Tag Archives: washington dc

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 25, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 25 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Update on the Tacoma Police Department officer who drove through a group of people on Saturday
  • Elise Barrett talks to us about COVID-19 myths and where is the seasonal flu
  • Nicki Blake Chafetz talks about her upcoming book My Travels In Trump Land, available at bookbaby.com
  • The Biden Administration reverses the Trump Administration ban on transgender troops in the military
  • Behind the Pole features previous unseen video from the Tacoma Police protest on Sunday, January 24, 2021, and an interview with Azreal Graves of Black and Done (B.A.D.) as the Black and Tacoma community reacts to the protest fallout
  • David and Jennifer provide their insurrection update

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 21, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 21 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Seattle inauguration protests highlight questionable tactics by protesters and police
  • Keystone XL Pipeline is canceled by the Biden Administration on day one
  • COVID Five Fast Facts
  • Officer Eric Whitehead and his strange trip to the ER
  • Abusive Head Trauma – the legacy of Shaken Baby Syndrome, the questionable science behind it, and the targeting of the poor, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA community for abuse allegations
  • Insurrection update

Joe Biden becomes President as “democracy prevails”

Our inauguration coverage

Joe Biden becomes the 46th President of the United States

Our coverage of the Presidential inauguration from Washington D.C. including opening ceremonies, wreath-laying at Arlington National Cemetery, military escort to the White House and parts of the C-Span Parade Across America with Jon Stewart.

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 18, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 18, 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Dr. Martin Luther King Day 2021 – his words continue to be taken out of context more than 50 years after his death
  • Seattle Police Department is off to a very bad start in January
  • Five Fast Facts about COVID -19 – our COVID update
  • Insurrection update
  • Will it snow next week?

Robert Sanford, who struck D.C. police with fire extinguisher, denied bail

Five Fast Facts

  • Robert Sanford, a Chester, Pennsylvania retired firefighter was arrested on a list of charges for his involvement in the Washington D.C. insurrection
  • Sanford is accused of striking at least three Capitol police officers, including one with no helmet, with a fire extinguisher during the attempted coup
  • This is a different incident than the individual that struck Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who later died of his injuries, Sandford is not a suspect in that incident
  • Sanford was turned in to authorities by a friend after discussing his actions at the Capitol and telling them he was wanted for the assault on the officers
  • U.S. Magistrate Judge Henry S. Perkins denied bail based on the danger Sanford represents to the public, him being bussed for free to Washington D.C., and the discovery of white supremacist clothing in his home during a search

A retired Pennsylvania firefighter accused of hurling a fire extinguisher at U.S. Capitol Police officers during the attack in Washington last week is a danger to the public with suspected ties to white supremacists, a prosecutor said in court Thursday.

Robert Sanford, who retired from the Chester Fire Department in March, was arraigned in federal court in Allentown on charges that include assault of a police officer, disorderly conduct on Capitol grounds, civil disorder and unlawfully entering the Capitol. He is being held in Lehigh County Jail.

Read more at The Morning Call

Editor Note: Chicago Firefighter David Quintavalle was misidentified in social media as the man wanted for the fire extinguisher attack, and also misattributed to be responsible for the death of Brian D. Sicknick. We state in the strongest terms that Firefighter Quintavalle was not involved in any way in the insurrection. Malcontent News never reported at any time that Quintavalle was a supsect or a person of interest.

Who is John Sullivan

From Malcontentment Happy Hour, January 14, 2021

‘BLM activist’ John Sullivan has become a central figure of right-wing conspiracy that he is the mastermind of the insurrection

On Thursday, John Sullivan, aka Jayden Sullivan, aka Activist John aka Activist X, was arrested for his involvement in the insurrection in the Capitol.. John Sullivan is the brother of James Sullivan, a Proud Boy. A dive into John’s background paints a complex picture of someone who is not a criminal mastermind with the plan to organize thousands to overthrow the government. John appears to be a nihilistic narcissist who hungers for attention.

We looked at the research done by Rebellion Baby and Max Blumenthal. Is he a supporter of Black Lives Matter, a Proud Boy double-agent, a grifter, a cop, a purveyor of protest porn, or just a pawn in a tug-of-war for accountability?

UPDATE: John Sullivan was released from custody with no bail requirement on Friday. In another strange twist in the journey of John Sullivan, Rudy Giuliani tweeted out about a text conversation he has with James Sullivan about using John as blame for the insurrection and blaming Antifa. Although the phone number is blacked out, it has been authenticated by third parties.

Malcontentment Happy Hour: January 14, 2021

Our live webcast from the Seattle Anarchist Jurisdiction

The show from January 14, 2021, featured David Obelcz and our co-host Jennifer Smith.

