Category Archives: National

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 14, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 14, 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Black Coffee Northwest of Shoreline, Washington, releases security video of the September 30 – October 1 firebombing – forced to close for at least two days due to racism, vandalism, and ongoing threats against employees
  • Behind the Pole – a special interview with Nate Gowdy, Seattle area photographer who was in Washington D.C. for the January 6, 2021, insurrection
  • Who is John Sullivan – a household name among conspiracy theory circles for the Washington D.C. insurrection, we analyze the story and history behind the polarizing figure
  • Five Fast Facts about COVID -19 – our COVID update
  • Insurrection update – Donald Trump is impeached for the second time, more arrests, and Parler videos scraped form the security breach show what was going on inside the Capitol during the attempted coup

WARNING – tonight’s show contains graphic content that some people may find disturbing

NRA files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection

Five Fast Facts

  • The National Rifle Association has been under investigation for financial malfeasance by diverting millions in donor money to senior leaders for lavish personal expenses
  • As early as 2018, the NRA indicated they were in financial trouble
  • By June 2020, the NRA had shed more than 200 employees
  • The NRA wants to incorporate in Texas as a non-profit, in part to avoid ongoing litigation in the state of New York
  • The NRA filed a lawsuit against New York state Attorney General Letitia James saying she has violated the NRA’s right to free speech and seeking to block her ongoing investigation

The National Rifle Association on Friday filed petitions with a U.S. bankruptcy court seeking protection from creditors by restructuring, the gun rights advocacy group announced.

The NRA filed the Chapter 11 petitions in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Dallas, it said in a news release.

Read more at Reuters

National stockpile of COVID vaccine doesn’t exist

Five Fast Facts

  • The Trump Administration stated they would release the national stockpile of COVID-19 vaccinations to accelerate stalled out efforts
  • The Administration set a goal of 20M vaccinated by December 31, but less than 3M were vaccinated by the end of the year
  • The Administration said they were holding back the stockpile to assure that second doses would be available for the first round of immunizations
  • Governor Kate Brown of Oregon said she was notified by General Perna, head of Operation Warp Speed, there is no national stockpile
  • The stockpile is wiped out, resulting in no possible way to accelerate vaccination efforts

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Washington and other states will not receive increased doses of COVID-19 vaccine from a strategic reserve promised by the Trump administration because the stockpile does not actually exist, according to Gov. Jay Inslee and other officials.

According to officials, the reserve stockpile was initially meant to be used for second doses of the two-shot vaccine, but the administration had already begun shipping out what was available beginning at the end of December.

Read more at KOMO News

Photographer Nate Gowdy reflects on Washington D.C. insurrection

When Nate Gowdy started his photographic journey in 2015, he couldn’t imagine where his documentation of the rise of President Donald Trump would end. With the exception of 1876, what is normally only a footnote in American history, the Congressional certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election turned into a blood-splattered reverse coup. Gowdy and his battered Leica camera were there.

January 6, 2021, Washington D.C. Insurrection – Copyright 2021 – Nate Gowdy

I went to Washington D.C. because I’m working on a long-term project documenting the Presidential politics in the age of Trump,” Gowdy said. “I’ve covered more than 300 events across 23 states and this is the conclusion, the final narrative for my book.

Gowdy arrived at 9:30 AM to document the events of Trump’s “Save America” rally and the planned protests. As Gowdy was heading to document Trump’s speech, he saw something that caught his eye. “There was a contingent of Proud Boys militiamen I caught walking toward the Capitol in the A.M. when the National Mall was empty and barren because everyone was at Trump’s morning address.

I came across them on my way there marching in the opposite direction. Basically, they marched to a crowd of no one, chanting, “fuck Antifa.” I was there and maybe another photographer. They were threatening me and I said I was media for Rolling Stone. Plenty of them seemed to assume I was ‘Antifa.” I was kind of in the middle of their crowd and they were getting really hostile. So I started keeping my distance and they marched to the Capitol.

With thousands of protesters marching the two miles toward the Capitol, Gowdy witnessed the advanced groups of Proud Boys preparing to attack the barricades. He witnessed advanced planning, coordination, and people carrying ladders, and other items meant to storm the Capitol.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”15″ gal_title=”Capitol Insurrection by Nate Gowdy”]

As the main assault started Gowdy saw human wave attacks against overwhelmed lines of police officers. “When you get into the epicenter of the Inaugural Stage there is a five-foot wall and a lot of barriers before the wall. What they would do is lean the barriers up against the wall and use [them] as a ladder.

