Situation normal day after Covid vaccine mandate takes hold – local and state update for October 19, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

Editor’s Note, October 20, 2021, 12:02 p.m.: The daily summary for the Covid-19 update included a typographical error reporting nine confirmed COVID cases at Bellevue High School in the Northshore School District. The nine confirmed cases are at Bothell High School in the Northshore School District. The detailed school report does accurately reflected this information. We have corrected the daily summary and apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) One day after the state vaccine mandate took hold, it was largely business as usual across Washington as new cases continued to drop and hospitalizations hit a plateau.

Vaccination rates unsurprisingly skyrocketed across the state, with some counties experiencing a near 2% increase. On Monday, 6.75 million Washingtonians lived where at least 50% of the total population is vaccinated.

In King County, 82.2.% of residents 12 and older are fully vaccinated, and in Kirkland, 83.7%.

The Washington State Office of Financial Management reported 1,887 state employees were fired for refusing to provide proof of vaccination. Terminations include 358 Washington State Department of Transportation employees and 127 civilian and commissioned officers with the Washington State Patrol.

The Seattle Police Department reported six officers refused to get vaccinated, while the Seattle Fire Department said 11 firefighters were terminated. A small group of protesters marched to Seattle City Hall and left the boots and shoes of fired police and firefighters in the lobby.

In Redmond, where people protested in support of approximately 20 firefighters, five people were fired for not getting vaccinated and two more retired.

The number of new Covid-19 cases dropped in the Bellevue School District while growing in Lake Washington. Juanita Elementary and Lakeview Elementary both reported five confirmed active cases on Monday. In the Northshore School District, Bothell High School remains a hot spot with nine confirmed COVID cases.

Officials in the Edmonds School District decided to close Madrona K – 8 after dozens of confirmed Covid-19 cases swept through the school over the last ten days. The school is planning to reopen on November 1.

City officials in Kirkland reported 86% of Kirkland firefighters are fully vaccinated, with the status of 16 employees unknown tonight. The vaccination rate is one of the lowest for a fire department in the region.

The Lake Washington School District reported 97.5% of the staff was fully vaccinated on October 18, and just over 100 had requested exemptions.

Among all of this good news is some concerning data out of the U.K. A variant discovered in July 2021 that is unofficially called Delta Plus is starting to take hold as the island nation deals with a surge that won’t go away. The version of Delta Plus has mutated further since July. The World Health Organization has not labeled this as a virus of interest, and the new case growth is only incremental at this time.

Neal Cavuto of Fox News and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas tested positive for Covid-19. Both are vaccinated and reported they were only mildly sick.

Union Pacific and GE announced they are implementing vaccine mandU.S. for U.S. employees, impacting approximately 91,000 workers.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 19, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 19, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

The Washington State Department of Health released updated vaccination data. Twenty-one counties representing 6.75 million people have more than 50% of their total population fully vaccinated. Steven County continues to have the lowest vaccination rate but broke over the 30% mark in the most recent data.

There is a significant decline in new and active Covid-19 infections when a county is 60% fully vaccinated and a further decline above 70%. There remains a considerable gap in the number of new cases between the least and most vaccinated counties, but the gap is closing as overall vaccination rates increase.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (5 counties))230.9
50.00% to 59.99% (16 counties)401.7
40.00% to 49.99% (10 counties)455.7
30.30% to 39.99% (8 counties)706.2
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 18, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average dropped to 330.8 Covid-19 cases per 100K. The 7 day rolling average has declined to 136.3 per 100K, providing the strongest indicator yet Washington state is on the other side of the Delta variant surge.

Ferry County (1,365.4) and Garfield County (1,303.4) remain above 1,000 and are hot spots that do not represent the situation in most of the state. The county with the third-highest rate, Grant, is seeing 600 fewer cases per 100K residents!

No counties are reporting a new case rate between 800 and 999.99.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Chelan, Columbia, Grant, Klickitat, Pend Oreille, and Stevens.

New cases were statistically unchanged, while hospitalizations were up for adolescents between 12 and 19 and down for geriatric patients over 64.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11149.40.8
Ages 12-19164.42.1 (up)
Ages 20-34147.13.6
Ages 35-49157.78.8
Ages 50-64116.512.0
Ages 65-7992.715.9 (down)
Ages 80+91.730.4 (down)
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker has not updated the number of deaths in Washington state since Friday.

1,887 Washington state employees fired, quit, or retired due to the vaccine mandate

The Washington State Office of Financial Management reported 89.4% of all impacted state employees were fully vaccinated on October 18. Another 3% have received an approved accommodation for medical or religious reasons.

The remaining 2,887 employees are either completing their vaccinations, awaiting a decision on an exemption request, planning to retire by December 31, or are facing termination. For employees who have an exemption request rejected, a majority have the option to move forward with getting vaccinated after a negotiated deal with multiple unions.

The OFM will provide another update on October 25.

Washington State Patrol reports 127 employees terminated

On Monday evening, the Washington State Patrol issued a statement that 127 individuals had “separated employment due to the mandate.” Of the 127 employees, 74 are commissioned officers, including six sergeants and one captain.

The WSP reported that the cuts among the 2,200 member force with 1,000 commissioned officers were across the state and not concentrated in one area.

The 1,887 statewide employee terminations include the 127 WSP separations.

Washington State Department of Transportation terminates 358 employees

In a report by Chris Sullivan of MyNorthwest, a total of 402 Washington State Department (WSDOT) of Transportation ended their employment yesterday – about 6%. Among the 402 who left WSDOT, 358 were fired for not requesting an exemption or refusing to provide proof of vaccination. Among the 358 fired, 121 worked for Washington State Ferries (WSF), and 157 worked in maintenance.

WSDOT employs over 6,400 employees even after the cuts, about 10% of the total state workforce.

The other 44 employees who left WSDOT retired or have taken the option to retire by December 31. The 1,887 statewide employee terminations include the 358 WSDOT separations.

Seattle Police Department reports 6 officers facing termination and 103 request exemptions

The Seattle Police Department reported as of midnight, all but six Seattle Police Department employees have submitted their COVID-19 vaccination forms or are involved in an accommodation process, per city mandate.  

For those six employees, the separation process has begun. That legal process includes a mandatory Loudermill hearing which will be scheduled in the next few weeks.

Additionally, 103 sworn and civilian SPD employees submitted requests for either a medical or religious exemption. Those employees are currently suspended without pay but can use their accrued time balances. According to a statement on the Seattle Police Blotter, when and whether they will be allowed to return to work will be determined in the coming weeks.

Over the weekend, SPD made plans to go on a modified stage 4 plan, their highest level reserved for major natural disasters or civil unrest. The last time the department moved to a stage 4 deployment was July 1, when CHOP was swept on Capitol Hill.

Officials now say they are considering staffing levels and making adjustments, including moving officers from the “Community Response Group” to patrol duty. It remains possible that detectives or other non-sworn officers could be activated for patrol duty. For now, that seems unlikely.

7 Redmond Firefighters leave over vaccine mandate

According to a report by Patch, Redmond’s Fire Department lost seven members after Washington’s deadline arrived to meet the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

A spokesperson for the city told Patch 89 percent of the fire department’s 150 uniformed employees were fully vaccinated by the deadline. Six people have been placed on leave until they reach full vaccination status on Nov. 1. Separations were underway Tuesday for five firefighters who chose not to comply and two more who opted to retire, the city said.

Terminated Seattle firefighters leave boots and shoes at City Hall

A small and somber group of firefighters and their supporters went to Seattle City Hall to leave their boots and shoes behind. On Monday night, only 11 firefighters had not provided their vaccination information or asked for accommodation.

The unmasked group quietly entered City Hall, where they stayed in the lobby, and arranged their boots on a set of risers adjacent to a water feature. One person in a dress uniform placed a copy of the separation letter between the boots.

Providence Health Care reports 97% of employees vaccinated in Spokane Stevens counties

Providence Health Care reported 97% of its staff at hospitals and clinics in Spokane and Stevens Counties have complied with Governor Jay Inslee’s vaccine mandate. This means a large majority of Providence caregivers have either been vaccinated or received a medical or religious exemption.

KREM reported the remaining 3% of caregivers who did not submit proof of vaccination or ask for exemption were placed on leave. Providence Health Care said it is working with these individuals to help them come into compliance.

Of their care facilities, Providence St. Joseph Care Center reported a 100% compliance rate alongside Providence Emilie Court Assisted Living Center’s 97% rate.

Travel Advisories

Due to increased acute care hospitalizations, we’re maintaining our recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region, including Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity remain limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is exceptionally high. Please reconsider nonessential travel plans to these counties.

With the announcement that Spokane officials have requested additional federal resources to support local hospitals, the travel advisory will likely continue through the 2021 holiday season.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region, which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


Number of fully vaccinated climbs in Washington, King County, and Kirkland

On Tuesday, the Washington State Department of Health reported that 72% of Washingtonians 12 and older are now fully vaccinated, and 78.1% have received at least one dose. The increasing vaccination rate has had a positive impact compared to the case and hospitalization rates in Alaska and Idaho.

King County Health reported 82.2% of residents 12 and older are fully vaccinated, and 87.6% have received at least one dose. In Kirkland, 83.7% of eligible residents are fully vaccinated, and 89.0% have received at least one dose.

The vaccination rates in Kirkland are lower than Bellevue, Redmond, and Woodinville but higher than Bothell and Kenmore.

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.6% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 92% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 15.6% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 602 additional acute care patients.

ICUs are at 85.5% of capacity statewide, with 25.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 298 patients with 57% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 143 additional ICU patients.

On Monday, the 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients increased to 110. The Department of Health reported 1,110 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 18, with 170 requiring ventilators. The number continues to trend downward but bounced between 1,086 and 1,159 over the last nine days, indicating a new plateau may be forming.

Hospital readiness by region was mixed. The East Region improved while the West and North Central regions added more overall patients.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman90.5%36.3%91.3%23.7%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom74.1%30.7%88.6%10.1%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan92.4%43.3%80.9%23.1%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason91.0%39.9%96.9%20.4%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish87.9%21.4%94.8%13.0%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima87.4%24.5%84.0%20.0%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 61.1%23.3%85.9%15.5%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston87.4%26.7%87.4%18.0%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– ESC East (1*)
– Ardmore (1*)
– Bennett (1*)
– Chinook (1*)
– Interlake (1*)
– Lake Hills (1*)
– Newport (3*)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (1*)
– Sherwood Forest (1*)
– Spiritridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (3*)
– Blackwell Elementary (2*)
– Carson Elementary (3*)
– Einstein (1*)
– Eastlake High (3*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (3*)
– Inglewood Middle School (1*)
– Juanita Elementary (5*)
– Juanita High School (4*)
– Kirk Elementary (1*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1*)
– Lakeview Elementary (5*)
– Lake Washington High School (4*)
– Mead Elementary (2*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (1*)
– Redmond Middle School (2*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (2*)
– Rose Hill Middle School (1*)
– Timberline Middle School (6*)
– Twain Elementary (2*)
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (1)
– Bothell High School (32**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (11)
– Canyon Park Middle School (30)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (5)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (20)
– East Ridge Elementary (3)
– Frank Love Elementary (22)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (58)
– Inglemoor High School (7)
– Kenmore Elementary (12)
– Kenmore Middle School (41**)
– Kokanee Elementary (3)
– Leota Middle School (4)
– Lockwood Elementary (28)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (4)
– Moorlands Elementary (5)
– North Creek High School (9)
– Northshore Middle School (20)
– Ruby Bridge Elementary (7)
– Secondary Academy for Success (6)
– Shelton View Elementary (4)
– Skyview Middle School (16)
– Sunrise Elementary (1)
– Timbercrest Middle School (18)
– Wellington Elementary (16)
– Westhill Elementary (10)
– Woodin Elementary (22)
– Woodinville High School (12)
– Woodmoor Elementary (12)

Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than ten active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

The Bellevue School District had improved over the weekend, with fewer schools reporting cases.

In the Lake Washington School District, Juanita Elementary and Lakeview Elementary reported five confirmed Covid-19 cases between students and faculty, and Timberline Middle School reported six. This is the first time since school started that Kamiakin Middle School is not on the report.

The Northshore School District also improved over the weekend. Bothell High School reports nine confirmed COVID cases between students and staff, and Kenmore Middle reported six.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.

Madrona K – 8 in Edmond School District moves to virtual learning with dozens COVID positive

The Edmonds School District reported Madrona K – 8 would be closed through October 31 due to a significant Covid-19 outbreak.

“In the last ten days, there were 26 COVID-19 cases at Madrona K-8. Of the 591 enrolled students, 236 are at home because of classroom closures,” Dr. Gustavo Beladeras, Superintendent of the Edmonds School District, reported.” Of those students, 135 are quarantined as they were direct close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases.”

This is the largest reported Covid-19 outbreak in a Puget Sound region public school.


86% of Kirkland Firefighters Fully Vaccinated

As of 10:30 a.m. on Monday, 100 City of Kirkland firefighters had provided proof of vaccination, according to Joy Johnston, Interim Communications Program Manager with the City of Seattle. The city has 116 firefighters.

Employees would have had until the end of the day on Monday to provide their documentation. City officials did not have information on the status of the remaining 16 firefighters and if they had applied for a medical or religious exemption, were planning to resign, or facing termination.

The Kirkland Fire Department was the first in the nation to deal with a Covid-19 outbreak when a superspreader event tore through Lifecare Center. The employees at Station 25 wrote the book on interacting with COVID patients and took it upon themselves to wear PPE before any national guidance was issued. The crew became concerned at the high volume of calls from Lifecare Center and observing patients with symptoms that did not mirror the flu or pneumonia.

At one point, 30 Kirkland firefighters were quarantined due to Covid-19 exposure.

The Kirkland Police Department and City of Kirkland employees were not required to get vaccinated by September 18.

Lake Washington School District reports 97.5% of staff are fully vaccinated

Officials with the Lake Washington School District reported that 97.5% of the entire staff was fully vaccinated on October 18, 2021. Just over 100 employees had requested religious or medical exemptions and those requests are currently under review.

The district reported they terminated employment with a “small number” of people who did not provide proof of vaccination or request an exemption.

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker reports 116,553 new cases and 1,879 deaths nationwide on Tuesday.

New COVID variant in the UK is fueling a new surge and is causing growing concern

You may remember over the summer hearing about the Delta Plus variant that faded into obscurity along with Gamma and Mu. A surge of new Covid-19 cases due to misstepU.K. the U.K. public response may be driven by a new mutation of Delta Plus that has made it more transmissible.

The new variant called AY.4.2 appears to have mutations that have increased its survivability while looking for a new host. Early data indicates it is more transmissible than Delta, which bluntly put is bad news. However, the difference is not like between the Alpha variant and Delta, but incremental.

According to a report by the BBC, Professor Francois Balloux, director of University College London’s Genetics Institute, said: “It is potentially a marginally more infectious strain.

“It’s nothing compared with what we saw with Alpha and Delta, which were something like 50 to 60 percent more transmissible. So we are talking about something quite subtle here, and that is currently under investigation.

“It is likely to be up to 10 percent more transmissible.

CuU.K.tly, U.K. officials are seeing more incidents of Delta Plus, but not enough to raise alarms. For now, the World Health Organization has not labeled the mutation a variant of interest. There is also no indication that this new version of Delta Plus is more vaccine-resistant than the current Delta strain.

Fox News host Neal Cavuto tests positive for Covid-19

According to a report by the Associated Press, Fox News Channel anchor Neil Cavuto tested positive for COVID-19, which he said was surprising but made him grateful that he was vaccinated.

Cavuto, who learned of the test results after Monday’s episode of “Your World with Neil Cavuto,” wasn’t on the air Tuesday.

“While I’m somewhat stunned by this news, doctors tell me I’m lucky as well. Had I not been vaccinated, and with all my medical issues, this would be a far more dire situation,” Cavuto said in a statement released by Fox News.

Cavuto had cancer in the 1980s, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997, and had open-heart surgery in 2016. Multiple sclerosis makes Cavuto immunocompromised.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas test positive for Covid-19

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has tested positive for COVID-19, a spokeswoman for the department announced Tuesday, as reported by Yahoo News.

Mayorkas, who is fully vaccinated, is said to be experiencing mild symptoms.

“Secretary Mayorkas tested positive this morning for the COVID-19 virus after taking a test as part of routine pre-travel protocols,” Marsha Espinosa, DHS assistant secretary for public affairs, said in a statement. “Secretary Mayorkas is experiencing only mild congestion.”

Espinosa said that contact tracing is underway.

Union Pacific railroad announced vaccine mandate for 31,000 employees resulting in multiple lawsuits

Three unions representing workers at Union Pacific Corp filed lawsuits agaU.S. the U.S. railroad operator’s move to make vaccines mandatory for its 31,000 employees under a deadline imposed by the Biden administration for federal contractors.

Reuters reported Union Pacific filed a suit against the unions on Friday, saying the action was necessary to prevent any disruption of its rail network “and to avoid any impact on America’s supply chain, as it continues to recover from the pandemic.”

Union Pacific asked a judge to “have any dispute over the mandate resolved through the various dispute resolution procedures outlined in the Railway Labor Act.”

The lawsuits were U.S.d in U.S. District Court in Northern Illinois.

GE announces vaccine mandate impacting 60,000 employees

General Electric will require its nearlU.S.,000 U.S. employees to get vaccinated against Covid-19, according to a report by WFTS.

The move was reportedly made to comply with President Biden’s executive order, which requires federal contractors to be vaccinated.

Employees must show proof of vaccination or be cleared for a medical or religious exemption by December 8.

State Updates

Due to the overwhelming amount of local news, we will not do a state update today. The situation in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming can best be described as lousy, terrible, dire, and getting worse, in that order.


Taking the day off

No vaccine mandate apocalypse – special Covid-19 update for October 18, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) Washington won’t know how many state employees, firefighters, law enforcement officers, health care providers, and teachers got vaccinated until November, but the predictions of a vaccine mandate caused employment apocalypse appears to be untrue.

Multiple local, county, and state agencies, police and fire, and universities reported 91% to 99% vaccination rates across the state. Approved exemption rates ranged from 1% to 7%, although an approved exemption may not ultimately lead to approved accommodations.

The last available data from the City of Kirkland indicated 70% of firefighters were vaccinated on October 5, a similar vaccination number statewide for all employees and closely mirrored the public vaccination rate at that time.

Thurston County Superior Court rejected a last-ditch attempt by dozens of state workers to block the state vaccine mandate. At the same time, Spokane firefighters filed a fresh lawsuit against the City, Mayor Nadine Woodward, and Fire Chief Brian Schaeffer for wrongful termination.

Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan reported between providing proof of vaccination and approved exemption requests, more than 99% of city employees, including the fire and police departments, met today’s deadline. Only 16 firefighters and 24 police officers provided no documentation. Another 99 police officers have approved exemptions but have been denied accommodations. Those officers will not be automatically terminated. Up to 123 officers could face a “Loudermill Hearing” in the coming weeks, where their ultimate employment status will be decided.

