fallout from the January 6, 2021 Insurrection continues

  • Kentucky Senator Rand Paul clashes with George Stephanopolous of ABC News in a disastrous interview
  • Mitch McConnell is still struggling to hold power in the Senate
  • Impeachment paperwork submitted to the U.S. Senate and a trial date is set for February 8, 2021
  • Rudy Guiliani is the latest person to be sued by Dominion Voting Systems
  • A scrape of Parler videos and images identified over 6,000 unique faces of people in or adjacent to the Capitol on January 6, 2021, and those pictures have been made public
  • The Department of Justice is worried about court capacity and is considering not charging some who committed more minor offenses on January 6, 2021
  • The Wall Street Journal first reported that then-President Trump considered firing acting Attorney General Rosen, and replacing him with a loyalist who would overturn Georgia election results on Presidential direction
  • Andrew Ericson of Oaklahoma arrested after Snapchat videos revealed his involvement
  • Scott Fairlamb a New Jersey gym owner arrested * Dustin Thompson of Ohio arrested after stealing a coatrack and was found by police waiting for his rideshare to pick him up
  • Kevin Strong of California was arrested after being identified by his coworkers at the FAA, during his interview, he told the FBI he had “Q” clearance
  • Bradley Weeks of Florida was arrested after recording himself and posting it on social
  • Nolan Cooke of Texas was arrested after posting on TikTok telling a woman in part, “I wouldn’t want anyone other than you with me to take on the revolution”
  • Henry Hank Muntzer of Montana was arrested after outing himself in a social media video
  • Patrick Stedman of New Jersey is a self-identified dating and relationship strategist who still lives with his parents was arrested after outing himself on social media
  • Brandon Straka of Nebraska is the founder of the WalkAway campaign and was arrested after outing himself on social media
  • Stephanie Hazelton of New Jersey, aka Ayla Wolf, and a candidate to be the Q Shaman “Dances with Traitors” spouse, was arrested after video showed her yelling for “more men” and “keep pushing” — oh my
  • Marissa Suarez of New Jersey was arrested, she is a correctional officer since 2019

From Russia with love, Parler finds a new host via Latin America

Parler, the alternative social media platform that was shut down after every vendor supporting them abandoned the service, is back up and running. Yesterday, the website was live again, displaying a welcome message.

Now seems like the right time to remind you all — both lovers and haters — why we started this platform. We believe privacy is paramount and free speech essential, especially on social media. Our aim has always been to provide a nonpartisan public square where individuals can enjoy and exercise their rights to both.

We will resolve any challenge before us and plan to welcome all of you back soon. We will not let civil discourse perish!”

In an exclusive phone call with Fox News, Parler CEO John Matze told the network, “I’m confident that by the end of the month, we’ll be back up.”

An Internet security expert told us, “Parler is using DDoS-Guard. Essentially, this is the Russian equivalent to CloudFlare that provides DDoS protection to a number of sites. The IP address is registered to DDoS-Guard with a Belize address, an administrative contact in Ecuador, and a Russian email address.

Last week, Parler secured domain hosting with Sammammish based, Epik Software. With Parler addressing the needs for domain registration and hosting, they are likely now building servers, installing software, and transferring their software and database onto the new infrastructure. Said our contact in Internet security, “How long until they’re up depending on how long it takes them to get all that done.

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 14, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 14, 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Black Coffee Northwest of Shoreline, Washington, releases security video of the September 30 – October 1 firebombing – forced to close for at least two days due to racism, vandalism, and ongoing threats against employees
  • Behind the Pole – a special interview with Nate Gowdy, Seattle area photographer who was in Washington D.C. for the January 6, 2021, insurrection
  • Who is John Sullivan – a household name among conspiracy theory circles for the Washington D.C. insurrection, we analyze the story and history behind the polarizing figure
  • Five Fast Facts about COVID -19 – our COVID update
  • Insurrection update – Donald Trump is impeached for the second time, more arrests, and Parler videos scraped form the security breach show what was going on inside the Capitol during the attempted coup

WARNING – tonight’s show contains graphic content that some people may find disturbing

EXCLUSIVE – Parler finds new domain host at Sammamish, Washington based Epik

UPDATED 1/12/21 @ 5:58 PM – added information on Epik connections to Neo-Nazi website Stormfront.

Tune in Monday, January 11, 2021, at 8 PM PST for the Malcontentment Happy Hour with David and Jennifer at MalcontentNews.TV. No subscription required.

[SAMAMMISH] – (Malcontent News) Alternative social media platform Parler may have found a new host with Sammamish, Washington based Epik. Public records show that the Parler domain was transferred to Epik on January 11, 2021, indicating the platform is at least on life support. Parler has touted itself as a free speech community similar to Twitter, without moderation. The service was plagued with security breaches, became a haven for hardcore pornography and the ideology of white nationalism.

Parler has been on a rollercoaster ride since the insurrection in Washington D.C., on January 6. Twitter put President Donald Trump on a 12-hour ban for three tweets they determined were inciteful to violence. The President removed the tweets in compliance with terms of service but issued two more inflammatory and dangerous tweets on Friday after his ban ended. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram permanently banned the President, and by Saturday morning almost every social media platform had taken the same steps. President Trump tried to move to at least five more Twitter accounts, including the official POTUS account of the US government.

Parler rocketed to the number one downloaded app on the Google Play and Apple stores as the online drama unfolded, and shortly thereafter, Google removed the Parler app from their store. On Saturday Apple gave an ultimatum to Parler to add moderation or face being removed also. On the same day, Amazon announced they would no longer provide PaaS and SaaS infrastructure to Parler effective at midnight on Sunday.

A Puget Sound Internet security expert told Malcontent News “Parler has a new DNS registrar. Epik software is headquartered in Sammamish and it’s the same one used by 8chan, Gab, and The Daily Stormer. They don’t have servers up yet, but DNS is a critical part of Internet hosting.”

They went on to explain, “A DNS handles the translation of the domain name, such as “Google.com”, to an IP address, such as This is so when a user goes to a site, they just type in “Google.com” and don’t have to remember an IP address. This also allows the site to change IP addresses if needed.”

“They don’t appear to have servers to actually host, but that’s likely a matter of time.”

Defiant Parler leadership indicated on Saturday morning that people were, “lining up to support them,” but by Sunday morning they revealed they may not be able to ever go forward with every supplier and vendor abandoning the company, including their legal team. Parler was reported to have removed a parlay from conspiracy theory lawyer L Lin Wood on Saturday, calling for the execution of Vice President Michael Pence. Attorney Wood is said to be under Secret Service investigation for his message.

In another blow, as the lights started to go out for the platform, hackers were able to download all of the public-facing information and “parlays,” the equivalent of tweets, from Parler. Hackers reported that EXIF data, which would include the date, time, and GPS location on uploaded pictures were not stripped from the data, representing a significant privacy breach for users.

This morning on Fox and Friends, Jeannie Pirro compared the services that left Parler to Kristallnacht and Nazi Germany. The First Amendment does not protect speech on privately owned platforms beyond some edge cases. The Amendment provides protection against government-backed censorship, prevents the establishment of a national religion, ensures the freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to seek redress of grievances. Social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are private businesses, who operate on a, “we reserve the right to refuse service,” basis.

Epik is facing its own challenges as a hosting platform. PayPal recently terminated their relationship with the hosting provider, which provides hosting for the platform Gab, which is a haven for the Proud Boys, and Stormfront, a Neo-Nazi Holocaust-denying website.