While they were getting pepper sprayed, those people would fall back and recover while a new wave of people would push in. They were just kind of, ‘Come on! Come on! Come on, we need you to do this! Keep up and hold the line!” [They] were pushing in and they were successful.

A man screams “Come on,” to insurrections assaulting police lines in human wave attacks on January 6, 2021, during the Capitol Insurrection. Copyright 2021 – Nate Gowdy

As the situation plunged into full-scale insurrection, Gowdy kept shooting pictures until 8:30 PM, when he finally called it a day.

I’m still processing what I saw. I mean the U.S. Capitol being overwhelmed by an anti-democracy protest of a mob of people who were egged on by their ring leader, President Trump.”

Gowdy is returning to Washington D.C. for Joe Biden’s inauguration to complete his work on his book. You can see more of his work shortly in Rolling Stone magazine.

interview with photographer nate gowdy, talking about his experiences on January 6, 2021, during the capitol insurrection

Raquel Rodriguez arrested in Texas on voter fraud charges

Five Fast Facts

  • Project Veritas secretly filmed Rodriguez explaining a vote harvesting scheme in Texas
  • The San Antonio area woman was engaged in “ballot harvesting” to support Republican candidate for Mauro Garza who was running for Congressman in the 20th Congressional District, Texas
  • Garza lost in the November 3, 2020 elections
  • Garza denies he has any connections to Rodriguez or contact with the woman
  • Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton says the investigation is still ongoing, and Rodriguez mentioned other associates in the recordings done by Project Veritas

Raquel Rodriquez, the San Antonio woman filmed by Project Veritas allegedly harvesting ballots, has been arrested on numerous counts of voter fraud.

The violations include for “illegal voting, unlawfully assisting people voting by mail, and unlawfully possessing an official ballot.”

You can read more at The Texan

Airbnb and HotelsTonight cancels all D.C. area reservations for next week

Five Fast Facts

  • Airbnb and HotelTonight have canceled all reservations in the D.C. metro area for next week
  • Washington, D.C. officials are advising no travel to the city next week or for the inauguration
  • Biden’s inauguration was already planned to be a low key event due to C Disease
  • The FBI has warned all states of significant threats to occupy state capitols and armed violence against the government
  • Airbnb is banning people identified as attached to hate groups from their platform

Airbnb and its subsidiary HotelTonight are canceling all currently booked reservations in the Washington, D.C. metro area during President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, the company announced in a statement shared by spokesperson Katie Ward.

All reservations during inauguration week will be canceled. Biden’s inauguration is scheduled to take place next Wednesday.

Read more at USA Today

EXCLUSIVE – Parler finds new domain host at Sammamish, Washington based Epik

UPDATED 1/12/21 @ 5:58 PM – added information on Epik connections to Neo-Nazi website Stormfront.

Tune in Monday, January 11, 2021, at 8 PM PST for the Malcontentment Happy Hour with David and Jennifer at MalcontentNews.TV. No subscription required.

[SAMAMMISH] – (Malcontent News) Alternative social media platform Parler may have found a new host with Sammamish, Washington based Epik. Public records show that the Parler domain was transferred to Epik on January 11, 2021, indicating the platform is at least on life support. Parler has touted itself as a free speech community similar to Twitter, without moderation. The service was plagued with security breaches, became a haven for hardcore pornography and the ideology of white nationalism.

Parler has been on a rollercoaster ride since the insurrection in Washington D.C., on January 6. Twitter put President Donald Trump on a 12-hour ban for three tweets they determined were inciteful to violence. The President removed the tweets in compliance with terms of service but issued two more inflammatory and dangerous tweets on Friday after his ban ended. Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram permanently banned the President, and by Saturday morning almost every social media platform had taken the same steps. President Trump tried to move to at least five more Twitter accounts, including the official POTUS account of the US government.

Parler rocketed to the number one downloaded app on the Google Play and Apple stores as the online drama unfolded, and shortly thereafter, Google removed the Parler app from their store. On Saturday Apple gave an ultimatum to Parler to add moderation or face being removed also. On the same day, Amazon announced they would no longer provide PaaS and SaaS infrastructure to Parler effective at midnight on Sunday.

A Puget Sound Internet security expert told Malcontent News “Parler has a new DNS registrar. Epik software is headquartered in Sammamish and it’s the same one used by 8chan, Gab, and The Daily Stormer. They don’t have servers up yet, but DNS is a critical part of Internet hosting.”