Over the weekend, it was announced SPD would operate on a modified phase 4 emergency schedule of six 12 hour shifts for all officers. That was walked back today, with city officials indicating the department might operate on a modified phase 3 emergency schedule if it is required.

Multiple hospital systems reported vaccination rates from 95% to 99% across the state. One rural hospital in Moses Lake reported being walloped by an “exodus” of non-clinical facing employees today.

About 100 anti-vaccination mandate protesters with Waking Up Washington gathered outside Seattle City Hall for two hours of speeches and then marching through downtown. Some held Nazi-themed signs, and at least one speaker called for civil war.

The Seattle Police Department tweeted that the Seattle Office of Police Accountability had been notified about on-duty SPD officers waving a Gadsden flag from a cruiser and others honking and giving thumbs up in a show of support to anti-vaccination mandate protesters.

Washington State University football coach Nick Rolovich had his last-minute religious exemption rejected by a WSU review board and was fired with cause, along with four assistant coaches.

Seattle Public Schools expects 25% of student bus routes to remain cut for the foreseeable future due to existing staffing shortages made worse by vaccination mandate. The Washington State Department of Transportation also expects ferry service to operate on revised schedules but doesn’t foresee additional cuts to service.

We maintain our recreational travel advisories for Eastern Washington and our nonessential travel advisories for Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming.

Washington State Update for October 18, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

As of 5:30 p.m. today, the state of Washington has not updated the COVID-19 dashboard. To support an 8 p.m. press time, we will publish today without updating cases and hospital status.

The USA Today COVID Tracker is reliant on state data and was not updated at press time.

Thurston County judge denies last ditch attempt to block statewide vaccine mandate

In Thurston County Superior Court, a prosecutor argued that the vaccine mandate implemented by Washington overstepped the bounds of law and should be blocked. Superior Court Judge Carol Murphy disagreed with that point of view. However, she did not rule on the merits of the mandate.

According to KING 5, Judge Murphy determined the plaintiffs did not show the policy would be unjust for all and therefore denied the motion for an injunction.  

“Even if the individual plaintiffs show that individual instances in which the proclamation and the resulting actions may be unjust, the plaintiffs have not met their burden to show that is unjust in all applications,” Judge Murphy said.

25 Spokane firefighters file wrongful termination lawsuit over vaccine mandate

Court documents show 25 firefighters filed a lawsuit against the city of Spokane, Mayor Nadine Woodward, and city Fire Chief Brian Schaeffer, according to a report by KREM.

According to documents, the firefighters sued for wrongful termination for failing to get vaccinated before the October 18 mandate. This is the second lawsuit filed by Spokane firefighters related to the mandate.

The COVID-19 vaccine mandate proclamation was issued by Washington Governor Jay Inslee on September 27, 2021. The declaration stated that all healthcare, education, and state employees must be fully vaccinated by Oct. 18, or they could be terminated.  

Less that 200 City of Seattle employees ignore deadline to comply with vaccination mandate

The West Seattle Blog and the Seattle Times report that 190 employees between the City, Seattle Police Department, and the Seattle Fire Department did not provide proof of vaccination or request a medical or religious exemption by today’s deadline.

For the City of Seattle, 94% of all employees provided proof of vaccination, 5% formally requested an exemption, and approximately 150 had not responded. For exemption seekers, if the city denies a request, many unions negotiated to provide the option to get vaccinated after October 18. Final numbers won’t be available until early November.

Among the fire department, 93% are fully vaccinated, 6% have requested exemptions, and 16 employees have not submitted any information. The Seattle Fire Department union also negotiated for employees to get vaccinated after October 18 if an exemption request is rejected.

The Seattle Police Department reported 91% of all employees were vaccinated, with 7% requesting exemptions and 24 refusing to submit any data. The Seattle Police Officer Guild and union president Mike Solan declined to negotiate with six other unions, potentially leaving officers with little recourse if their exemption requests are rejected.

An “unofficial” website claiming not to be associated with the Seattle Police Officer Guild, while using common language from union president Mike Solan, advised officers not to provide their vaccination status information before October 18. On Sunday, 130 officers had not provided any information. Jason Rantz and Mike Solan were accusing the Mayor’s office of “spin” this afternoon.

According to Rantz, 99 officers have approved exemption, but the city is unwilling to make accommodations. However, the talk radio entertainer indicated that the Seattle Police Officer Guild could continue negotiating with the city in good faith.

If you will forgive us for our spin, Rantz’s attempt to portray 24 officers being terminated as making “this city even more unsafe…with escalating violent crime and sky-high 911 response times reads like spin to us.

The City of Seattle has indicated that SPD could be on a modified Phase 3 plan tomorrow if required.

University of Washington Medicine Reports 99.2% vaccinated as deadline arrives

During the weekly briefing with Washington State Hospital Association CEO Cassie Sauer, Dr. Tim Dellitt with UW Medicine said his organization has about a 99% mandate compliance rate but expects to lose about 220 staff members.

Virginia Mason Francisican Health reports over 95% of employees vaccinated

The News Tribune reported Dr. Michael Anderson, chief medical officer for Virginia Mason Franciscan Health, said in an emailed statement, “Over 95 percent of our employees across our facilities have now met the vaccination requirement through full vaccination or an approved exemption.”

Samaritan Healthcare hit had by exodus of non-clinical staff

The News Tribune reported that the 50-bed Samaritan Healthcare Hospital in Moses Lake had suffered significant non-clinical staff losses due to the vaccine mandate.

“This last week, we lost almost our entire materials management department … specifically to the mandate,” said Dr. Andrea Carter, chief medical officer for 50-bed Samaritan Healthcare in Moses Lake.

Materials management handles ordering supply, such as personal protective equipment, for staff. Before that, Carter added, the hospital lost seven workers to the mandate. “We rely fairly heavily on staffing agencies where we’re at. We don’t have a huge pool of staff, otherwise. And with the cost of those staffing agency contracts, that is hurting us a little bit,” Carter said.

Washington State Hospital Association anticipates 95% to 98% of all medical workers to provide proof of vaccination by today

Ms. Sauer also indicated she expects 95% to 98% of all impacted hospital workers to be vaccinated by today’s deadline and thinks the number could be even higher. Management at the various facilities across Washington doesn’t expect the numbers to be even, with rural hospitals in Eastern Washington expected to see more impact from today’s mandate.

Final numbers aren’t expected until early November. If results from other hospital systems are an indication, likely, at least some people refusing to get vaccinated will ultimately decide to take action that preserves their job.

About 100 protesters gather at Seattle City Hall and march against the vaccine mandate

Approximately 100 protesters gathered outside of Seattle City Hall at noon today to protest against the state vaccine mandate. About a dozen children were among the adults taking part in a “stay out of school” initiative.

The protest was peaceful, while speakers shared disinformation and conspiracy theories. At least one speaker who claimed to be a US Army veteran called for civil war. Several protesters held signs comparing the vaccine mandate to Nazi atrocities.

An anti-vaccine mandate protester with Waking Up Washington speaking at Seattle City Hall holding a sign making Nazi comparisons – photo credit Christina Val

Around 2:30 p.m., the group took the streets of Seattle, while Turning Point USA firebrand Katie Daviscourt attempted to lead the group to march in the street against traffic, telling people, “we have the numbers.”

Most in the group were disinterested in blocking traffic, although marchers briefly blocked an ambulance downtown.

There was not an active counterprotester presence, but the marchers were jeered for their Nazi-themed signs, including several people who claimed to be Jewish and expressing outrage at the comparison.

Seattle Police Department refers reports of officers supporting anti-vaccine mandate protest and waving Gadsden flags to OPA

During today’s anti-vaccine mandate protest, at least two marked and one unmarked City of Seattle Police vehicles with uniformed officers circled City Hall, honking and giving thumbs up. Another vehicle with uniformed officers was witnessed waving a “don’t tread on me” Gadsden flag associated with anti-government movements.

Multiple citizens complained to the Seattle Police Department and on social media, resulting in a surprisingly swift response from the department over Twitter.

“The official position of SPD is vaccines save lives. If you believe you’ve witnessed inappropriate behavior by officers and have add’l info, please contact @SeattleOPA. We’ve forwarded this, and another incident involving the use of the Gadsden flag on police vehicles, to OPA.”

Seattle Police tweet about multiple incidents involving uniformed SPD officers engaging in anti-vaccine mandate protest on duty

Nick Rolovich and four assistant coaches fired by Washington State University

Washington State football coach Nick Rolovich has been fired for cause after refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine and being noncompliant with both state and university policies, the university announced Monday evening, according to CBS Sports. Rolovich sought, and appears to have been denied, a religious exemption from those mandates, which required employees be vaccinated against COVID-19 by Oct. 18 if they wished to continue working.

Additionally, four Washington State assistant coaches were terminated: Ricky Logo (defensive tackles), John Richardson (assistant head coach, cornerbacks), Craig Stutzmann (co-offensive coordinator, quarterbacks), and Mark Weber (offensive line). 

Defensive coordinator Jake Dickert will serve as the team’s interim coach. 

“This is a disheartening day for our football program. Our priority has been and will continue to be the health and well-being of the young men on our team,” said athletic director Pat Chun in a statement. “The leadership on our football team is filled with young men of character, selflessness, and resiliency, and we are confident these same attributes will help guide this program as we move forward.”

Rolovich was the highest-paid public employee in Washington state, making approximately $3.3 million a year as the head coach of the Washington State University Cougars. Rolovich was the coach for barely a season, despite serving for two years, including the Covid-19 shortened 2020 season, and for seven games in 2021.

It has not been reported if Rolovich will continue to draw part or all of his 2021 salary despite the termination with cause.

142 City of Seattle school bus routes cut – 25% of all transportation

With a combination of existing recruiting issues before the start of the 2021 school season, pay well below the low-income level in Seattle, and loss of drivers due to the vaccine mandate, parents, were left scrambling to fund school transportation for 6,700 students.

KING 5 reported students who will continue to receive uninterrupted bus service include those receiving special education services including transportation, students experiencing homelessness and foster students, students with a 504 plan that includes transportation services, schools that serve historically underserved students, and schools at interim sites.

KIRO 97.3 FM Geen and Ursula reported the starting salary with the company that the city contracts with to transport pupils, First Student, offers starting pay of $24 an hour – about $31,000 a year. A family of four living in Seattle that earns less than $72,000 a year was considered low income in 2017. That number has only gotten worse in the last four years.

Seattle Public Schools and First Student indicated the route cuts would be indefinite until more drivers could be hired. According to Gee and Ursula this morning, the city is considering options with King County Metro.

Travel Advisories

Due to increased acute care hospitalizations, we’re maintaining our recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region, including Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity remain limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is exceptionally high. Please reconsider nonessential travel plans to these counties.

With the announcement that Spokane officials have requested additional federal resources to support local hospitals, the travel advisory will likely continue through the 2021 holiday season.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region, which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, with adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


No update

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.3% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

WA Covid vaccine mandate now hours away – local and national update for October 16, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) It should come as no surprise with the Washington vaccine mandate impacting state employees, teachers, and health care workers on Monday, there is an incredible amount of local news.

New Covid-19 cases in Washington continued to decline while Eastern Washington continues to hold back progress for the rest of the state. In Spokane, officials requested a 20 person Department of Defense strike team to support overwhelmed hospitals. In an ironic twist, 11 Republican State Senators signed a letter urging Governor Jay Inslee to deploy National Guard troops to rural Washington hospitals battered by Covid-19 patients. Several of the signatories have actively worked against mask and vaccination mandates.

The Seattle Police Department will be operating at blackwatch plaid modified phase 4 rules on Monday, with 130 officers still not sharing their vaccination status with the department. In related news, a federal judge tossed a lawsuit against Governor Jay Inslee and the vaccine mandate on Friday.

University Washington Medicine (UMC) announced that hospitals will be open to visitors again starting October 19, but you’ll need to prove you are vaccinated or have a negative COVID test to go into Harborview Medical Center.

Locally up to 20 Redmond firefighters are facing termination and 12 learned their previously accepted religious exemptions were rejected. On Friday up to 200 Boeing employees and their supporters protested in Everett after the defense contractor announced they were implementing a vaccine mandate.

If you have Covid-19 and you’re seeking monoclonal antibody treatment you’re in luck with two facilities in Kirkland offering the therapeutic.

There was a single COVID case reported at Bennett Elementary School in the Bellevue School District on Friday.

The State Trooper that died of Covid-19 wasn’t vaccinated according to his family, and they are appealing to everyone to stop politicizing his death.

Out in Pullman, Cougar fans are wondering if Nick Rolovich has coached his last game.

On the Kitsap Peninsula, Vice Admiral Bill Galanis told more than 15,000 civilian naval workers to get vaccinated or they’ll no longer work for the U.S. Navy. A Clark County physician assistant had his license revoked after spreading Covid-19 misinformation for more than a year. Another nurse in Washington is under investigation after she appeared on the Stew Peters show and made wild accusations on air.

Yakima and Spokane are getting new mass Covid-19 testing sites starting Monday and Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital is now offering monoclonal antibody treatments.

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel unanimously recommended booster shots for all recipients of the Johson & Johnson vaccine, and further recommend that the viral-vector vaccine require two-doses. The FDA also announced that a panel won’t review the antiviral molnupiravir until November 30, indicating the drug likely won’t be approved in 2021.

A worker at CVS accidentally gave a 17-year old six-times the recommended dose of the Pfizer vaccine while another worker at Walgreens accidentally gave an adult dose of the Pfizer vaccine to a 4 and 5-year-old.

The CDC released travel guidelines for the 2021 holiday season and visiting grandma is a go, as long as everyone is vaccinated or wears a mask. On the topic of masks, if you’re still using a cloth one, it’s time to throw it away and use disposable surgical or N95 masks instead.

Cam Newton’s agent let everyone know that he is now vaccinated and call me crazy, but I’m just not a big Geno Smith fan.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 15, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 16, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

The number of people vaccinated in Clallam County was adjusted downward, pushing the county just under 60%. This change is reflected in our daily chart, and we expect Clallam County to be back over 60% on Tuesday when the vaccination data is updated.

The lowest vaccinated counties have 387% more new cases of Covid-19 than the most vaccinated. Only one of the least vaccinated counties is in the western half of the state.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (4)194.4 (down)
50.00% to 59.99% (13 counties)431.4
40.00% to 49.99% (12 counties)478.0 (down)
29.90% to 39.99% (8 counties)753.1
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 14, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average dropped slightly to 349.4 Covid-19 cases per 100K – statistically unchanged from Thursday.

Ferry County (1,393.3) and Garfield County (1,390.6) still have new case rates above 1,000. They are now significant outliers compared to the rest of the state.

For the first time since August 17, not a single county is reporting new case rates between 800 and 999.9. In Eastern Washington, a combination of rising vaccination rates in many counties and the Delta variant running out of new hosts is driving case numbers downward.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Chelan, Columbia, Klickitat, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens.

New cases were statistically unchanged, while hospitalizations were up for ages 35 to 49.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11150.71.2
Ages 12-19169.21.3
Ages 20-34153.74.0
Ages 35-49157.28.5 (up)
Ages 50-64118.712.1
Ages 65-7986.719.3
Ages 80+85.535.9
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker reported 46 deaths on Thursday and 36 more on Friday.

Seattle Police Department will operate on modified phase 4 rules starting Monday

Seattle officials announced that SPD officers would be operating on 12-hour shifts six days a week starting Monday as they try to determine how many officers are vaccinated. On Thursday, officials reported 84% of SPD employees had provided proof of vaccination status. The number dropped to 82% on Friday with no explanation.

An “unofficial” website claiming not to be associated with the Seattle Police Officer Guild, while using common language from union president Mike Solan, advised officers not to provide their vaccination status information before October 18. In early September, it was implied approximately 200 officers would not provide their vaccination status until the deadline.

According to KING 5, Solan called out Mayor Jenny Durkan for not making accommodations to the Seattle Police Department.

“For some reason, this mayor is refusing that, which I think is unreasonable and is void of common sense,” said Solan. 

The mayor’s office responded to Solan’s request in a statement to KING 5, saying, “COVID-19 is currently the number one cause of death for our first responders. Throughout the pandemic, we have seen dozens of firefighters and officers exposed, with some hospitalized even with testing and PPE. This deadly disease puts our families, children, co-workers, and the community at risk, so Mayor Durkan sincerely hopes that anyone at risk of leaving the City or at departments statewide will make the decision to stay by getting vaccinated.”

The department has 1,043 commissioned officers. If the current number holds, 187 will be suspended after Monday. Earlier this week, on the Dori Monson Show, Solan hinted the number of officers refusing to get vaccinated was around 50. Officers were informed they will not be automatically fired but will need to appear at a “Loudermill hearing.”

The Seattle Times and Forbes reported during the summer of 2020, the average SPD officer made $153,000 a year in salary. The figure did not include benefits, pension, or government employee discount benefits. The pay in Seattle is more than double what the average officer makes nationwide.

Solan is not alone in defying vaccination orders among the police officers represented by a union. Chicago Police Union president John Catanzara took a similar position in a video earlier this week and communicated the same early numbers, claiming 50% of the force will walk off the job. According to the best available data provided by Chicago officials, over 70% of the CPD is already fully vaccinated.

In a breaking news update to this story, KIRO 7 reported that 100 SPD officers remain unvaccinated, and another 130 have withheld their vaccination status.

Federal judge tosses lawsuit attempting to block Washington state vaccine mandate

In a widely expected decision by federal court watchers, Judge Barbara J. Rothstein, a Carter Administration nominee, rejected a lawsuit by more than 100 municipal, county, and state employees attempting to block the Washington state employee vaccine mandate.

The lawsuit was filed on September 10 in Walla Walla County, with 89 plaintiffs. The original lawsuit claimed, “The penalties for not taking affirmative action to comply with the Governor’s Mandate are overly severe, punitive, and unconscionable.”

Plaintiffs included William Cleary, a firefighter with a very large King County-based department, and Washington State Fire Marshal Charles LeBlanc.

Nationally, federal lawsuits have been filed in 39 different states, with two resulting in temporary stays. The first was specific to New York employees seeking religious exemptions, and the second was among a handful of United Airlines employees who were suspended without pay. The legality of vaccine mandates at a state level has been litigated for 119 years in federal court. The United States Supreme Court ruled in 1905 in the case Jacobson vs. Massachusetts that municipalities, counties, and states had the right to make and mandate public health decisions.

Up to 20 City of Redmond firefighters face termination

Anywhere from 12 to 20 Redmond firefighters face termination on Monday as they continue to battle the looming vaccination mandate. Several employees who previously received religious exemptions had them rejected by the city upon further review.

Many people seeking a religious exemption have cited their anti-abortion beliefs as their foundation of “deeply held religious beliefs.” The mRNA vaccines from Pfizer and Moderna were tested using clonal human fetal kidney cells (HEK293), and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is produced using the same cells.