  • Black Coffee Northwest of Shoreline, Washington, releases security video of the September 30 – October 1 firebombing – forced to close for at least two days due to racism, vandalism, and ongoing threats against employees
  • Behind the Pole – a special interview with Nate Gowdy, Seattle area photographer who was in Washington D.C. for the January 6, 2021, insurrection
  • Who is John Sullivan – a household name among conspiracy theory circles for the Washington D.C. insurrection, we analyze the story and history behind the polarizing figure
  • Five Fast Facts about COVID -19 – our COVID update
  • Insurrection update – Donald Trump is impeached for the second time, more arrests, and Parler videos scraped form the security breach show what was going on inside the Capitol during the attempted coup

WARNING – tonight’s show contains graphic content that some people may find disturbing

Photographer Nate Gowdy reflects on Washington D.C. insurrection

When Nate Gowdy started his photographic journey in 2015, he couldn’t imagine where his documentation of the rise of President Donald Trump would end. With the exception of 1876, what is normally only a footnote in American history, the Congressional certification of Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 election turned into a blood-splattered reverse coup. Gowdy and his battered Leica camera were there.

January 6, 2021, Washington D.C. Insurrection – Copyright 2021 – Nate Gowdy

I went to Washington D.C. because I’m working on a long-term project documenting the Presidential politics in the age of Trump,” Gowdy said. “I’ve covered more than 300 events across 23 states and this is the conclusion, the final narrative for my book.

Gowdy arrived at 9:30 AM to document the events of Trump’s “Save America” rally and the planned protests. As Gowdy was heading to document Trump’s speech, he saw something that caught his eye. “There was a contingent of Proud Boys militiamen I caught walking toward the Capitol in the A.M. when the National Mall was empty and barren because everyone was at Trump’s morning address.

I came across them on my way there marching in the opposite direction. Basically, they marched to a crowd of no one, chanting, “fuck Antifa.” I was there and maybe another photographer. They were threatening me and I said I was media for Rolling Stone. Plenty of them seemed to assume I was ‘Antifa.” I was kind of in the middle of their crowd and they were getting really hostile. So I started keeping my distance and they marched to the Capitol.

With thousands of protesters marching the two miles toward the Capitol, Gowdy witnessed the advanced groups of Proud Boys preparing to attack the barricades. He witnessed advanced planning, coordination, and people carrying ladders, and other items meant to storm the Capitol.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id=”15″ gal_title=”Capitol Insurrection by Nate Gowdy”]

As the main assault started Gowdy saw human wave attacks against overwhelmed lines of police officers. “When you get into the epicenter of the Inaugural Stage there is a five-foot wall and a lot of barriers before the wall. What they would do is lean the barriers up against the wall and use [them] as a ladder.

While they were getting pepper sprayed, those people would fall back and recover while a new wave of people would push in. They were just kind of, ‘Come on! Come on! Come on, we need you to do this! Keep up and hold the line!” [They] were pushing in and they were successful.

A man screams “Come on,” to insurrections assaulting police lines in human wave attacks on January 6, 2021, during the Capitol Insurrection. Copyright 2021 – Nate Gowdy

As the situation plunged into full-scale insurrection, Gowdy kept shooting pictures until 8:30 PM, when he finally called it a day.

I’m still processing what I saw. I mean the U.S. Capitol being overwhelmed by an anti-democracy protest of a mob of people who were egged on by their ring leader, President Trump.”

Gowdy is returning to Washington D.C. for Joe Biden’s inauguration to complete his work on his book. You can see more of his work shortly in Rolling Stone magazine.

interview with photographer nate gowdy, talking about his experiences on January 6, 2021, during the capitol insurrection

Airbnb and HotelsTonight cancels all D.C. area reservations for next week

Five Fast Facts

  • Airbnb and HotelTonight have canceled all reservations in the D.C. metro area for next week
  • Washington, D.C. officials are advising no travel to the city next week or for the inauguration
  • Biden’s inauguration was already planned to be a low key event due to C Disease
  • The FBI has warned all states of significant threats to occupy state capitols and armed violence against the government
  • Airbnb is banning people identified as attached to hate groups from their platform

Airbnb and its subsidiary HotelTonight are canceling all currently booked reservations in the Washington, D.C. metro area during President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, the company announced in a statement shared by spokesperson Katie Ward.

All reservations during inauguration week will be canceled. Biden’s inauguration is scheduled to take place next Wednesday.

Read more at USA Today

Two SPD officers on paid administrative leave for potential involvement in D.C. ‘insurrection’

Five Fast Facts

  • Acting police Chief Adrian Diaz has put two Seattle police officers on paid administrative leave for being in Washington D.C. during the riots and attempted coup of the U.S. government
  • The two officers have been referred to the Office of Police Accountability (OPA) which will conduct a review
  • Chief Diaz has stated that if the officers are criminally charged by Washington D.C. or federal authorities for their actions, they will be immediately terminated
  • The statement from the Seattle Police Department specifically used the word, ‘insurrection” in the statement
  • Seattle Police Officer’s Guild (SPOG) President Mike Solan is under fire for making statements that the insurrection, and storming of the governor’s mansion in Olympia, Washington, was perpetrated by Antifa

This is a breaking news story and will be updated as we get more information.