They went on to explain, “A DNS handles the translation of the domain name, such as “”, to an IP address, such as This is so when a user goes to a site, they just type in “” and don’t have to remember an IP address. This also allows the site to change IP addresses if needed.”

“They don’t appear to have servers to actually host, but that’s likely a matter of time.”

Defiant Parler leadership indicated on Saturday morning that people were, “lining up to support them,” but by Sunday morning they revealed they may not be able to ever go forward with every supplier and vendor abandoning the company, including their legal team. Parler was reported to have removed a parlay from conspiracy theory lawyer L Lin Wood on Saturday, calling for the execution of Vice President Michael Pence. Attorney Wood is said to be under Secret Service investigation for his message.

In another blow, as the lights started to go out for the platform, hackers were able to download all of the public-facing information and “parlays,” the equivalent of tweets, from Parler. Hackers reported that EXIF data, which would include the date, time, and GPS location on uploaded pictures were not stripped from the data, representing a significant privacy breach for users.

This morning on Fox and Friends, Jeannie Pirro compared the services that left Parler to Kristallnacht and Nazi Germany. The First Amendment does not protect speech on privately owned platforms beyond some edge cases. The Amendment provides protection against government-backed censorship, prevents the establishment of a national religion, ensures the freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the right to seek redress of grievances. Social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are private businesses, who operate on a, “we reserve the right to refuse service,” basis.

Epik is facing its own challenges as a hosting platform. PayPal recently terminated their relationship with the hosting provider, which provides hosting for the platform Gab, which is a haven for the Proud Boys, and Stormfront, a Neo-Nazi Holocaust-denying website.

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 7, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 7, 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Seattle Police admits there was no extortion in CHOP, seven months after the fact
  • Latest news from the attempted coup in the United States on January 6, 2021
  • Review of the events of January 6, 2021
  • Washington State Patrols failed response to protect Governor Jay Inslee – and how Black Lives Matter was treated in August 2020
  • Debunking the conspiracy theories around the attempted coup
  • Editorial – Seattle, stop being so – Seattle

WARNING – tonight’s show contains graphic content that some people may find disturbing

Two Louisville detectives fired in Breonna Taylor case

Five Fast Facts

  • Detectives Myles Cosgrove and Joshua Jaynes were fired Tuesday night for their involvement in the shooting death fo Breonna Taylor
  • Joshua Jaynes was fired for his role in securing the search warrant, violating department policy for truthfulness and search warrant preparation
  • Myles Cosgrove sent a caustic e-mail to officers within the department calling himself a “sacrificial lamb” and pleading with officers to “do nothing” while in the line of duty
  • Both Cosgrove and Jaynes met with the outgoing police interim police Chief Yvette Gentry on Monday with counsel to appeal their terminations, per Kentucky law
  • Cosgrove and Jaynes have 10 days to appeal their firings to the Police Merit Board

The Louisville Metro Police Department has officially fired two detectives and sanctioned others for their actions surrounding the raid that left Breonna Taylor, 26, dead in her apartment.

Detectives Myles Cosgrove and Joshua Jaynes, who were fired Tuesday, are the latest detectives the department has terminated in connection with the fatal police shooting of Taylor.

Read more at USA Today

Far-right extremist charged with assaulting six police officers in Salem, Oregon

Five Fast Facts

  • Chandler Pappas is charged with six counts of assaulting a police officer, first-degree burglary, riot, and criminal trespass while possessing a gun
  • Pappas attended an anti-mask rally in Salem, Oregon on December 27, 2020, that turned violent with right-wing domestic terrorists associated with Patriot Prayer attacked Salem and Oregon State Patrol officers
  • Bail is set at $250,000 and Pappas is considered a flight risk
  • Pappas was with Aaron “Jay” Danielson, on the day he was killed by Antifa supporter Michael Reinoehl in downtown Portland, Oregon
  • Michael Reinoehl was killed by a joint task force of federal, state, and local police officers in Lacey, Washington on September 3, 2020

A right-wing demonstrator who gained recent prominence in Oregon is accused of assaulting six police officers during a December anti-mask rally at the state Capitol.

Chandler Pappas, 27, is being held in the Marion County jail on $250,000 bail after a judge deemed him a public safety risk. In addition to six counts of assaulting a police officer, the Portland man faces charges of first-degree burglary, riot and criminal trespass while possessing a gun.

Read more at The Oregonian