While committees accepted many exemption requests initially, the position has become problematic among medical providers. In Washington state, firefighters, some police officers, and all patient-facing healthcare workers are required to have the MMR, Hepatitis B, Varicella, and if over 50 years old, Zoster vaccines. All of these vaccines use HEK293 in their development, testing, or production. Workers who had no previous religious belief against these vaccines are having their exemption requests rejected.

Additionally, some workers have used boilerplate language provided by anti-vaccination groups and filed fake exemption requests. Malcontent News was told off the record by several officials that religious requests that used this wording are being rejected.

Waking Up Washington plans an anti-vaccine mandate protest (again) in Seattle for Monday

Palmer Davis of Waking Up Washington is calling for another Seattle area protest against the vaccination mandate on Monday at noon in front of Seattle City Hall. The organization previously called for a protest at Swedish Hospital and Harborview Medical Center, where Ms. Davis advocated online for trying to enter Harborview. That protest never materialized and the organization never made a statement or released photos of the event.

Given the vaccine mandate starts on the 18th and a number of state workers have already accepted they are losing their jobs, it is more likely someone will show up.

In ironic twist, state GOP urges Governor Jay Inslee to deploy National Guard to fight Covid-19

On October 8, 11 Washington state Senators signed a letter requesting Governor Jay Inslee deploy the National Guard to aid overwhelmed rural county hospitals. The letter was signed by Senate Minority Leader John Braun (R-Centralia), Senator Jeff Wilson (R-Longview), and retiring Senator Ann Rivers (R-La Center).

On June 7, Senator Braun penned an op-ed in the Tri-City Herald against vaccine mandates which could be filed under the category “did not age well.”

For several months, the state seemed content to focus on providing access to the vaccine. But in mid-May, we saw a change in the federal guidance on wearing masks and distancing, and the state followed suit. Suddenly, Washington employers had more control over their own safety standards than they’d had in over a year. It didn’t last long. Barely a week later, on May 21, the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) issued new guidance that puts employers in the position of becoming the “vaccine police.”

During the 2021 legislative session, Republicans introduced legislation to prevent discrimination based on vaccination status in places of public accommodation. Although leaders of the Democrat majority didn’t support our proposal, they at least recognized it would be a mistake to go the other direction and pursue a vaccine-passport policy.

When Braun penned the op-ed in June, the Alpha variant of Covid-19 was in statewide decline, and almost all Covid-19 related restrictions ended on June 30. By early September, hospitals in Yakima, Walla Walla, and Richland were on the edge of moving to crisis standards of care due to an overwhelming number of Covid-19 cases.

In a Facebook post on June 23, 2020, Senator Wilson posted he was against mask mandates and made repealing Covid-19 safety measures part of his platform.

In May of this year, he joined Senator Braun against Washington L&I mask requirements. The Reflector reported Braun and Wilson reminded constituents that private businesses have the right to make their own rules for customers. It mirrors State Health Secretary Umair Shah’s plea for Washingtonians to “respect the rules of the room.”

The statewide mask mandate was lifted in late June 2021.

The question about deploying the National Guard came up repeatedly since August when the Delta surge started in Washington. Other states that deployed the National Guard found it had a devastating impact, removing medical personnel already working at hospitals and causing worse staffing issues. Additionally, the Washington State National Guard is already deployed to other states assisting in their failed Covid-19 response and dealing with hurricane and disaster response.

Washington state opening mass Covid-19 testing sites in Yakima and Spokane

Weeks after being announced, two new mass Covid-19 testing sites will be opening in Yakima and Spokane.

The site in Yakima will open on October 18 at 1301 South Fair Avenue at 9 a.m. The entrance to the site is from gate 15 off of Pacific Avenue and will provide free PCR testing.

The site will be open five days a week, Sunday through Thursday. Officials report it will take two to three days to receive test results. People are encouraged to preregister for testing. A drive-up option is available.

In hard-hit Spokane, a drive-up site will open Monday at 8:30 a.m. at Spokane Falls Community College. The site will be open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tests will also be free, and results will be available within 48 to 72 hours.

According to local officials, a second Spokane location will be opening soon, but no details were provided.

Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital offering monoclonal antibody treatments

Yakima Valley Memorial now has access to monoclonal antibody treatments for eligible Covid-19 patients, according to NBC KNDO and KNDU. Monoclonal antibodies are an experimental treatment with emergency approval from the FDA.

Chief Medical Officer at YVM, Dr. Marty Brueggemann, said while the treatment is new, it shows a lot of promise.

“Its not the end all, be all, but it is an important tool and it does show promise and certainly once you get covid if we can save a few admissions and people having to go through that then hey that’s the goal here,” Dr. Brueggemann said.

Monoclonal antibodies are meant for people with mild to moderate covid-19 symptoms and are most effective when used before the seventh day of symptoms. Individuals can contact the hospital for more information, and the therapy is free for qualified patients. 

Approximately 200 Boeing workers and supporters protest looming vaccine mandate

Waving signs like “coercion is not consent” and “stop the mandate,” some 200 Boeing employees and others protested on Friday over the defense contractor and planemaker vaccine requirement for employees.

According to Reuters, about 200 employees and supporters lined up in Everett. “It’s my choice, and it’s my body,” one avionics engineer said, his voice nearly drowned out by anti-Biden chants and trucks honking to show support along the busy street outside Boeing’s factory in Everett, north of Seattle.

“It’s an experimental drug given under a pseudo-emergency,” he added.

Another worker, an assembly mechanic, said: “This is America. We don’t just do what we’re told because one person says to.”

In March of 2020, workers protested against the company demanding the Everett plant be closed after an employee died of Covid-19 and citing unsafe work conditions. Boeing suspended operations for 14 days after union pressure.

The Pfizer vaccine is fully approved by the FDA for individuals 16 years and older in the United States and other nations. The Moderna vaccine is under review for full FDA approval, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is expected to be submitted by the end of the year.

Shipyards’ commander to workers – get vaccinated or you’ll no longer work for the U.S. Navy

Vice Admiral Bill Galanis sent an “all-hands” email, including more than 15,000 naval shipyard workers in Washington state to get vaccinated or face termination. Workers have until November 8 to submit an exemption request on religious or medical grounds.

The Kitsap Sun reported Vice Admiral Galanis wrote, “We are moving quickly toward a workforce where vaccinations are a condition of employment,” said Vice Adm. Bill Galinis. “Frankly, if you are not vaccinated, you will not work for the U.S. Navy.” 

The all-hands email, shared by employees of Naval Sea Systems Command to the Kitsap Sun, marks the Navy’s position, in following the executive order issued by President Joe Biden, for the 15,000-member workforce at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, as well as those at shipyards in Hawaii, Maine, and Virginia. Galinis cast Covid-19 as not just a health risk but one that “directly impacts the readiness of our Fleet and our workforce.”

Union officials were disappointed in the email, hoping to bargain with the U.S. Navy for additional accommodations. Shipyard leaders indicated up to 35% of the staff could resign, but so far, nationally, none of these dire predictions have come true.

The U.S. Navy is the largest employer in Kitsap County, including 20,000 civilians and 11,000 U.S. navy personnel.

Clark County anti-vaccination and anti-mask physician assistant license suspended

On August 19, the state of Washington announced they would be cracking down on medical professionals who promote Covid-19 disinformation, and a Clark County physician assistant is the first to be censured.

An investigation into the practice of Scott Miller began in August 2021 and ended with his license revoked by the Washington Medical Commission (WMC). The commission found accusations against Miller had merit and suspended his license to practice medicine due to treatment for patients falling below the standard of care. Accusations against Miller included:

  • Starting a public camaign promoting ivermectin as a Covid-19 cure
  • Prescribing ivermectin to at least one patient without providing an adequate examination
  • Interfering with the care of hospitalized patients
  • Engaging in a hostile and threatening campaign against both hospitals and individual physicians regarding Covid-19 treatment
  • Lying on his licensing application and denying he was already under investigation by the state of California

Miller is aligned with the group Waking Up Washington, led and organized by Palmer Davis, one of the principal creators of Covid-19 misinformation in the Pacific Northwest. In 2020, he was promoting hydroxychloroquine as a cure. He was one of the leaders claiming Covid-19 was circulating in the United States in 2019 and promoting Vitamin D and C along with melatonin as capable of stopping viral replication in human cells.

Miller, who runs Miller Family Pediatrics in Washougal, Washington, spoke at a Camas School Board Meeting in May of 2021 against mask mandates and promoted ivermectin as a “cure.”

“I don’t know anybody that’s died (from COVID-19),” Miller said. “I’ve treated 350 COVID patients. Do you know there’s treatment? … I treat people every day. I had 90 COVID patients come into my clinic last month.” Miller then went on to call the school board “pure evil.”

The Camas-Washougal Post Record reported Miller falsely claimed ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasites in animals, as well as vitamin D and vitamin C were cures for the novel coronavirus that has killed nearly 720,000 Americans since March 2020. The European Medicines Agency and the United States Food and Drug Administration have both said the available data “does not support the drug’s use for Covid-19 outside of well-designed clinical trials.” Likewise, the World Health Organization has warned against using ivermectin for COVID-19. In February, the drug’s manufacturer, Merck & Co., Inc., stated it has found ivermectin has “no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against Covid-19” as well as “a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.”

Washington state nurse under ethics investigation after her appearance on the Stew Peters Show

State officials are investigating nurse Corrine Lund after her appearance on the Stew Peters Show, part of Mojo 5.0, a “Libertarian Talk Radio” network, claiming she is a hospital supervisor who has witnessed misconduct where she worked.

In a tear-filled interview, Lund claimed she overhead doctors and nurses wishing patients would die and that sedated patients were being vaccinated for Covid-19 without consent. Lund was a Registered Nurse with UW Medicine from 2012 to 2016. She still holds a valid nurse license in Washington, but an investigation could not find any evidence she is employed or has been employed in health care since 2017.

State trooper who died of Covid-19 was unvaccinated according to family

The family of fallen Washington state Trooper Eric Gunderson released a statement that Gunderson was not anti-vaccination but didn’t believe he needed to get vaccinated.

“Eric was a young man. At 38, he was in the peak physical condition necessary to perform his duties as a member of the Washington State Patrol S.W.A.T. team,” the statement said, in part. “He thought — we all thought — that Covid was something that happened to someone else. He was not in a high risk group.”

According to the family and the Washington State Patrol, Gunderson contracted Covid-19 during a business trip to Orlando, Florida, during the height of the Delta variant surge in the Sunshine state.

“He contracted the virus while traveling for work this summer, a trip planned before the dangers of the Delta variant were fully understood, when many travel restrictions had been reduced, and there was a sense that Covid was in decline,” the statement said. “After he returned from his trip, he became very sick, very quickly. He was hospitalized and died some six weeks later.

To say that the comments on social media attached to this story are awful would be an understatement. Regardless of your views on vaccination, a husband and father of two died unnecessarily.

His family wrote, “His death is a tragedy. It is not a symbol.”

The most up-to-date numbers available indicated 91.5% of all commissioned Washington State Patrol officers and 93% of WSP employees are fully vaccinated.

Speculation about Nick Rolovich future employment status is rampant

The highest-paid state employee in Washington, Nick Rolovich, has been playing peek-a-boo with state officials and the press over his vaccination status. Last week Rolovich, who has a record of 4-6 leading the Cougars at press time (each win has cost Washington taxpayers $1.65 million), stated to USA Today he was seeking a religious exemption.

The panel at Washington State University that will determine the fate of Rolovich is not attached to the athletics department, according to If the panel determines he does not have “sincerely held values,” his request will be rejected.

Over 95% of staff and 98% of students at WSU Pullman are fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption.

Harborview Medical Center will require all visitors to show proof of vaccination or negative Covid-19 test for entry

Harborview Medical Center will allow visitors into the hospital beginning October 19, with new protocols in place. Starting Tuesday, all inpatient visitors over the age of 12 and individuals over the age of 18 accompanying an adult outpatient must show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or provide evidence of a negative COVID-19 test collected within the past three days.

Visitors will be allowed at all four UW Medicine facilities starting Tuesday but will be limited to one or two people depending on the hospital, patient, and what department is treating the patient.

UW Medicine indicated the proof of vaccination or negative test policy would be rolled out at the remaining facilities in the coming weeks.

Travel Advisories

Due to increased acute care hospitalizations, we’re maintaining our recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region, including Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity remain limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is exceptionally high. Please reconsider nonessential travel plans to these counties.

With the announcement that Spokane officials have requested additional federal resources to support local hospitals, the travel advisory will likely continue through the 2021 holiday season.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region, which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


FDA panel recommended booster for all Johnson & Johnson vaccine recipients and changing to a two-dose regime

On Friday, an influential Food and Drug Administration advisory committee said the agency should authorize boosters of Johnson & Johnson’s single-shot Covid-19 vaccine to the more than 15 million Americans who have already received the initial dose.

CNBC reported a unanimous vote – by the agency’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – is a critical step before the U.S. can begin giving second shots to J&J recipients. Some of them have said they are anxious to get the additional protection. Studies have shown one dose of J&J’s vaccine to be comparatively less effective than the two-dose messenger RNA vaccines made by PfizerBioNTech and Moderna.

The panel recommended the boosters to everyone 18 and over who’s already received J&J’s first shot at least two months after the initial dose. Many committee members said it should be considered a two-dose vaccine, much like Moderna and Pfizer’s.

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.3% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 16.3% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 616 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 86.7% of capacity statewide, with 26.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 311 patients with 51% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 157 additional ICU patients.

On Friday, the 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients increased slightly to 94. The Department of Health reported 1,115 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 14, with 159 requiring ventilators.

Every hospital region showed improvement this week. The East and Northwest Hospital Regions remain highly stressed. Earlier this week, 19% of all hospitalized Covid-19 patients in Washington were in Spokane County medical facilities.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman92.2%38.8%91.4%24.9%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom63.2%22.2%87.8%9.6%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan93.1%47.9%78.4%22.0%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason91.0%40.0%96.3%21.6%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish89.9%22.7%94.8%13.5%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima89.2%27.5%84.5%22.2%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 66.8%25.1%84.5%16.5%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston85.7%27.1%88.2%17.6%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

Sacred Heart Medical Center received a Department of Defense “strike team” of 20 healthcare workers to provide additional support. For months, the hospital has been overwhelmed with Covid-19 patients and recently started seeing more patients from Idaho seeking medical treatment.

The team includes physicians, respiratory therapists, and nurses. The team will stay at the hospital for at least two months.

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Bennett (1*)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Cherry Crest (1*)
– Clyde Hill (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (2*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (9**)
– Interlake (4*)
– Lake Hills (7**)
– Newport (6**)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (4*)
– Blackwell Elementary (1*)
– Carson Elementary (2*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (3*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (4*)
– Franklin Elementary (1*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (2*)
– Juanita Elementary (3*)
– Juanita High School (4*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (2*)
– Keller Elementary (1*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1*)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– Lake Washington High School (2*)
– Mead Elementary (2*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (3*)
– Rose Hill Middle School (1*)
– Timberline Middle School (2*)
– Twain Elementary (1* – see notes)
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (3)
– Bothell High School (29**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (10)
– Canyon Park Middle School (14)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (1)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (29)
– East Ridge Elementary (2)
– Frank Love Elementary (16)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (69)
– Inglemoor High School (2)
– Innovation Lab High School (2)
– Kenmore Elementary (8)
– Kenmore Middle School (31)
– Kokanee Elementary (13)
– Leota Middle School (4)
– Lockwood Elementary (27**)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (6)
– Moorlands Elementary (3)
– North Creek High School (8)
– Northshore Middle School (7)
– Ruby Bridge Elementary (4)
– Secondary Academy for Success (6)
– Shelton View Elementary (7)
– Skyview Middle School (11)
– Sunrise Elementary (7)
– Timbercrest Middle School (9)
– Wellington Elementary (30)
– Westhill Elementary (12)
– Woodin Elementary (24)
– Woodinville High School (13)
– Woodmoor Elementary (15)

Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

Bennett Elementary School in the Bellevue School District reported a single confirmed Covid-19 case on Friday.

We have a parent confirmed report of a single Covid-19 case at Mark Twain Elementary School in the Lake Washington School District.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


Monoclonal antibody treatment available in Kirkland

EvergreenHealth in Kirkland offers monoclonal antibody treatment to qualified people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and are experiencing mild or moderate symptoms that don’t require hospitalization or oxygen therapy.

Dr. Cynthia Keller, M.D., of Center in Wellness, is also offering the treatment.

Covid-19 vaccination clinic at Microsoft campus in Redmond to close October 29

Although not exactly in the local coverage area, the Covid-19 vaccination clinic run by EvergreenHealth at the Microsoft Campus will close on October 29.

EvergreenHealth sees increase in Covid-19 patients at Kirkland hospital

EvergreenHealth reported on October 11, 39 Covid-19 patients were being treated at the Kirkland hospital, up significantly from last week and a jump of 4 patients overnight.

On October 10, the hospital reported caring for 35 COVID patients, and 75% were unvaccinated. Seven patients were in the ICU, with one requiring a ventilator.

EvergreenHealth was the epicenter for the first Covid-19 superspreader event in the United States when dozens of patients at Life Care Center in Kirkland were sickened with the virus in February and March 2020. The facility was fined $611,000 in April 2020 due to management inaction and a failed attempt to cover up the outbreak.

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker reports 116,962 new cases and 2,191 deaths nationwide on Saturday, October 16. The CDC reported that new cases and hospitalizations were down last weeks while the number of people getting vaccinated increased. The number of people testing positive for Covid-19 dropped to 5.7%. Although still elevated, test positivity below 5% indicates adequate community testing and a lack of community spread.

CDC issues new Covid-19 guidelines for 2021 American holiday season

The CDC issued travel guidelines for celebrating the 2021 holiday season, and for the most part, heading over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house is approved – as long as you’re vaccinated.

The guidelines recommend wearing a well-fitting mask over your mouth and nose if you’re not fully vaccinated or when indoors in a public setting. The organization also recommends avoiding crowded indoor spaces with poor ventilation and if you start to feel sick before or during your travels, stay home.

It is also recommended to reconsider visiting people who have a weakened immune system regardless of vaccination status and getting tested for Covid-19 before going to large gatherings to assure you’re not an asymptomatic carrier.

On the subject of masks and Covid-19

If you’re using a cloth mask to protect others from Covid-19, experts recommend you stop using them, according to a report in CNBC and backed by a study out of Yale and Stanford University.

In an August study currently under peer review, a group of researchers from universities including Yale and Stanford found that surgical masks are 95% effective at filtering out virus particles — compared to just 37% for cloth masks.

That held true even after the surgical masks were washed with soap and water ten times, though the CDC and the FDA both say you shouldn’t reuse disposable surgical masks under any circumstances.

Public health officials in European countries like France, Germany, and Austria are currently urging people to wear medical or surgical masks instead of homemade cloth masks — but it’s not quite as simple as tossing out your cloth masks and buying a replacement stockpile of disposables.

Cloth masks were recommended during the beginning of the pandemic as “better than nothing” because surgical and N-95 masks were scarce. Now that the supply chain has stabilized for the medical community and residents alike, the available masks offer a better solution when properly used.

Emergency Use Authorization approval of molnupiravir in 2021 is unlikely

The Food and Drug Administration said Thursday it would ask its outside experts to meet on November 30 to scrutinize Merck’s antiviral pill that showed strong promise in its ability to treat Covid-19.

The meeting means U.S. regulators almost certainly won’t issue a decision on the drug until December, signaling that the agency will conduct a detailed review of the experimental treatment’s safety and effectiveness. The panelists are likely to vote on whether Merck’s drug should be approved, though the FDA is not required to follow their advice.

“We believe that, in this instance, a public discussion of these data with the agency’s advisory committee will help ensure a clear understanding of the scientific data and information that the FDA is evaluating,” said Dr. Patrizia Cavazzoni, director of FDA’s drug center.

The oral therapeutic was under development by Emory University before the Covid-19 outbreak as an antiviral treatment for Influenza and Ebola. Researchers from Emory University reached out to the Trump Administration in 2019 seeking additional funding to move the drug into human testing and received no response. They approached the administration again in February 2020 as a potential treatment for Covid-19, but officials declined to fund additional research. Emory university sold the drug to Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics in the summer of 2020.

In Phase 3 testing, the drug reduced hospitalizations and deaths among Covid-19 patients by 48%. The drug companies did not report the observed side effects in applying for the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). However, they did indicate that more patients in the placebo group reported side effects. Phase 3 testing of molnupiravir is still ongoing.

The drug has already come under withering fire from conspiracy theorists and at least one U.S. senator claiming the antiviral is just rebranded ivermectin.

The chemical composition of ivermectin and molnupiravir and how they work in the human body is documented and publicly available. The molecular structure and how the drugs work within the human body are entirely different. Organizations like America’s Frontline Doctors and the FLCCC have enriched themselves by pushing ivermectin and overcharging for telemedicine appointments.

On Covid-19 disinformation promoter Tucker Carlson’s show run on Fox News, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said, “Now they are all hopping on board this Merck molnupiravir peer review,” Johnson said of the establishment experts. “The doctor groups I’m dealing with, they call it money-piravir. [Merck] patented ivermectin. They’ve been trashtalking ivermectin in favor now of this drug that will be like $700 a dose versus ivermectin cost about $0.06 or $0.07 a pill,” he said.

The lowest price Malcontent News could find for ivermectin was at QFC through GoodRx, at $1.50 per pill. The list price is $7.10 per pill, with a 20 pill dose costing $142.

A four-pill regime of molnupiravir is estimated to cost around $710, significantly cheaper than a four-injection course of monoclonal antibodies, which costs $2,100. All of this math ignores the average hospital stay for Covid-19 costs $17,064 in the United States, and the cost of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is $10 a dose, and the mRNA Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are $15 a dose.

In contrast, monoclonal antibodies are credited with reducing hospitalizations in Florida by 10% to 25%. This isn’t to diminish the impact of the therapy. However, medical professionals can only administer monoclonal antibodies requiring either intravenous therapy or four injections over 30 minutes.

CVS worker accidentally injects woman with 6X the proper dose of the Pfizer vaccine

WSLS in Virginia reported a 17-year old teenager accidentally received an overdose of the Pfizer vaccine at a CVS pharmacy in Salem.

Ellaica Desdura knew she wanted to get her COVID-19 vaccine so she could travel back to the Philippines next year.

“I know it’s required when we are going to go back there, so I really need to get vaccinated,” said Ellaica.

What she did not expect was getting six times the usual amount of the Pfizer shot.

“The pharmacist came to us, like told us like, just wait for 30 minutes because they gave me a little bit stronger dose,” she continued.

CVS has since confirmed the incident, and on October 15, Desdura told WSLS she still was not feeling well.

Walgreens worker accidentally vaccinates 4 and 5 year old for Covid-19 instead of Influenza

CNN reported a Walgreens in Evansville, Indiana, accidentally vaccinated Alexandra and Joshua Price’s 4 and 5-year-old children with the COVID-19 vaccine instead of a vaccine for Influenza on October 5. The Pfizer vaccine isn’t approved by the Food and Drug Administration for children under 12.

“Walgreens called me to say there was a mix-up, we did not receive the flu shot,” Alexandra Price told the local news outlet. “And I’m like well what did we get? And he was like we got the Covid-19 shot … And instantly I was like, ‘Well what does this mean for my kids?’”

Mr. and Ms. Price reported they are fully vaccinated. After the initial accident, they requested Walgreens provide vaccination cards for their children to indicate they had already received their first dose, but Walgreens balked.

Walgreens officials confirmed the children received a full adult dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine, three times the amount that the Food and Drug Administration is currently considering approving.

“The children have experienced a number of adverse effects since receiving the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Fever, body aches, cough, headaches, and nausea are among the symptoms the children are experiencing,” according to a statement released by the Prices’ attorney, Dan Tuley. “The 4- and 5-year-old are also under treatment of a pediatric cardiologist for tachycardia and elevated blood pressure, respectively.”

After a follow-up appointment Tuesday, Alexandra said that Lucas has improved, but Sophia has worsened. “Her blood pressure is in the 98th percentile, and she continues to have no energy.”

Cam Newton reportedly gets vaccinated for 14 million reasons

According to the team, former New England Patriots quarterback Cam Newton was released before the start of the 2021 regular season due to not adapting to the Patriots’ system or refusing to get vaccinated, according to his supporters. the NFL Network reported today that Newton has had a change of heart and is now vaccinated and looking to play again.

Newton missed a practice session during preseason football over a “miscommunication” over Covid-19 protocols. Famous curmudgeon Bill Belichick is intolerant of any perceived insubordination among players. In 2009 Belichick sent Adalius Thomas home for being nine minutes late to a team meeting during a blizzard. In 2014 Jonas Gray was benched after a 201 yard game against the Colts for being late to practice a week later. Most famously, Malcolm Butler was benched for Super Bowl LII after a shouting match with the coaching staff. Many outside observers believe the benching cost the team a Super Bowl win.

Whether Newton’s vaccination status was an issue in August is moot, but it likely would be a point of concern for any NFL team that is considering adding him to the roster. The three-time Pro Bowler, Super Bowl Champion, and one-time MVP had a significant shoulder injury in 2016 that reduced his on-field capabilities.

Maybe the Seahawks would consider him instead of Geno Smith?

State Updates

Due to the overwhelming amount of local news, we will not do a state update today. The situation in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming can best be described as lousy, terrible, dire, and getting worse, in that order.


Can President Joe Biden, or any President for that matter, order the dishonorable discharge of U.S. servicemembers?


That fact hasn’t stopped the spread of a meme claiming President Biden has ordered the dishonorable discharge of 46% of the U.S. armed forces. First, as far back as August 2021, almost 90% of the 1.4 million active duty troops in the U.S. military were fully vaccinated, had the first dose of vaccine, or were scheduled to get vaccinated, according to the Pentagon. That shoots down the 46% number out of the gate.

Reservists and National Guard troops have until June 2022 to get vaccinated, further shredding the claim.

The president has absolutely no authority to order a service member dishonorably discharged,” Richard Rosen, director of the Center for Military Law and Policy at Texas Tech University, told USA TODAY in an email.

The disinformation was started by blogger Sandra Rose, who told USA TODAY she is “not a trained journalist” and that readers view her blog for “entertainment and gossip,” not news. She declined to comment further. 

A review of her blog indicates she has dipped her toe into Covid-19 misinformation, but it does not appear that she actively spreads disinformation.

91.4% of WA state employees fully vaxxed – local and national update for October 14, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) Governor Jay Inslee reported the state does not anticipate widespread service disruption from the looming vaccine mandate and stated 91.4% of all employees have provided their vaccination information.

New Covid-19 cases were slightly lower while hospitalizations were almost unchanged.

People attending large indoor and outdoor events will have to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test starting November 15.

An Eatonville Elementary School teacher sent her students home with more than homework assignments and good job stickers. We have a parent confirmed report of a new Covid-19 case at Mark Twain Elementary in the Lake Washington School District.

The FDA recommended booster shots for certain people who received the Moderna vaccine.

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming continue to struggle but we can look on the bright side – it is Health Care Worker Appreciation Month in Idaho by declaration of Governor Brad Little.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 14, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 14, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

New cases were up for the five most vaccinated and eight least vaccinated counties, but the overall trend remains positive.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (5)228.7 (up)
50.00% to 59.99% (14 counties)426.8
40.00% to 49.99% (12 counties)519.3
29.90% to 39.99% (8 counties)765.0 (up)
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 13, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average dropped slightly to 351.4 Covid-19 cases per 100K.

Ferry County (1,289.5) and Garfield County (1,393.3) remain the two counties with new case rates of over 1,000 per 100K residents.

Columbia and Grant counties reported new case rates between 800.0 to 999.9 per 100K.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Chelan, Klickitat, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens. Mason County remains just under the 600 threshold.

New cases and hospitalizations by age were statistically unchanged from yesterday.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11146.41.0
Ages 12-19168.71.6
Ages 20-34151.33.6
Ages 35-49154.47.3
Ages 50-64113.413.1
Ages 65-7985.319.1
Ages 80+84.133.7
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker reported 90 deaths on Wednesday. The number is inflated due to several days of data being reported.

Proof of vaccination or negative Covid test will be required at large events beginning November 15

Governor Jay Inslee announced new requirements for people 12 and older who attend large events in Washington.

Starting November 15, people over 11 years old who attend indoor events with at least 1,000 people or outdoor events with at least 10,000 people will need to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid-19 test to attend. The negative test has to be in the last 72 hours. A PCR or rapid test will be accepted.

Many large venues in Washington state such as T-Mobile Park, Lumen Field, and the soon opening Climate Pledge Arena already have similar requirements in place.

Outside of Lumen Field, pop-up vendors are offering rapid tests for entry but at a premium price.

Statewide employee fully vaccinated rate creeps upward

On Monday, the state of Washington reported 89.5% of impacted employees had provided proof they were fully vaccinated – this morning the number had increased to 91.4%. According to Governor Jay Inslee, approximately 5,000 state employees have not provided proof of vaccination, requested an exemption, or indicated they were going to retire or resign. Another 2.4% of employees have requested a medical or religious exemption.

Almost 600 employees have sued the state of Washington in Walla Walla to try and block the vaccine mandate. Another 19 local, county, and state employees filed a federal lawsuit in Spokane claiming the vaccine mandate was a violation of their civil rights.

State officials indicated today they do not expect widespread disruption from the mandate. The only state agency that has postured for potential issues is Washington State Ferries, which is reducing services starting October 16.

Malcontent News remains confident that between vaccinations and accommodations, 97% to 98% of all state employees will be working as normal on October 19.

Eatonville elementary school teacher sends students home with her resignation letter

Students attending Eatonville Elementary School came home with more than homework and good job stickers this week when a teacher included a resignation letter.

Parents reported the letter was included with other school material this week.

“I received my letter of termination last Thursday and I only have a few more days as your child’s teacher,” the letter said.

“I am not sure what the Eatonville School District has planned for filling my position or the countless other positions that will be lost on the 18th but please remember, YOU are your child’s first teacher and number one advocate.”

The letter called earlier safety protocols “a joke” and complained that the school has a “no entry” sign.

There is little to indicate there will be a mass exodus of teachers or other professionals in Washington state based on all the currently available data.

Letter sent home with students who attend Eatonville Elementary School and are taught by Jessica Kerby

Travel Advisories

Due to an increase in acute care hospitalizations, we’re adding a recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region. This includes Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity remain limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is extremely high. Please reconsider non-essential travel plans to these counties.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


FDA panel supports booster for Moderna Covid-19 vaccine

A federal advisory panel voted Thursday to support booster shots of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine for people 65 and up, as well as younger adults with certain medical problems or jobs that put them at increased risk for infection. 

According to a report in USA Today, the booster shot will be a half-dose of the same vaccine already given. Company data suggested that the lower dose was as effective but had potentially fewer side effects.

The Food and Drug Administration committee, whose decision needs to be verified by a different advisory panel as well as top federal officials, spent Thursday reviewing data about the safety and effectiveness of a third dose of Moderna vaccine, as well as the effect boosters are having on a COVID-19 outbreak in Israel.

Tomorrow the committee will discuss the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and potentially make a recommendation for booster shots.

Any recommendation by the FDA will be subject to further review, and ultimately a vote by the CDC.

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.3% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 16.5% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 620 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 86.5% of capacity statewide, with 27.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 317 patients with 51% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 160 additional ICU patients.

The 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients dipped to 90. The Department of Health reported 1,156 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 13, with 163 requiring ventilators. Data for Tuesday was adjusted to 1,141 patients and 155 on ventilators.

The East and Northwest Hospital Regions remain highly stressed.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman91.2%39.9%91.5%25.3%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom62.9%22.3%87.0%10.1%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan93.1%50.0%77.6%21.7%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason90.1%40.0%95.9%22.1%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish89.9%23.2%94.8%13.7%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima88.9%28.7%84.5%22.4%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 66.6%25.7%84.6%16.8%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston84.0%24.9%88.5%17.1%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Cherry Crest (1*)
– Clyde Hill (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (2*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (9**)
– Interlake (4*)
– Lake Hills (7**)
– Newport (6**)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (4*)
– Blackwell Elementary (1*)
– Carson Elementary (2*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (3*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (4*)
– Franklin Elementary (1*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (2*)
– Juanita Elementary (3*)
– Juanita High School (4*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (2*)
– Keller Elementary (1*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1*)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– Lake Washington High School (2*)
– Mead Elementary (2*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (3*)
– Rose Hill Middle School (1*)
– Timberline Middle School (2*)
– Twain Elementary (1* – see notes)
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (3)
– Bothell High School (29**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (10)
– Canyon Park Middle School (14)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (1)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (29)
– East Ridge Elementary (2)
– Frank Love Elementary (16)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (69)
– Inglemoor High School (2)
– Innovation Lab High School (2)
– Kenmore Elementary (8)
– Kenmore Middle School (31)
– Kokanee Elementary (13)
– Leota Middle School (4)
– Lockwood Elementary (27**)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (6)
– Moorlands Elementary (3)
– North Creek High School (8)
– Northshore Middle School (7)
– Ruby Bridge Elementary (4)
– Secondary Academy for Success (6)
– Shelton View Elementary (7)
– Skyview Middle School (11)
– Sunrise Elementary (7)
– Timbercrest Middle School (9)
– Wellington Elementary (30)
– Westhill Elementary (12)
– Woodin Elementary (24)
– Woodinville High School (13)
– Woodmoor Elementary (15)

Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

Lockwood Elementary in the Northshore School District has 6 confirmed Covid-19 cases.

We have a parent confirmed report of a single Covid-19 case at Mark Twain Elementary School in the Lake Washington School District.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


No update

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker is reporting 120,321 new cases and 3,054 deaths nationwide on Thursday.


Alaska added 986 new cases with 209 patients hospitalized with Covid-19. Twenty of Alaska’s 31 hospitals are operating under crisis standards of care. There are 21 staffed ICU beds statewide despite the arrival of hundreds of government contract healthcare workers two weeks ago.

After making progress with a reduction in new cases last week, the number has been slowing increasing again with a new case rate of 852 per 100K residents, the highest in the United States. The numbers are increasing despite Anchorage cutting back on Covid-19 testing due to budgetary issues.


Officials in Idaho haven’t released hospitalization numbers since Monday when they reported 653 hospitalized and 175 in the ICU. Of the 274,560 cases reported statewide since the pandemic started, only 3.5% were due to vaccine breakthroughs.

State officials reported 1,935 new cases and 30 additional deaths today. New cases are increasing again after appearing to flatten out over the last couple of weeks. At the current rate, Idaho will add 13,300 new cases a week – infecting 1% of the state’s entire population every 10 days.

Idaho Governor Brad Little declared October Health Care Worker Appreciation Month. Generosity has poured in including thank you signs, baked goods, meal deliveries, and open tabs in hospital cafeterias. Hospital workers are appreciative of the support, but some reported they are so busy trying to save lives during crisis standards of care, they can’t stop and enjoy the show of support.


Montana reported 1,300 new cases, 13 deaths, and 479 people hospitalized. The hospitalization number dropped sharply, however, every 11 days 1% of Montana residents become infected with Covid-19.


In Wyoming, 461 new Covid-19 cases were reported but no deaths. Hospitalization data was not updated by the state.


Taking the day off

Exclusive: health care workers submitting fake Covid vax exemptions – local and national update for October 13, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) At least one person has been fired and another is under investigation in part due to a Malcontent News investigation into vaccine religious exemptions requested under false pretenses.

Covid-19 cases continue in most counties statewide. Hospitalizations are also drifting downward.

The land border between Washington and Canada will open in November, bringing relief to Port Roberts, friends, families, and tourists.

The Seattle Police Department activated its stage 3 emergency backup plan in anticipation of staffing loss after October 18, however, SPOG President Mike Solan hinted the number might not be that big. Washington State Ferries will reduce service beginning October 16 due to staffing issues that officials insist are not vaccine mandate related.

The FDA will hold panel discussions on Thursday and Friday to discuss potential booster shots for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. It appears unlikely Moderna will be approved, while the J&J may get a “mix and match” approval.

Alaska and Idaho have gone full hunger games with doctors and nurses having to provide patient care while being assaulted, threatened, stalked, and harassed. Montana reported a record number of Covid-19 patients.

Finally, Southwest Airlines and America Airlines told Greg Abbott that they are ignoring his executive order and will move forward with requiring all employees to be vaccinated.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 13, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 13, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

New cases were down or statistically unchanged in all but the least vaccinated counties. The gap between the 5 most vaccinated and 8 least vaccinated counties widened with a 369% higher case rate, not adjusted for population.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (5)197.2 (down)
50.00% to 59.99% (14 counties)435.2
40.00% to 49.99% (12 counties)526.7 (down)
29.90% to 39.99% (8 counties)728.0 (up)
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 12, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average dropped slightly to 354.7 Covid-19 cases per 100K.

While most counties are improving, eastern Washington remains problematic. There are two counties with new case rates in excess of 1,000 per 100K – Ferry County reporting a 14 day rolling average rate of 1,302.2 and Garfield County reporting 1,078.7. The new case rate in Ferry County now rivals the April 2021 superspreader event that sickened 10% of the town of Republic.

In better news, only Grant County reported a new case rate between 800.0 to 999.9 per 100K.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Chelan, Columbia, Klickitat, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens. Mason County is just under the 600 threshold.

While new cases drifted downward across all age groups, hospitalizations increased from 12 to 79 years old. The hospitalization of geriatric patients between 65 and 79 years old saw a significant increase overnight. It is important to note that these rates represent a small group of total patients, so a small increase in total patients can create a large rate of increase within an age group.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11142.21.1
Ages 12-19172.31.5 (up)
Ages 20-34148.13.6 (up)
Ages 35-49153.47.8 (up)
Ages 50-64110.213.7 (up)
Ages 65-7984.819.0 (up significantly)
Ages 80+81.533.0
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker did not report data for Tuesday.

Exclusive: Skagit Valley Health employee fired for filing fake medical exemption and social media activity

Skagit County Health officials fired a medical worker today after a video appeared on social media showing her admitting to filing a fake religious exemption for the Covid-19 vaccine. The Tik Tok video was viewed almost 500,000 times before it was removed on Wednesday.

In the video, which was titled, “Fuck a vaccine” she walked through an area of a hospital in scrubs with her employee badge showing. In the comment section of the video, she expressed she didn’t like her job and offered help to other medical workers seeking information on how to file a fake religious exemption request.

A Public Information Officer for Skagit Valley Health said, “the individual is no longer an employee of Skagit Regional Health,” in an e-mail to Malcontent News.

“The Board of Commissioners of Public Hospital District No. 1, Skagit Regional Health, are in full support of COVID-19 vaccinations. The organization continues to offer vaccinations to our employees and our patients. Skagit Regional Health will fully comply with Gov. Jay Inslee’s vaccination [sic] mandate by October 18, 2021. We have a rigorous process in place to thoughtfully consider exemption requests.”

Land borders between Canada and Mexico to reopen in November

The Biden Administration announced that in November the land borders between Canada and Mexico will be reopened to non-essential travel for vaccinated individuals. In Washington state, this will be a huge relief to the residents of Port Roberts, who have been isolated for more than 600 days.

A formal date has not been announced, but the reopening will allow non-essential travel between the three countries via road, rail, and watercraft. There will be no formal testing requirement. Customer and Border Protection agents can request to see proof of vaccination and may move someone for secondary screening to validate lot numbers and other data.

Canada and Mexico have been requesting for the United States to drop the border restrictions, which have been in place for almost 20 months. For Washington and British Columbia, this is a welcome relief on both sides of the border and will be a much-needed boost for tourism and commerce.

Seattle Police Department activates stage 3 emergency backup plan

KING 5 reported the Seattle Police Department (SPD) has implemented its emergency stage three mobilization plan amid concerns over staffing shortages and emergency response times caused by the Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

People who call 911 could be met by any on-duty sworn employee. 

The department said the limitations of such employees should be taken into consideration. 

According to data provided by SPD, 84% of sworn officers have submitted proof of being fully vaccinated. Less than 100 employees have submitted exemption requests while another 214 have not submitted any information.

On September 6, someone within the department launched a website telling officers not to submit their proof of vaccination until October 18, so the department could not properly plan for staffing. Local radio firebrand Jason Rantz reported on the same day, up to 200 officers were against being vaccinated.

Yesterday on the Dori Monson Show, Seattle Police Officer Guild (SPOG) President Mike Solan told Monson that any loss of an officer would have an impact, but in conversation tossed out the number, “50.”

SPD currently has 1,043 commissioned officers. If 50 were to resign, that would represent 4.7% of the force. The last update from the Washington State Patrol indicated 93% of all WSP employees had been vaccinated, including 91.5% of commissioned officers.

Washington State Ferries announced an indefinite reduction in service starting October 16

Washington State Ferries (WSF) will temporarily operate reduced sailing schedules on most routes beginning this Saturday, Oct. 16. The change will help offer more predictable and reliable service systemwide in the face of crewing shortages due to a global shortage of mariners that was worsened by the pandemic.

Impacted routes include Seattle/BainbridgeEdmonds/Kingston, and Mukilteo/Clinton, which will operate with one boat instead of two. The Fauntleroy/Vashon/Southworth ferries, which will be on a daily two-boat schedule, and the Anacortes/San Juan Islands route, which will be on a daily three-boat schedule and will no longer offer vehicle reservations.

WSF reported that a combination of retirements, employees infected with Covid-19, workers that need to quarantine due to COVID exposure, and years of hiring challenges has created a perfect storm.

Travel Advisories

Due to an increase in acute care hospitalizations, we’re adding a recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region. This includes Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity remain limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is extremely high. Please reconsider non-essential travel plans to these counties.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


New study indicates a single dose mRNA vaccine provides more protection than a Johnson & Johnson booster

A new study from the National Institute of Health found that recipients of the Johnson & Johnson viral-vector vaccine got a better boost from a single dose of mRNA vaccine versus a second dose of J&J.

If you look at the Mix and Match data, you’d say, ‘Wow, I really want to get an mRNA booster.‘ It basically converts Johnson & Johnson to be as good as an mRNA two-shot series,’” said Dr. Eric Topol.

The Food and Drug Administration will be meeting on Thursday and Friday to discuss booster shot strategies for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccine. It is reported that the data J&J filed before the meeting had 17 participants – not enough to be statistically valid.

Over the next four weeks, it is widely expected that guidance for booster shots as well as vaccination for 5 to 11-year-olds will be released by the FDA and CDC.

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.3% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 16.6% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 633 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 86.5% of capacity statewide, with 27.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 322 patients with 48% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 159 additional ICU patients.

The 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients dipped to 98. The Department of Health reported 1,143 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 11, with 155 requiring ventilators. Data for Monday was adjusted to 1,161 patients and 163 on ventilators.

The East and Northwest Hospital Regions remain highly stressed and the remaining hospital regions are caring for an inordinate number of patients, Covid-19 patients, or both.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman91.9%40.8%91.4%25.6%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom63.5%23.2%86.3%10.6%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan91.8%49.8%76.5%21.2%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason91.0%40.7%95.8%22.8%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish90.0%23.6%94.8%13.8%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima89.4%29.1%84.0%22.6%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 66.6%27.1%85.0%16.9%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston81.1%22.4%87.5%16.2%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Cherry Crest (1*)
– Clyde Hill (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (2*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (9**)
– Interlake (4*)
– Lake Hills (7**)
– Newport (6**)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (4*)
– Blackwell Elementary (1*)
– Carson Elementary (2*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (3*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (4*)
– Franklin Elementary (1*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (2*)
– Juanita Elementary (3*)
– Juanita High School (4*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (2*)
– Keller Elementary (1*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1*)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– Lake Washington High School (2*)
– Mead Elementary (2*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (3*)
– Rose Hill Middle School (1*)
– Timberline Middle School (2*)
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (1)
– Bothell High School (29**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (9)
– Canyon Park Middle School (14)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (3)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (31)
– East Ridge Elementary (2)
– Frank Love Elementary (18)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (72)
– Inglemoor High School (2)
– Innovation Lab High School (2)
– Kenmore Elementary (6)
– Kenmore Middle School (37)
– Kokanee Elementary (15)
– Leota Middle School (3)
– Lockwood Elementary (26)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (6)
– Moorlands Elementary (1)
– North Creek High School (5)
– Northshore Middle School (8)
– Ruby Bridge Elementary (4)
– Secondary Academy for Success (7)
– Shelton View Elementary (7)
– Skyview Middle School (12)
– Sunrise Elementary (3)
– Timbercrest Middle School (9)
– Wellington Elementary (32)
– Westhill Elementary (11)
– Woodin Elementary (26)
– Woodinville High School (26)
– Woodmoor Elementary (17)

Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

The Northshore School District saw significant improvement over the last two days. Growing vaccination rates among 12 to 18-year-olds coupled with schoolwide pool testing is having a significant impact by reducing the number of cases and identifying new ones before it turns into community spread

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


No update

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker is reporting 106,308 new cases and 2,416 deaths nationwide on Wednesday.

Biden Administration puts pressure on the private sector to solve Covid-19 related supply chain issues

President Joe Biden on Wednesday urged the private sector to help ease supply chain blockages that are threatening to disrupt the U.S. holiday season and said the White House plans a nationwide overhaul of the clogged system, according to Reuters.

The Port of Los Angeles will start 24/7 operations, join the Port of Long Beach, as they work through 500,000 containers still waiting on cargo ships offshore. Walmart and Target also committed to expanding their shipping operations to 24 hours a day.

It is a “big first step” to revamping supply chains in the United States, the world’s biggest consumer market, Biden said, adding the government would be heavily involved.

“If federal support is needed, I’ll direct all appropriate action, and if the private sector doesn’t step up, we’re going to call them out and ask them to act,” the president said in remarks at the White House.

Global supply chains became snarled in March 2020 as Covid-19 swept across the globe. The virus created hot spots in different regions for the last 20 months, disrupting raw materials, manufacturing, and shipping across the planet.

A global shortage of truckers, dock workers, and maritime employees has slowed down shipping from Shanghai to Tristan da Cunha and everywhere between.


Alaska did not get good news today, with officials reporting 1,239 new cases and hospitalizations increasing 9% overnight. Including federal facilities and clinics, 20 of Alaska’s 31 hospitals are operating at crisis standards of care with 204 Covid-19 patients.

The new case rate bumped up to 835 per 100K, the highest in the United States, but far better than a week ago. Almost 50% of new cases are among people under 40 years old now, and test positivity grew to 10.9%. The number of positive cases is likely higher due to Anchorage rationing Covid-19 tests.

After threats, Nazi comparisons, conspiracy theories, COVID exposure, and seven different hearings that at times devolved into chaos, the Anchorage Alaska assembly passed an emergency mask order on Tuesday night. It was all for nothing when Mayor Dave Bronson vetoed the measure this afternoon, according to Alaska Public Radio.

Bronson wrote in his veto letter that the masking measure was “stoking widespread fear in an attempt to scare the public into submission.” He said the Assembly had “openly displayed their scorn for the public process” by passing the ordinance around 10:30 p.m. on Tuesday in a mostly empty Assembly chamber. 

In a separate lengthy emailed statement, Bronson said that the Assembly had violated the public trust in passing the masking rules. 

“They have made their agenda clear: shut down the people, shut down the public process, and shove the heavy hand of government mandates into your personal health decisions. Make no mistake, the Anchorage Assembly is not done with such intrusions,” he said. 

Downtown Assembly member Chris Constant fired back in a phone interview, pointing to record COVID-19 hospitalizations and some of the deadliest months of the pandemic since Bronson took office in July. 

“The mayor continues to harp on this idea that we have broken the public process. Well, I would rebut that and say that clearly, he has, as people die,” Constant said.

Anchorage Assembly member Jamie Allard and her supporters are now engaged in a fierce battle with Providence Hospital to compel the hospital to give Ivermectin to a comatose or near-comatose Covid-19 patient named William Topel, according to The Alaska Landmine.

Allard was given advance directive powers over Topel last week, allowing the Assembly member to make unilateral healthcare decisions regarding Topel’s care. A source at Providence told the Landmine that for days, Allard and her supporters have been relentlessly harassing nurses, doctors, and hospital administrators, compromising their ability to provide medical care for other patients.

Topel, who is against vaccine mandates, attended at least one of the Anchorage Alaska Assembly meetings. One of those meetings has turned into a super spreader event. Topel’s health has declined rapidly.

Providence has repeatedly stated that they do not give Ivermectin to COVID-19 patients. In an October 12 email, Providence Hospital Sr Manager of External Communication Mikal Canfield told the Landmine, “Based on a preponderance of evidence and guidelines from multiple national authorities, Providence Alaska Medical Center does not use Ivermectin to treat COVID-19.”

Alaska Public Radio also reported two Alaska state senators have tested positive for COVID-19 and a third was not feeling well and awaiting test results, Senate President Peter Micciche said Tuesday.

The Anchorage Daily News identified the lawmakers as Sens. Lora Reinbold, R-Eagle River, and David Wilson, R-Wasilla. Reinbold also wrote about her diagnosis on her personal Facebook page, which is full of misinformation and flagged posts. Reinbold has been an outspoken opponent of masking and other public health measures. Sen. Click Bishop, R-Fairbanks, was awaiting results after experiencing symptoms, the ADN reported.

May the odds ever be in your favor.


In Idaho, officials reported 2,024 new Covid-19 cases and 30 deaths and even worse, 12,099 infected health care workers. Idaho reported 653 hospitalized with Covid-19 and 175 in the ICU.

Thousands of protesters gathered outside Saint Alphonsus Hospital in Boise where doctors and nurses are working in impossible conditions to protest against Covid-19 vaccines.

The group Take A Stand Now is calling on Governor Brad Little to end mandatory Covid vaccinations permanently in a recent release, according to KIDO Talk Radio 107.5 FM.

“TASN challenges Governor Little to do more than name October Healthcare Worker month. We are pleading with him to follow the lead of Governor Abbott of Texas and others in protecting the healthcare workers in Idaho by signing an executive order to stop the mandatory vaccines,” said TASN spokesperson Victoria Stump.

Also on Tuesday, Republican lawmaker Tammy Nichols posted a meme on Twitter advocating violence against journalists, educators, conservationists, universities, and business organizations.

The Stamford Advocate reported the meme is an altered image from The Walking Dead, a post-apocalyptic American television series. The fictional character with the bat uses it to smash another character’s head open in a graphic scene of violence.


Big Sky country has big COVID problems with 1,346 new cases and 16 reported deaths. Officials reported 2,227 new Covid-19 cases over the long weekend and 15 deaths. Hospitalizations grew to 510, a 5% increase overnight and a new record.

The intensive care unit at the Billings Clinic is beyond the breaking point, operating at 175% of capacity with no relief in sight. Dr. Jaimee Belsky told CBS News the Emergency Department was caring for nine ICU patients and had another 13 waiting for beds. The hospital has said for weeks it has been on the brink of moving to crisis standards of care. National Guard troops provided some relief, but even that added staff is now overwhelmed.

Helena’s Saint Peter’s Health has been operating under crisis standards of care since September 16.


Both Southwest and American Airlines say they it will go against Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s latest executive order and instead comply with President Joe Biden’s mandate requiring employees to be vaccinated.

KDFW reported Dallas-based Southwest Airlines made the announcement Tuesday in response the order Abbott issued Monday.

When asked about the governor’s order, Fort Worth-based American Airlines said it is sticking with its plan that all employees be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 by Nov. 24.

“As a result, the federal vaccine mandate requires that all of American’s U.S.-based team members and certain international crew members be vaccinated, without the provision of a regular testing alternative,” the airline reiterated from a statement it released earlier this month.


State officials have not commented on multiple hospital requests to move to crisis standards of care as the Wyoming Department of Health reported 300 more confirmed Covid-19 cases and 139 more probable cases.

Hospitals are caring for 222 Covid-19 patients and there are available ICU beds in just 15 public hospitals, nine of those with one or two beds available. Hospitalizations have been trending upward since September 18.


Taking the day off

New Covid-19 cases in Washington plummet – local and national update for October 12, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) Cases are down significantly while vaccination rates increase in what is almost entirely good news about Covid-19.

New cases in Washington state were down significantly statewide, including many counties east of the Cascades. The Washington State Department of Health reported 71.4% of eligible Washingtonians are fully vaccinated, and 77.6% have at had at least one dose. School Superintendent Chris Reykdal shared that back-to-school in Washington has gone vastly better than in states such as Texas, Georgia, and Florida.

It appears the FDA will not approve a booster shot for the Moderna vaccine due to trial results that indicated the third dose didn’t significantly increase immunity. The Biden Administration is poised to buy 1.5 million doses of the oral antiviral molnupiravir, which in Phase 3 testing reduced Covid-19 related hospitalizations and deaths by 48%. The Mu variant has disappeared from North America where Delta continues to reigns supreme.

Another poll was released today that indicates the anti-vaccination movement is moving into irrelevancy despite the noise you may be hearing and seeing on social media.

The Northshore School District moved back to status yellow with a significant reduction in the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases and quarantines.

Boeing announced its 125,000 employees will have to provide proof of vaccination or get a valid exemption by December 8.

The City of Kirkland provided guidance on proof of vaccination requirements to participate in or visit Kirkland Park and Recreation programs.

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming remain Covid-19 hot spots with all four states having at least one hospital operating under crisis standards of care.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 12, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 12, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

New cases dropped significantly statewide, as we predicted yesterday. There remains a significant gap between the least and most vaccinated counties but the ongoing improvement is undeniable.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (5)234.1 (down)
50.00% to 59.99% (14 counties)444.4 (down)
40.00% to 49.99% (12 counties)564.7 (down)
29.90% to 39.99% (8 counties)674.8 (down)
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 11, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average is 362.8 Covid-19 cases per 100K.

Ferry County remains the one outlier reporting 1,074.6 new cases per 100K residents.

Only three counties reported new case rates between 800.0 to 999.9 per 100K – Garfield, Grant, and Klickitat.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Chelan, Columbia, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens. Douglas, Grays Harbor, and Mason counties are just under the 600 threshold and today’s report is the best data in two months.

New cases were down significantly across all age groups and hospitalizations decreased for ages 12 and above.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11141.2 (down)0.9
Ages 12-19177.5 (down)1.1 (down)
Ages 20-34156.8 (down)2.9 (down)
Ages 35-49157.0 (down)6.1 (down)
Ages 50-64114.1 (down)11.4 (down)
Ages 65-7986.6 (down)13.7 (down)
Ages 80+84.4 (down)30.8 (down)
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker reported 42 deaths on Monday.

71.4% of all eligible Washington residents are fully vaccinated

In the latest update from the Washington State Department of Health, 71.4% of all eligible residents are fully vaccinated and 77.6% have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. San Juan County continues to have the highest vaccination rate in the state with 73.9% of all residents fully vaccinated. In contrast, only 29.9% of all Stevens County’s residents are fully vaccinated, the lowest rate in the state.

Eight of the ten least vaccinated counties are east of the Cascades.

Boeing to require Covid-19 vaccination by December 8 for 125,000 employees

Boeing will require its roughly 125,000 U.S. employees have to show proof of Covid-19 vaccination or have an approved religious or medical exemption by December 8, CNBC reported today. As a government aerospace and defense contractor, Boeing employees fall under the umbrella of the Biden Administrators vaccine mandate.

The exemptions would “be based on a disability or sincerely held religious belief,” Boeing said in a statement. “Boeing will continue to carefully monitor guidance from public health agencies, and requirements from federal, state, and local governments to inform our COVID-19 policies.”

In March 2020, Boeing union employees demanded aircraft production be halted after multiple employees became infected with Covid-19, and one died on March 23. The company suspended operation in Everett, Washinton on March 24 for 14 days.

The Everett Herald reported that many employees were “fed up” with Boeing’s inadequate response at the start of the pandemic.

For weeks, workers on the factory floor complained to news media about a lack of cleaning supplies and told of overwhelmed and overworked cleaning crews as a growing number of them, at the Everett plant and other locations, called for the company to shut down.

Last week, an impromptu protest erupted inside the Everett factory in the work area of an employee who had tested positive for COVID-19. Co-workers were angry for not being allowed to self-quarantine, a Boeing worker who witnessed the event said in an email.

“Most of the area halted work in protest, crane crews blew their horns for an extended period of time, mechanics drove their rivet guns loud and the other employees started yelling ‘What’s wrong with this’ to the management crew and senior levels. Security was called and dispersed everyone,” the worker wrote.

Microsoft, Alaska Airlines, and Holland America are other large Washington state employers that have implemented a vaccine mandate.

After 7 weeks, Washington state’s back to school efforts are going well

For many parents, even one Covid-19 case detected in a school is one too many but compared to other states back-to-school has gone smoothly in Washington.

Though parents should prepare for more closures this year, state Superintendent Chris Reykdal does not anticipate a complete shutdown of all schools, KING 5 reported.

“We have the strictest health protocols which is why we are not seeing what we saw in Florida, Texas, [and] Georgia when their schools cranked up,” Reykdal said. “By the tens of thousands, they were shutting down.”  

A handful of classrooms or schools have had to close down in school districts such as Eatonville, Medical Lake, Kent, and Lake Washington, but these have been the exception.

Travel Advisories

Due to an increase in acute care hospitalizations, we’re adding a recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region. This includes Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity have become limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is extremely high. Please reconsider non-essential travel plans to these counties.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


FDA says booster recommendation for Moderna vaccine unlikely

Scientists at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Tuesday that Moderna Inc had not met all of the agency’s criteria to support the use of booster doses of its COVID-19 vaccine, possibly because of the efficacy of the shot’s first two doses has remained strong. 

Yahoo!News reported FDA documents indicated Moderna’s vaccine data indicated a booster did increase protective antibodies, but the difference in antibody levels before and after the shot was not wide enough, particularly in those whose levels had remained high. 

The documents were released ahead of a meeting later this week of the FDA’s outside expert advisers to discuss booster doses of the vaccine. 

Pfizer vaccine booster shots are now available

Booster shots for eligible individuals are now available statewide. Individuals who received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine more than six months ago, are 65 or older, or are immunocompromised can receive their third dose immediately.

In the Kirland-Bellevue-Woodinville area, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Bartell’s, and QFC are offering booster shots. Additionally, the third dose is available at the CVS located within the Target store at 17,700 NE 76th Street in Redmond.

Most locations require an appointment, which can be scheduled online.

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.1% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 16.7% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 660 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 86.4% of capacity statewide, with 28.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 328 patients with 48% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 144 additional ICU patients.

The 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients dipped to 103. The Department of Health reported 1,157 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 11, with 159 requiring ventilators. Data for Sunday was adjusted to 1,155 patients and 170 on ventilators.

The East and Northwest Hospital Regions remain highly stressed and the remaining hospital regions are caring for an inordinate number of patients, Covid-19 patients, or both.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman91.3%41.3%91.3%26.4%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom64.8%24.8%75.2%20.4%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan90.9%48.2%75.2%20.4%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason91.9%41.7%95.9%23.9%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish90.1%24.1%94.6%13.9%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima88.9%29.7%83.4%22.3%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 64.5%27.8%85.2%17.1%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston79.4%21.1%86.8%15.8%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

The East and Northwest Hospital Regions remain highly stressed.

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Cherry Crest (1*)
– Clyde Hill (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (2*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (9**)
– Interlake (3*)
– Lake Hills (6**)
– Newport (6**)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (4*)
– Blackwell Elementary (1*)
– Carson Elementary (2*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (3*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (4*)
– Franklin Elementary (1*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (2*)
– Juanita Elementary (3*)
– Juanita High School (4*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (2*)
– Keller Elementary (1*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1*)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– Lake Washington High School (2*)
– Mead Elementary (2*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (3*)
– Rose Hill Middle School (1*)
– Timberline Middle School (2*)
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (2)
– Bothell High School (29**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (9)
– Canyon Park Middle School (12)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (3)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (26)
– East Ridge Elementary (2)
– Frank Love Elementary (14)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (41)
– Inglemoor High School (2)
– Innovation Lab High School (2)
– Kenmore Elementary (4)
– Kenmore Middle School (36)
– Kokanee Elementary (15)
– Leota Middle School (3)
– Lockwood Elementary (19**)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (6)
– Moorlands Elementary (1)
– North Creek High School (14)
– Northshore Middle School (9)
– Ruby Bridge Elementary (4)
– Secondary Academy for Success (6)
– Shelton View Elementary (7)
– Skyview Middle School (16)
– Sunrise Elementary (2)
– Timbercrest Middle School (13)
– Wellington Elementary (26**)
– Westhill Elementary (11)
– Woodin Elementary (27)
– Woodinville High School (12)
– Woodmoor Elementary (15)

Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

The Northshore School District dropped back to status yellow and a number of schools reported a significant reduction in active cases and quarantines. There were no reported changes in the Bellevue or Lake Washington School Districts.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


The City of Kirkland will require proof of Covid-19 vaccination or a negative test when participating in or visiting Kirkland parks and recreation programs and facilities starting Monday, October 25, 2021. Pursuant to King County’s Local Health Officer Verification of Vaccination Order, indoor recreation program participants and community center visitors ages 12 and older must show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 upon entry to recreational facilities, including Peter Kirk and North Kirkland Community Centers, van trips, and any other indoor facilities where Kirkland recreation programs are held.

Valid forms of verification include a CDC vaccination card or photo of vaccination card, documented proof of vaccination from medical record or vaccine provider, printed certificate or QR code from MyIR Mobile, or a negative FDA-approved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test administered within the last 72 hours. You do not need to show identification with proof of vaccination.

It is important to note that a home, physician, clinic, or pharmacy-provided rapid Covid-19 test is not an accepted form of validation.

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker is reporting 116,202 new cases and 1,182 deaths nationwide on Tuesday. Many states didn’t update data on Monday due to the federal holiday, so these numbers are likely inflated.

Biden Administration prepared to buy 1.5 million doses of molunpiravir

On June 9, Health and Human Services signed an agreement with Merck to purchase 1.7 million doses of molnupiravir, contingent on successful trials. Pending Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA, officials are prepared to purchase 1.5 million doses. Australia and New Zealand have already agreed to purchase the antiviral medication, which in testing reduced Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths by 48%.

Pharmaceutical companies Merck & Co. and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics announced Monday they had formally requested emergency use authorization.

Molnupiravir, an orally ingested antiviral pill, is used to treat mild to moderate adult cases of COVID-19 that are at risk of worsening to severe COVID-19 or hospitalization, according to the companies. It was created by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta and is given as four pills taken twice a day for five days.

Unlike monoclonal antibodies which require a series of injections or intravenous administration, the oral antiviral can be prescribed and taken at home. The drug is also significantly cheaper than monoclonal antibodies, but more expensive than the existing Covid-19 vaccinations.

Another poll indicates the anti-vaccination movement is shrinking to irrelevance

If you’ve spent time on social media or reading some of the – other – headlines, you probably have an understandable sense of doom over how politicized the Covid-19 response has become. Last week reported a U.S. Census Bureau survey indicated the ranks of never vaxxers had declined to 12%. Another survey out today provides similar data and more insights.

A Yahoo!News/YouGov Poll released today indicated 15% of Americans say they will not get vaccinated.

The wide-ranging poll covered a number of topics including lockdowns, masks, and vaccine mandates. Only 27% of Americans indicated they were against school mask mandates. Among people who self-identified as aligning with the Republican Party, 40% reported wearing masks and 70% reported they have been vaccinated for Covid-19 or plan to.

Remember the Mu variant

Dr. Katelyn Jetelina provided an update on the Mu variant today, indicating the variant of interest has disappeared from the United States.

In North America, Mu was introduced in April 2021 and started spreading quickly. However, Delta came along in June 2021 and quickly became the dominant variant by August. In the United States, specifically, the CDC is now reporting zero cases of Mu.

Farewell Mu, we hardly knew you.


Alaska reported new cases are stabilizing while the number of positive Covid-19 tests increased dramatically on Tuesday. Another 475 cases were confirmed while test positivity jumped to 10.78%. In Anchorage, Alaska where the city has scaled back testing positivity increased to 12%. Most new cases are among people under 40 years old.

Hospitals are treating 186 Covid-19 patients, two more than yesterday. Resources remain very constrained – there were 26 ICU beds available statewide Tuesday morning.

Hospitals in Anchorage, Bethel, and Valdez continue to be the most impacted by the ongoing surge.

Alaska Public Radio reported an array of Republican state lawmakers and activists are pressing Governor Mike Dunleavy’s administration and the state pharmacy board to make it easier for Alaskans to get access to ivermectin, the unproven Covid-19 treatment that state and federal agencies caution against using.

In recent weeks, Palmer GOP Sen. Shelley Hughes has spoken with Dunleavy and his health commissioner to encourage them to consider supplying Alaskans with vitamins and drugs, including ivermectin, “that some Alaskan physicians are prescribing but pharmacies aren’t filling,” she said.

Three Republican representatives and a pair of Dunleavy’s appointees to the Alaska Commission on Aging, meanwhile, also testified about ivermectin at a recent pharmacy board meeting — where some asked board members to lean on pharmacists who are denying prescriptions for the drug.

Board members, however, were largely unmoved.

Chair Justin Ruffridge, a Kenai Peninsula pharmacist, pointed testifiers toward a draft ivermectin Q&A document under consideration by the board that highlights a joint position statement from three national doctors and pharmacists groups: They “strongly oppose” dispensing the drug outside of a clinical trial.

There are two prominent peer-reviewed studies now that indicated Ivermectin was ineffective as a preventative or treatment. In one study, researchers found for the sickest patients the controversial anti-parasitic drug was contraindicated and made patients sicker.


The Florida Department of Health on Tuesday issued a $3.5 million fine to the Leon County government for violating the state’s ban on vaccine passports, according to a report in The Hill.

The Florida Department of Health called the requirement a “blatant violation of the law relating to the ban of vaccine passports in our state.”

“It is unacceptable that Leon County violated Florida law, infringed on current and former employees’ medical privacy, and fired loyal public servants because of their personal health decisions,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said in the announcement of the fine.


Idaho officials reported 2,937 new cases and 40 deaths over the long weekend as cases appear to have leveled out – for now.

For the first time in more than three months, the state is finally seeing a slight decline in community spread. However, this does not necessarily mean the state has peaked in terms of cases and hospitalizations, according to Dr. Steven Nemerson.

KTVB reported over the past several weeks, there has been a steady increase in the number of admissions to the intensive care unit (ICU). Despite the state operating under crisis standards of care, Saint Alphonsus continues to see record numbers of COVID-related and non-COVID-related patients.

Nemerson acknowledged that the hospital has shut down all but “medically necessary, time-sensitive” procedures at this time, and said patients are getting sicker due to the delays.

Amid all the challenges the hospital is facing, Nemerson said the biggest challenge is rehabilitating the staff, who have experienced trauma and mental and emotional fatigue from what they have witnessed for nearly two years.

Nemerson said his staff continues to be harassed and threatened by patients and their families on a daily basis.

“We’ve lost the war. COVID is here to stay,” Nemerson said. “Because we can’t vaccinate enough of the public to eradicate it.”

Idaho Dept. of Health and Welfare (IDHW) Director Dave Jeppesen echoed Nemerson’s sentiments about the toll the pandemic has taken on healthcare workers, asking the public to thank a healthcare worker for the work they have done for nearly two years.

Jeppesen also shared recent hospitalization data from the state. As of Oct. 9, 704 COVID-19 patients are in the hospital, 181 patients are in the ICU and 127 patients are on a ventilator statewide, according to Jeppesen. While these numbers are down slightly from previous records, they still exceed hospital resources.

The 181 ICU patients are an improvement, however, Idaho normally has 170 staffed ICU beds.


New case numbers and hospitalization numbers in Montana are alarming as the situation continues to deteriorate in Big Sky Country. Officials reported 2,227 new Covid-19 cases over the long weekend and 15 deaths. There are now 489 people hospitalized in a state with just 1.09 million people. In contrast, Washington state has 1,157 Covid-19 patients including out-of-state transfer patients, and a population of 7.76 million.

Officials in Missoula are voting tonight on whether to continue the mask mandate in public schools. When the mandate was initiated six weeks ago, it called for a review. Since schools opened, Covid-19 cases among students have increased 70%.

Vitalant is Montana’s largest supplier of blood to hospitals and communications manager Tori Robbins is asking for 1,000 more donations, according to a report in the Montana Standard.

Those recovering from COVID can donate 14 days after their last symptom presents, Robbins said.

As the relentless Delta variant pounds the state, more drives are being canceled and more people are working from home in order to social distance.

“COVID is making everything much more challenging. There are more difficulties to host blood drives, more difficulties to host school blood drives and more people working from home when their place of work holds a drive,” said Montana Red Cross Communications Director Matt Ochsner. “With the rise of Delta people are hunkering down.”

Nationwide, Red Cross usually keeps five days worth of type O blood on hand, but now, only a half-day’s supply is available.

“Why we’re so alarmed right now is because we usually see a dip in the summer, and then we see donations go back up in the fall, and we’re not seeing that right now,” Ochsner said. “Then the holidays are a busy time for families and that’s when we see another dip in donations, so this dip in the fall is alarming.”


NBC News is reporting the Justice Department has charged and arrested Scott Eli Harris, 51, of Aubrey, following the unsealing of a grand jury indictment that contained a single allegation of threatening a doctor over her vaccine advocacy.

It says he “knowingly and willingly transmitted in interstate commerce a threat to injure the person of another” on July 12. In a statement, the Justice Department alleged that Harris texted the threats to the victim, identified in the indictment only as “Dr. L.W., who had been a vocal proponent” of vaccination.

The victim was identified as Dr. Leana Wen, the former Baltimore health commissioner and onetime national president of Planned Parenthood. She didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment when contacted through the Brookings Institution, where she is a nonresident senior fellow.


State officials have not commented on multiple hospital requests to move to crisis standards of care as the Wyoming Department of Health reported 275 more confirmed Covid-19 cases and 208 more probable cases.

Unlike Montana and Idaho, Wyoming officials have been working to be more transparent in the data they are providing the public and health officials. Since May 1, 284 residents have died of Covid-19 in the sparsely populated state – nine were vaccinated. Only 23 people of the 872 hospitalized for COVID since the start of May were fully vaccinated.

Hospitalization data had not been updated at the time we went to press, however, test positivity for Covid-19 jumped back up to 21.2%.


Taking the day off

8,000 Washingtonians lost and counting – local and national update for October 11, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) More than 8,000 Washingtonians have died from Covid-19 since February 29, 2020, as new cases and hospitalizations continue to slowly decline.

Vaccination rates increased across the state, although the gap between the most vaccinated and least vaccinated counties barely narrowed. Pediatric and adolescent hospitalizations increased over the weekend and we learned that Washington state is taking in 110 hospital patients from Idaho a week.

Almost 92% of Washington state employees are fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption and the Washington State Hospital Association reported over 88% of all medical workers are inoculated.

After multiple threats of a sickout, Washington State Ferry workers crippled operations over the weekend. Up to 170 WSF employees remain unvaccinated and years of system neglect amplified the staffing issues over the holiday.

Washington State University football coach Nick Rolovich announced he was opting for a special play when it comes to getting vaccinated and filed for a religious exemption. The day before the Seattle Kraken make their NHL debut, five players are under Covid-19 protocols.

Unvaccinated King County residents are 16 times more likely to die from Covid-19, and while vaccination rates in the Bellevue-Kirkland-Woodinville area continue to increase, Bothell and the northern half of Kirkland continue to lag behind the rest of the local area.

The Northshore School District moves to red status, with 12 confirmed Covid-19 cases at Lockwood Elementary. New cases were also reported in the Bellevue and Lake Washington school districts.

In local news, Amazon has announced it is indefinitely delaying the return of 50,000 officer workers due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation.

Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics formally applied for emergency use authorization for the anti-viral medication molnupiravir, which has shown promising results in helping minimize Covid-19 symptoms.

Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming remain Covid-19 hot spots we are watching closely due to the impact transfer patients have on our hospitals.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 11, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 11, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

New cases were flat over the weekend which is significant. Historically, the data has shown an artificial bump on Mondays because it includes some data from the weekend. This is the first time since mid-August the data has shown a spike at the start of the week, providing a strong indicator that cases continue to decline.

Monday also provides updated countywide vaccination numbers. In Clallam County, 60.2% of all residents are fully vaccinated. The number of new cases in the least vaccinated counties is threefold higher than the most vaccinated.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (5)249.1
50.00% to 59.99% (14 counties)482.9
40.00% to 49.99% (12 counties)608.9
29.90% to 39.99% (8 counties)749.1
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 10, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average is 388.2. Covid-19 cases per 100K.

Ferry County continues to be the Washington state hot spot with 1,175.7 new cases per 100K residents.

Counties in the 800.0 to 999.9 per 100K range include Columbia, Garfield, Grant, Klickitat, and Stevens.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Chelan, Douglas, Franklin, Grays Harbor, Lincoln, Mason, Okanogan, and Pend Oreille.

New cases were unchanged or drifted upward with one exception – adolescent cases and hospitalizations for 12 to 19-year-olds increased significantly over the weekend. Pediatric hospitalizations also increased from birth to 11, while all other age groups were flat or drifted downward.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11168.61.1 (up)
Ages 12-19208.8 (up)1.6 (up)
Ages 20-34174.1 (up)3.6
Ages 35-49180.47.8 (down)
Ages 50-64128.1 (up)13.9 (down)
Ages 65-7994.3 (up)15.5
Ages 80+96.735.2 (down)
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker reported 50 deaths on Friday. The state of Washington is not reporting the percentage of positive cases. More than 8,000 Washingtonians have died from Covid-19 since February 29, 2020. The state crossed the sad milestone over the weekend.

Washington state hospitals accepting an average of 110 Idaho patients a week in 2021

An analysis of RHINO data from the Washington State Department of Health indicated that hospitals have been admitting approximately 110 patients from Idaho a week during 2021. The number represents a fraction of total average hospital admissions, which hovers around 500,000 patients in a normal year.

The data does not provide information on how many hospital admissions were Covid-19 patients and the report did not provide a weekly analysis. Eastern Washington hospitals reported last week they were feeling increased strain due to Idahoans crossing the border looking for medical care.

With 7 days to go, almost 92% of all Washington state employees are fully vaccinated or have been granted an exemption

Data released by the Washington State Office of Financial Management provided the clearest picture yet on how many state employees are vaccinated. On October 4, 89.5% of all state employees had provided proof they are fully vaccinated. Another 2.4% had medical or religious exemptions approved.

The same report indicated the Washington State Patrol was 89.9% fully vaccinated on October 4. Last week, the Seattle Times reported the WSP was 93% vaccinated on October 7. Using that data point as a barometer, it is estimated 94% to 95% of Washington state employees are fully vaccinated or have an approved exemption, with 7 days ago.

Only two organizations with more than 500 workers have vaccination rates below 85% – Washington National Guard at 79.1% and DSHS – Rainier at 83%. It is worth noting the Pentagon has given Army National Guard servicemembers until June 30, 2022 to be fully vaccinated.

Almost 93% of the 6,608 Washington State Department of Transportation employees are vaccinated or have received an exemption. Almost a third of DOT employees work for Washington State Ferries. Three weeks ago there were 450 WSF workers who had not confirmed their vaccination status. The number dropped to 250 on Thursday and 170 on Friday. Despite a full vaccination rate approaching 93%, unvaccinated ferry workers made their presence known this weekend.

As of October 4, 1,228 state workers had requested medical exemptions, with 866 approved. Officials are still evaluating 75 requests and 258 exemption requests were withdrawn. Another 315 employees had requested some degree of accommodation, with 255 approvals.

The state also received 4,849 religious exemption requests and so far has approved 4,219 with 42 still under evaluation. Only 184 religious exemptions have been denied, while 404 requests were withdrawn.

Approximately one percent of all state employees have joined a lawsuit attempting to block the state mandate. It is unlikely the plaintiffs will get relief. Both federal courts and the Supreme Court have sided with municipalities, counties, states, businesses, and schools in a number of similar court cases filed across the country.

88% of all Washington hospital workers are fully vaccinated

From janitorial services, cooks, and med techs to nurses, surgeons, and administrators, 88% of Washington state’s hospital staff will be fully vaccinated by October 18, according to a survey by the Washington State Hospital Association.

Cassie Sauer, CEO reported in a briefing today the remaining 12% include people who don’t plan on getting vaccinated, are partially vaccinated, have an approved exemption, have an exemption under review, or are waiting to learn if an existing exemption has been approved.

“The 2-5%, I want to emphasize, is a statewide number. There are some places that are going to have less and some places that are going to have more. And the place that seems to have the likeliest, biggest impact is rural eastern Washington,” Sauer said.

In New York, the state saw similar numbers among hospital workers days before its mandate went into effect. Final vaccination rates ranged from 85% to 100% depending on the role, type of facility, and location. Vaccination rates among nursing homes and long-term care facilities lagged behind hospitals.

Officials believe 95% to 98% will be fully vaccinated, on a path to vaccination, or have an approved exemption by October 18. Hospitals and facilities in Eastern Washington, particularly in rural areas, are expected to see more workers quit or face termination.

In Western Washington, 97% of EvergreenHealth and 98% of University Washington Medicine employees are fully vaccinated.

More than 200 Washington State Ferry sailings canceled due to years of neglect and a weekend sickout

Passengers and businesses were frustrated when Washington State Ferries canceled over 150 sailings on Friday, 120 on Saturday, and 50 on Sunday. A sickout by WSF employees in protest of a looming vaccination mandate was the final blow, that contributed to the chaos this weekend. However, the sailing issues have been two decades in the making.

In 2000, a Tim Eyman led initiative slashed Washington state car tab fees, and with it, a significant portion of the Washington state ferry budget. Two decades later the state lacks the funds to replace several ferries that are far past their useful life. The outdated equipment suffers more frequent breakdowns, forcing route cancelations and smaller vessels into temporary service.

A lack of vessels, a graying staff, and unpredictable work schedules was already straining the system. Disruptions due to equipment and crew failures were becoming more common before Covid-19 arrived in the Evergreen state in January 2020.

The number of ferry workers has also declined for two decades, and the Department of Transportation has problems recruiting people who are interested in doing maritime work.

WSF workers have attempted several other sickouts with little to no impact, but this past weekend was different. Officials have indicated that even 170 employees leaving could have a devastating impact on operations – and required Coast Guard certifications will make hiring new staff challenging.

Washington State Ferries is the largest ferry system in the United States and second-largest in the world. The state operates 23 vessels that sail 10 routes to 20 destinations. The oldest ferry is the MV Tillikum built in 1959 and rebuilt in 1994. Over 70% of all funding comes from fares. In 2020 due to Covid-19 ridership was only a fraction of normal. By the end of summer in 2021, ridership was 80% of normal.

The ferry system is converting three Jumbo Mark-II class ferries to electrical propulsion between 2022 and 2024. The Puyallup, Tacoma, and Wenatchee are slated for update with the Wenatchee was supposed to already be back in service but had an engine room fire in April 2021.

Washington State University football coach Nick Rolovich applies for religious exemption

As many have suspected for quite some time, Washington State coach Nick Rolovich finally confirmed that he remains unvaccinated and is in fact seeking a religious exemption to the state’s Covid vaccination mandate, he said after the Cougars’ 31-24 victory over Oregon State on Saturday.

A report in Coug Center explained Rolovich was responding to questions prompted by a report from USA Today published on Saturday morning.

“I’ll confirm that,” he said. “I’m not terribly happy with the way it happened. I hope there’s no player that I coach that has to wake up and feel the way I felt today. I don’t share it (to be) malicious, but that wasn’t a great thing to wake up to, to be honest with you.”

Rolovich is the highest-paid state employee in Washington, making almost $3.3 million per year.

Several Seattle Kraken players under Covid protocols day before NHL debut

The Seattle Kraken are expected to be without five players for the season opener at Vegas due to COVID-19 protocols, coach Dave Hakstol said Monday, according to the Associated Press.

Forwards Jared McCann, Joonas Donskoi and Marcus Johansson, and defenseman Jamie Oleksiak were placed on the league’s COVID-19 protocol list on Monday. Forward Calle Jarnkrok has been in the protocol since late last week. McCann, Oleksiak, Donskoi and Johansson were all missing from Monday’s final practice before the team departed for Las Vegas.

Travel Advisories

Due to an increase in acute care hospitalizations, we’re adding a recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region. This includes Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity have become limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is extremely high. Please reconsider non-essential travel plans to these counties.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are also not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


Unvaccinated King County residents are 16 times more likely to die from Covid-19

The first doses of the Covid-19 vaccine became available in Washington state on January 17. Since that time 82% of all Covid-19 cases were among the unvaccinated, 90% of hospitalizations, and 90% of deaths.

Unvaccinated individuals are three times more likely to get Covid-19, 12 times more likely to end up in the hospital, and 16 times more likely to die.

Pfizer vaccine booster shots are now available

Booster shots for eligible individuals are now available statewide. Individuals who received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine more than six months ago, are 65 or older, or are immunocompromised can receive their third dose immediately.

In the Kirland-Bellevue-Woodinville area, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Bartell’s, and QFC are offering booster shots. Additionally, the third dose is available at the CVS located within the Target store at 17,700 NE 76th Street in Redmond.

Most locations require an appointment, which can be scheduled online.

King County, Washington is reporting over 87.1% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 16.9% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 649 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 86.7% of capacity statewide, with 28.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 335 patients with 50% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 144 additional ICU patients.

The 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients dipped to 103. The Department of Health reported 1,193 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 7, with 166 requiring ventilators.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman92.0%42.3%91.1%26.9%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom66.5%26.9%75.3%20.1%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan89.1%47.3%75.3%20.1%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason91.5%42.1%95.7%25.2%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish90.5%24.2%94.6%13.9%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima88.0%31.5%83.9%22.2%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 66.8%29.3%85.1%17.9%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston78.0%19.8%86.5%15.2%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

The East and Northwest Hospital Regions remain highly stressed.

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Cherry Crest (1*)
– Clyde Hill (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (2*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (9**)
– Interlake (3*)
– Lake Hills (6**)
– Newport (6**)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (4*)
– Blackwell Elementary (1*)
– Carson Elementary (2*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (3*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (4*)
– Franklin Elementary (1*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (2*)
– Juanita Elementary (3*)
– Juanita High School (4*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (2*)
– Keller Elementary (1*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1*)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– Lake Washington High School (2*)
– Mead Elementary (2*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (3*)
– Rose Hill Middle School (1*)
– Timberline Middle School (2*)
NorthshoreRED– Arrowhead Elementary (4)
– Bothell High School (30**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (15)
– Canyon Park Middle School (11)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (3)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (17)
– East Ridge Elementary (2)
– Fernwood Elementary (1)
– Frank Love Elementary (19)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (35)
– Inglemoor High School (1)
– Innovation Lab High School (2)
– Kenmore Elementary (4)
– Kenmore Middle School (21)
– Kokanee Elementary (14)
– Leota Middle School (3)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (7**)
– Moorlands Elementary (1)
– North Creek High School (13**)
– Northshore Middle School (1)
– Secondary Academy for Success (4)
– Shelton View Elementary (5)
– Skyview Middle School (12)
– Sunrise Elementary (8)
– Timbercrest Middle School (4)
– Wellington Elementary (26**)
– Westhill Elementary (58)
– Woodin Elementary (15)
– Woodinville High School (10)
– Woodmoor Elementary (19**)
– Lockwood Elementary (12**/22)
Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

Monday provides the best snapshot of the three school districts we track. The Northshore School District moved to status red again with 12 confirmed Covid-19 cases at Lockwood Elementary. Five other schools have 5 to 9 confirmed cases.

Highland Middle School in the Bellevue School District has 9 confirmed cases between students and faculty, and several other schools with more than 5 cases.

The Lake Washington School District updated its dashboard adding six schools with confirmed cases.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


Amazon delays return to office indefinitely – leaves final decision to business directors

Amazon announced that it was indefinitely delaying the return of 50,000 office workers in a public memo released on Monday from Andy Jassy, CEO. The announcement impacts downtown Seattle and the South Lake Union area, as well as downtown Bellevue.

“For our corporate roles, instead of specifying that people work a baseline of three days a week in the office, we’re going to leave this decision up to individual teams,” Jassey wrote in his memo.

“This decision will be made team by team at the Director level. We expect that there will be teams that continue working mostly remotely, others that will work some combination of remotely and in the office, and still others that will decide customers are best served having the teamwork mostly in the office. We’re intentionally not prescribing how many days or which days—this is for Directors to determine with their senior leaders and teams. The decisions should be guided by what will be most effective for our customers; and not surprisingly, we will all continue to be evaluated by how we deliver for customers, regardless of where the work is performed.”

Microsoft and Facebook previously announced delaying their return to office and have mandated their employees, contractors, and vendors to get vaccinated.

King County releases updated vaccination data

King County Public Health updated the vaccination rates by zip code, with the numbers improving throughout the region. The northern half of Kirkland and parts of Bothell continue to lag behind the rest of the eastside.

King County residents age 12+ who have received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine through October 11, 2021
Zip CodePercent vaccinated, at least one dose, 12 and older
Vaccination rates for those 12 and older by zip code – at least one dose

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker is reporting 22,194 new cases and 255 deaths nationwide on Monday. Most states do not report data over the weekend, and Monday is a bank holiday so the numbers do not indicate the current national trend.

Merck and Ridgeback Biotheraputics official apply for emergency use authorization for molnupiravir

Pharmaceutical companies Merck & Co. and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics announced Monday they requested emergency use authorization to the Food and Drug Administration for molnupiravir, an antiviral drug that offers the promise that COVID-19 could soon be treated by a pill. USA Today reported the two drugmakers have officially applied for the authorization.

Molnupiravir, an orally ingested antiviral pill, is used to treat mild to moderate adult cases of COVID-19 that are at risk of worsening to severe COVID-19 or hospitalization, according to the companies. It was created by researchers at Emory University in Atlanta and is given as four pills taken twice a day for five days.

An interim analysis from a clinical trial found the antiviral medicine reduced the risk of hospitalization or death by approximately 50%.


Alaska reported an increase in new cases and the number of Covid-19 tests with positive results this weekend. After progress last week, the new case rate increased to 836 per 100K people and test positivity jumped to 10.7%. Officials also reported more than 2,750 new cases, mostly among people under 50 years old.

Hospitals are treating 184 Covid-19 patients, down slightly from last week. Resources remain very constrained – there were 18 ICU beds available statewide Monday morning. New

Hospitals in Anchorage, Bethel, and Valdez continue to be the most impacted by the ongoing surge.


Idaho officials did not update data on Monday due to the Columbus Indigenous Peoples Day. The 7 day moving average for new cases has exploded to 1,366 per 100K residents. Parts of the state has been operating under crisis standards of care for a month now with no end in sight.

Boise Public Radio reported the Idaho Medical Association filed a complaint against Dr. Ryan Cole over his claim that he prescribed ivermectin for COVID-19 patients. Ivermectin has not been proven to effectively treat COVID-19 and doctors say it could be harmful.

Idaho Medical Association CEO Susie Keller says while the association is disturbed by Cole’s spreading of misinformation, including dissuading people from getting the COVID-19 vaccine, the complaint is narrowly focused on the claim Cole prescribed an unproven drug.

“We believe that he has violated sections of the Idaho Medical Practice Act by providing care that fails to meet the community standard of care by promoting the sale of drugs that are not medically indicated and by engaging in conduct that constitutes an abuse or exploitation of a patient arising out of the trust and competence placed in a physician by a patient,” Keller said.

Cole as referred to the vaccination as “needle rape,” is opposed to mask mandates, and has spoken at right-wing anti-vaccination events that have included speakers calling for violence and making Nazi comparisons. He is one of the key policymakers in Ada County, which includes Boise, in managing the Covid-19 response in the Gem State.


Officials did not update data on Monday due to the Columbus Indigenous Peoples Day. Hospitals reported caring for 463 patients, which is nearly unchanged from Friday.

According to Montana Public Radio, 191 people died of Covid-19 in September, the most fatalities in a single month.


Governor Greg Abbott and 2024 Presidential hopeful signed an executive order prohibiting vaccine mandates by any entity in the state of Texas.

He has called for a third special session to pass legislation to turn his executive order into law.


Officials reported 834 confirmed cases, and hospitalizations increasing to 223. Fifteen of 36 hospitals have ICU capacity – with nine having one or two beds remaining each. Additionally, Cheyenne Veterans Affairs Medical Center has three ICU beds remaining.

Covid-19 test positivity increased to 19.42% – a negative trend.

Just days after Wyoming hospitals asked state officials to draft plans for statewide implementation of crisis standards of care, state Representative Chuck Gray has called for a special session to block vaccine mandates.

“I wanted to update everyone about the special session vote,” Gray said on Wednesday. “We have received notification that we have successfully received over 35% of the votes in the first round of balloting. Next week, we will now proceed to the second round, where we need a majority.”

Legislators are being asked to consider convening the special session from October 26-28 according to the report in Oil City News. Gray said he would like to see the special session move forward in order to have a bill banning vaccine mandates pass prior to Banner Health’s (which operates the Wyoming Medical Center) deadline requiring employees get fully vaccinated by November 1 takes effect.


Taking the day off

Protest brings housing and eviction crisis to Seattle mayor Jenny Durkan’s doorstep

Photo Credit – Renee Raketty copyright 2021, Malcontent News

[SEATTLE, Wash.] – (MTN) A group of protesters brought the issue of housing affordability and the looming eviction crisis to the doorstep of Mayor Jenny Durkan last Friday night. They chanted: “Jenny Durkan, you can’t hide. Pay the rent. Keep folks inside.”

Approximately 15 officers with the Community Response Group (CRG) within the Seattle Police Department sectioned off the roadway outside Durkan’s mansion in the Windermere neighborhood of Seattle.

A booming voice from an LRAD speaker atop a police cruiser pleaded with protesters to take their case to city hall. However, the protesters — most dressed in black bloc — began to taunt police for acting as her private security.

“How much money did you guys make providing personal security outside this house,” asked Tru, an organizer with FTP206. “My tax dollars should afford me and future generations better than this.

“When I call 9-1-1, I shouldn’t be dealing with just emergency cops, emergency ambulances, and emergency fire. What about the real emergency when people are evicted? My taxes should afford me more options.”

After marching through the neighborhood and attempting to deliver their message to Durkan for more than an hour, the protest appeared to end without incident. There were no arrests.

Tru later told Malcontent News that the protest went to “Jenny’s house because that’s who is in charge in our local executive city position” and has a “critical say in the budget as well.”

“Jenny is waiting to pass the problem onto the next administration but we need the rent paid now,” he said. “All that Jenny’s done is allow people to further accumulate debt.

“We can and we should release and reallocate funds to the communities in the most need so people can just live. The hope is to get ahead of this tsunami of evictions getting ready to roll out in our streets.”

Last month, Durkan announced her 2022 budget proposal that called for increases in funding for housing and law enforcement. The Seattle Times reported the budget includes $50 million for new affordable housing, $25 million for food programs and homeless shelters, and $115 million to the Human Services Department to address homelessness. The budget also calls for $1 million in officer hiring incentives and adding an additional 35 new officers to the force.

The City of Seattle’s budget committee will hold public hearings on Oct. 12 and Nov. 10 to hear public testimony on the budget.

WA state employee vaccination rates increase significantly – local and national update for October 8, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) New Covid-19 case rates have dropped to the lowest level since August 17, but you wouldn’t know it in Eastern Washington. Six of the seven lowest vaccinated counties are in the East Hospital Region. Available resources declined in the eastern third of the state while all other Hospital Regions improved. The worsening situation is driven by low vaccination rates, staffing issues caused by working conditions and pay, and people from Idaho crossing the border seeking medical help.

Congressional Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-R) tested positive for Covid-19 in an apparent breakthrough case.

The latest data from the state indicates almost 90% of all employees are fully vaccinated, a significant increase from a week ago.

There have been 400 million Covid-19 vaccine doses administered in the United States, and your chances of experiencing a serious adverse reaction are about equal to your chances of drowning.

Among area schools, the Bellevue School District had a rough week with a significant number of new Covid-19 cases, while Northshore improved.

The City of Kirkland will be holding a health fair and vaccination clinic on November 6, and it is possible that vaccinations for 5 to 11-year-olds will be approved by that time.

Customs and Border Patrol agents have a severe case of hypocrisy when it comes to getting vaccinated.

Given the worsening situation in Eastern Washington, we have extended a recreational travel advisory to nine counties.

The five states with the highest rate of new Covid-19 cases tonight are Montana, Alaska, Idaho, Wyoming, and North Dakota. In Anchorage, Alaska, City Hall has descended into chaos, while in Idaho, Janice McGeachin managed to stay out of the news.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 8, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 8, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

New cases are now lower than August 17, when we started our daily coverage of the Delta surge. New cases were statistically unchanged or down in all but the least vaccinated counties, where new Covid-19 cases increased again.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (4)203.9
50.00% to 59.99% (13 counties)501.8
40.00% to 49.99% (14 counties)598.4 (down)
29.30% to 39.99% (8 counties)754.6 (up)
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 7, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average is 387.4. Covid-19 cases per 100K.

Ferry County was unchanged, with 1,137.8 new cases per 100K residents.

Counties in the 800.0 to 999.9 per 100K range include Columbia, Garfield, Grant, Klickitat, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens. New cases in Columbia county have grown significantly this week, and it is just under the 1,000 threshold.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Franklin, Grays Harbor, Mason, Okanogan, and Walla Walla. Adams, Cowlitz, Douglas, and Lewis counties are close to the 600 threshold – however, the four counties showed improvement this week.

New cases by age group drifted downward while hospitalizations were unchanged or down for all age groups except 35 to 49-year-olds.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11160.20.8
Ages 12-19188.10.9
Ages 20-34157.83.9 (down)
Ages 35-49174.89.2 (up)
Ages 50-64119.515.5
Ages 65-7987.4 (down)15.2 (down)
Ages 80+100.438.8
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker reported 55 deaths yesterday. The state of Washington is not reporting the percentage of positive cases.

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers test positive for Covid-19

Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-R), 52, reported on her website she has experienced a breakthrough case of Covid-19.

Yesterday, despite being fully vaccinated, I tested positive for COVID-19. My symptoms are mild and I am quarantining at home and following CDC and local health guidelines. My offices in Spokane, Walla Walla, Colville, and Washington, D.C. remain open and are continuing to work for the people of Eastern Washington. As I have said for months, I encourage everyone in Eastern Washington to talk to your doctor about getting the vaccine if you haven’t already.”

With 10 days to go, almost 90% of all Washington state employees are fully vaccinated

Vaccination rates across most Washington state departments and divisions increased significantly this week as data was processed. The Department of Corrections jumped to 89%, the Department of Social and Health Services is 91% inoculated, Washington State University employees 88%, Washington State Ferries reported 90%, and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families increased to 87%.

On September 22 a survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau indicated only 8.2% of Washingtonians would not, or were very unlikely to, get the Covid-19 vaccination.

Hawaii mandated vaccination for more than 14,000 state employees, and the last update indicated almost 93% were fully or partially vaccinated. For colleges, private employers, and hospital systems, final vaccination rates have ranged from 94% to virtually 100%.

Travel Advisories

Due to an increase in acute care hospitalizations, we’re adding a recreational travel advisory to the East Hospital Region. This includes Adams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, and Whitman counties. Acute care and ICU capacity have become limited, and the ratio of Covid-19 patients to other hospital patients is extremely high. Please reconsider non-essential travel plans to these counties.

We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care if you experience a serious medical emergency.

We are also not adding a travel advisory for the Northwest Hospital Region which includes Clallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, and Mason counties but don’t recommend engaging in risky recreational behavior on the Olympic Peninsula. Although hospitals are very constrained, the region is adjacent to the Puget Sound and West Hospital Regions, which have adequate resources.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


400 million Covid-19 vaccine doses administered

The U.S. surpassed 400 million coronavirus vaccinations Friday after a nearly year-long mass vaccination drive, the largest in the nation’s history — and though more than 65% of Americans have received at least one dose, some states still haven’t vaccinated close to half their population.

According to the CDC, through October 4 and 396 million doses administered there have been 1,172 incidents of serious complications and 4 confirmed vaccine-related deaths. There have been 906 confirmed myocarditis and pericarditis cases, mostly among adolescent and young men who received the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna. There have been 219 cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome, mostly among men under 50 and who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Additionally, there have been 47 incidents of VITT, mostly among women of childbearing years who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Among the 47 incidents of VITT, there have been 4 deaths, including Jessica Berg-Wilson of Seattle.

The odds of experiencing a serious adverse event from the various Covid-19 vaccines are similar to the odds of drowning in the United States. The odds of dying from a COVID vaccine are infinitesimal.

Pfizer vaccine booster shots are now available

Booster shots for eligible individuals are now available statewide. Individuals who received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine more than six months ago, are 65 or older, or are immunocompromised can receive their third dose immediately.

In the Kirland-Bellevue-Woodinville area, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Bartell’s, and QFC are offering booster shots. Additionally, the third dose is available at the CVS located within the Target store at 17,700 NE 76th Street in Redmond.

Most locations require an appointment, which can be scheduled online.

King County, Washington is reporting over 86.7% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 17.1% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 649 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 87.4% of capacity statewide, with 30.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 353 patients with 52% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 150 additional ICU patients.

The 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients was 121. The Department of Health reported 1,207 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 7, with 185 requiring ventilators.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman92.9%47.1%90.1%27.6%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom73.7%33.6%86.4%13.0%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan81.9%47.1%75.2%20.9%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason91.4%43.1%95.9%27.3%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish91.7%24.8%94.6%13.7%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima88.8%33.2%84.2%21.3%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 71.3%32.2%87.4%20.2%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston77.3%20.7%85.1%15.4%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

Every region except the East showed improvement in the last week.

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Cherry Crest (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (1*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (9**)
– Interlake (3*)
– Lake Hills (4*)
– Newport (4*)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (1*)
– Barton Elementary (1*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Ella Baker Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (2*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (3*)
– Franklin Elementary (2*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (1*)
– Juanita Elementary (1*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (4*)
– Keller Elementary (2*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1* see notes)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– McAuliffe Elementary (1*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Renaissance Middle School (1*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (1*)
– Rush Elementary (1*)

see notes below
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (6)
– Bothell High School (37**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (18)
– Canyon Park Middle School (5)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (3)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (24)
– East Ridge Elementary (2)
– Fernwood Elementary (1)
– Frank Love Elementary (21)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (34)
– Inglemoor High School (1)
– Innovation Lab High School (2)
– Kenmore Elementary (3)
– Kenmore Middle School (18)
– Kokanee Elementary (6)
– Leota Middle School (3)
– Lockwood Elementary (30**)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (12**)
– Moorlands Elementary (2)
– North Creek High School (14**)
– Northshore Middle School (14)
– Secondary Academy for Success (3)
– Shelton View Elementary (6)
– Skyview Middle School (14)
– Sunrise Elementary (8)
– Timbercrest Middle School (6)
– Wellington Elementary (36**)
– Westhill Elementary (52)
– Woodin Elementary (5)
– Woodinville High School (11)
– Woodmoor Elementary (21**)
Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

We have a parent confirmed report of a single Covid-19 case at Kirkland Middle School, with an additional 17 students quarantined.

We multiple parents e-mailed us about two confirmed Covid-19 cases at Juanita High School. However, because the district sent the e-mail on Monday, we cannot confirm if these are new or included in the last dashboard update.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


The Kirkland Health Fair and Community Vaccination Event will be held on Saturday, November 6, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m at Juanita High School. Hosted by the City of Kirkland in partnership with Public Health – Seattle and King County, the event will provide Covid-19 vaccination, information, education, and more.

In-language assistance will be available in Spanish, Portuguese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Chinese.

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker is reporting 100,083 new cases and 2,392 deaths nationwide on Thursday.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection fighting against federal vaccination mandate

President Biden’s order mandating federal employees to be fully vaccinated next month has generated anger in CBP’s ranks, particularly among conservative-leaning U.S. Border Patrol agents and the union that represents them. The Washington Post reported that In recent weeks, leaders at the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) have joined Republican lawmakers who allege the Biden administration is allowing migrants to spread the coronavirus in the United States and placing the CBP workforce at greater risk, while also opposing his vaccination order.

At least 47 CBP employees have died of covid-19 as of Tuesday , according to the agency, including one Border Patrol agent last month who was days from retirement. More than 11,400 have been infected with the deadly pathogen, about 19 percent of the workforce.

Editor’s Note: If it isn’t that big of a deal, and migrants should be required to get vaccinated, then why…


New cases in Alaska continue to decline and dropped to the second-highest in the United States. The state continues to operate under “crisis standards of care” with 186 Covid-19 patients statewide. Alaska has 129 staffed ICU beds statewide, with 18 available. There were 839 new cases reported today. At the current rate of new cases detected, 1% of Alaska residents are catching Covid-19 every 8 days. Test positivity is now over 10%, as Anchorage struggles with a shortage of test resources.

City Hall in Anchorage was thrown into complete chaos after a sixth hearing on whether to enact a mask mandate in Alaska’s largest city. A fissure formed between Mayor Dave Bronson and the Assembly leadership, which is becoming increasingly supportive of implementing more safety precautions. Public comments devolved into conspiracy theories and shouting matches at times.

The Bronson administration and its allies have been using the hearings to rile up anti-mask and anti-science testimony over the course of the last two weeks. Bronson has been staunchly against any measures to limit the spread of Covid-19, has endorsed the use of ivermectin to treat covid, and has blamed hospitals for being strained by Alaska’s worst-in-the-nation surge.

Part of his platform when he ran for mayor was ending all the city’s Covid-19 orders, including the mask mandate, which remains in effect after others have been revoked. Many of Bronson’s positions run contrary to the advice of public health officials.

On Friday, two “senior members” of Mayor Bronson’s staff tested positive for Covid-19, in apparent breakthrough cases. The Midnight Sun reported the two infected employees are municipal manager Amy Dembroski and municipal attorney Patrick Bergt. Another hearing planned for tonight was canceled. Thursday night’s hearing was packed with hundreds of people, most of who were not masked. Mayor Bronson has never stated if he is vaccinated but calls it “experimental” and claims he had COVID in early 2021.

Hospitals in Anchorage, Bethel, and Valdez continue to be the most impacted by the ongoing surge.

May the odds ever be in your favor.


Idaho has reported more than 1,682 new Covid-19 and another 53 deaths today. Idaho has now lost 3,040 residents to coronavirus, passing over 3,000 today. The current surge is so bad, 699 of the 3,040 COVID deaths have occurred since August 30. The average age for new cases is 39.6 years old, and the age group with the most cases is 19 to 29-year-olds.

Dave Jeppesen, Idaho Health & Welfare director, said, “The number of people who have died from COVID-19 in Idaho is frankly too high. It makes me incredibly sad because those are moms and dads and siblings and sons and daughters, and families throughout the state mourn their losses. I mourn with them. And I also want to encourage everyone who can to get vaccinated. It’s your best protection against this unpredictable disease.”

The state continues to operate under crisis standards of care while some facilities are not assisting with load leveling.

Editor’s Note: Congratulations to Janice McGeachin for staying out of the news for 24 hours.


Montana’s situation continues to worsen with KTVQ reporting 1,315 new Covid-19 cases, 9 deaths, and 463 residents hospitalized. Montana has surpassed Alaska for the highest new case rate in the United States and the planet.

Hospitals in Missoula have been on the razor’s edge during the current surge and set several records this week. There are 56 Covid-19 patients in Missoula hospitals, one short of the previous record.

“While this surge appears to be plateauing in other parts of the nation, health officials warn we may not see that happen in Montana which remains one of the few states in the nation with less than 50% of its population fully vaccinated,” Missoula Public Health said in a release.

St. Peter’s Health reported they had a record number of Covid-19 hospitalizations with 41 patients needing care. The statistic represents around 50 percent of the organization’s acute medical care inpatient beds according to KTVH.

“St. Peter’s does not believe the surge at the hospital is at its peak, as hospitalizations and deaths associated with COVID-19 typically lag case reporting by two to three weeks. Lewis and Clark County has reported high case numbers this week, with Tuesday’s total of 132 new cases representing the highest since December 2020,” St. Peter’s Health wrote in a press release.

Critical care at Bozeman Deaconess Hospital is currently at 95 percent capacity with the National Guard still assisting.

Officials at the hospital have asked for an extension of the National Guard’s help. “We did just request an extension from our initial request from the National Guard,” says Kallie Kujawa, System Director of Quality and Safety. “We are confident that will be granted so that we can continue to use them in the next few weeks,” according to a report by KBZK.

Currently, 148 National Guard servicemembers are assisting 12 medical facilities. In the good news column, vaccinations climbed 42%.

In breaking news, hospital admissions in Montana are at record levels. The 7 day moving average is 113 hospital admission, which almost equals Washington state.


Officials reported 404 confirmed cases, and hospitalizations dropped slightly to 213. Sixteen of 36 hospitals have ICU capacity – with eight having one or two beds remaining each. Additionally, Cheyenne Veterans Affairs Medical Center has three ICU beds remaining.

Covid-19 test positivity improved to 17.05%.

Wyoming officials are drafting a plan for statewide implementation of crisis standards of care.


Taking the day off

New Covid case rate drops to mid-August level – local and national update for October 7, 2021

Knowledge is the best tool to fight against fear. A wise person chooses to be informed so they can make sound decisions. To join the fight against COVID misinformation, you can share this update through your social media platform of choice.

[KING COUNTY, Wash.] – (MTN) For the first time since August 17, the 14 days moving average for new Covid-19 cases in Washington state dropped below 400. Hospitalizations have only declined slightly. A combination of patients arriving sicker, non-Covid related hospitalizations, and transfer patients both inside and outside of Washington continue to push medical workers to the breaking point.

UW Medicine will no longer do solid organ transplants on patients who refuse the Covid-19 vaccine.

Pfizer applies for Covid-19 vaccine emergency use authorization for children 5 to 11 years old and the FDA will hold a hearing on October 26.

Hospitalizations in Eastern Washington are increasing, and the eastern half of the state continues to see many more new Covid-19 cases versus other regions with higher vaccination rates. Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett reported 30 patients in the emergency department waiting for beds.

Leaders in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana appear to be trying to find new levels of awful in their response, and non-response to the situation in their respective states. Wyoming had a record number of pediatric patients in September, and state officials are drafting a “crisis standards of care” plan.

This update uses the latest data from the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH), released on October 7, 2021.


Washington State Update for October 7, 2021

Washington state Covid-19 update

For the first time since August 17, the new case rate is below 400. New cases were down slightly in all but the least vaccinated counties, where new Covid-19 cases increased.

Percent of Total Population Fully VaccinatedAverage 14-Day New Case Rate (unadjusted)
60.00% or above (4)205.3
50.00% to 59.99% (13 counties)513.4
40.00% to 49.99% (14 counties)613.4
29.30% to 39.99% (8 counties)739.7 (up)
14-Day New Covid-19 Cases per 100K average by Vaccination Rate, Not Adjusted for Population

Through October 6, Washington’s statewide 14-day rolling average is 398.0 Covid-19 cases per 100K.

Ferry County continues to get worse, reporting 1,137.8 new cases per 100K residents. This is approaching the same level the county experience in April after a superspreader event in the town of Republic.

Counties in the 800.0 to 999.9 per 100K range include Columbia, Grant, Klickitat, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, and Stevens.

Counties in the 600.0 to 799.9 per 100K range include Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Cowlitz, Franklin, Garfield, Grays Harbor, Mason, Okanogan, and Walla Walla. Douglas and Lewis counties are just under 600.0.

New cases by age group were statistically unchanged while hospitalizations were mixed.

Age Group7-Day Case Rate7-Day Hospitalization Rate
Ages 0-11167.00.8 (down)
Ages 12-19196.10.8
Ages 20-34164.94.6 (down)
Ages 35-49174.88.8
Ages 50-64121.815.8 (up)
Ages 65-7993.616.7 (down)
Ages 80+106.936.6 (up)
7-day case rate and 7-day hospitalization rate is per 100K within the age group – the target for 7-day case rate is <25.0, but there are other factors such as vaccination rates within the age groups, how many total tests within the 7-day period, and the positivity rate within each age group

The USA Today COVID Tracker reported 57 deaths yesterday. The state of Washington is not reporting the percentage of positive cases.

UW Medicine requires Covid-19 vaccine for all solid organ transplant patients

UW Medicine now requires all recipients of solid organ transplants to be vaccinated for Covid-19. The hospital system updated its Covid-19 FAQ yesterday, making a previously reported policy official. The site indicated the policy was put into place because, “After a transplant, your immune system is suppressed and in a prolonged weakened state. This makes you less able to develop an appropriate immune response to the vaccine. It also makes you more vulnerable to infections from viruses like COVID-19 that can lead to severe illness or death.”

Unvaccinated organ transplant patients experience 20% to 30% mortality if they catch Covid-19, which is about the same fatality rate of smallpox or the mild variant of Ebola. Patients who need an organ transplant typically require other vaccines such as an MMR booster, Hepatitis B, and Varicella or Zoster.

Patient compliance with medical instructions pre-transplant weighs into the authorization decision. People who exhibit low compliance pre-transplant typically don’t follow through on their care plan after a transplant. Alcoholics that need a liver transplant are required to be clean and sober for months while lung transplant recipients need to stop using tobacco products.

Additionally, some anti-vaccination followers believe they are part of a “pureblood” movement and are rejecting blood transfusions because the blood supply isn’t separated between vaccinated and unvaccinated. That begs the question if the blood of a vaccinated person isn’t acceptable, why would an organ from a vaccinated person be?

Central Washington University professor dies of Covid-19

58-year-old Dr. Maria Roditeleva-Wibe, scholar and college professor, died of Covid-19 on October 2. Roditeleva-Wibe was a Russian immigrant and had worked at Central Washington University for over 20 years.

In 1999 she accepted a proposal to become an exchange professor at Central Washington University where she began teaching music theory, music history, class piano, and world music. Over the 20 plus years of her stay at Central, Maria regularly accompanied students and faculty members, as well as performing her own piano recitals. In 2006 Central awarded her the Outstanding Non-Tenure Track Teaching Award in recognition of her work; this was followed by Maria’s reception in 2013 of the Distinguished Teaching Award to honor her outstanding contribution to CWU’s academic life.

A former student, who asked not to be identified out of respect for the family, told Malcontent News Roditeleva-Wibe didn’t trust the government and was unvaccinated.

She leaves behind her husband, Mark.

Travel Advisories

We continue to recommend avoiding recreational travel to Spokane County. We strongly advise against all nonessential travel to Alaska, Idaho, and Montana. Hospital resources in these regions are constrained, and you may receive inadequate care if you experience a medical emergency.

The East Hospital Region inched closer to receiving a recreational travel advisory. Hospitals in Eastern Washington are very stressed due to the unvaccinated population east of the Cascade and Idaho residents seeking treatment in Washington state.

Thank you

Thank you to our new subscribers and those of you who have made one-time contributions. On behalf of the entire team, thank you for helping us keep the lights on!

In August, King County Health Officer Dr. Jeff Duchin mentioned the N95 Project as a trusted source for N95 masks. A check on the website showed that a 50 count box of United States manufactured N95 masks are available for $40.00. We recommend wearing N95 masks indoors as they provide the best protection against COVID when properly fitted.

No promotional consideration has been given, or requested from the n95 project or any manufacturer of masks


Pfizer applies for Covid-19 vaccine Emergency Use Authorization for children 5-11

Pfizer and BioNTech have asked federal regulators to authorize emergency use of their coronavirus vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11, the companies announced Thursday, according to a report in USA Today.

The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will need to sign off on the vaccine before it becomes available to children of those ages. An independent expert panel will review the data on October 26.

Pfizer vaccine booster shots are now available

Booster shots for eligible individuals are now available statewide. Individuals who received both doses of the Pfizer vaccine more than six months ago, are 65 or older, or are immunocompromised can receive their third dose immediately.

In the Kirland-Bellevue-Woodinville area, Walgreens, Rite-Aid, Bartell’s, and QFC are offering booster shots. Additionally, the third dose is available at the CVS located within the Target store at 17,700 NE 76th Street in Redmond.

Most locations require an appointment, which can be scheduled online.

King County, Washington is reporting over 86.7% of age eligible residents are vaccinated with at least one dose. The highest rates of positivity are in areas with low vaccination rates statewide. The FDA has provided full approval of the Pfizer vaccine for anyone 16 and over and EUA approval for the Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

COVID vaccines are free for anyone over 12 years old, and no appointment is necessary at most locations. Lyft and Hopelink provide free transportation, and KinderCare, the Learning Care Group, and the YMCA offer free childcare during vaccination appointments or recuperation.

For information on getting a vaccination in King County, you can visit the King County Department of Public Health website.

Malcontent News

Hospital Status

According to the DoH COVID Dashboard, 91% of all staffed acute care beds are occupied, and 17.2% of patients have Covid-19. Statewide, hospitals have the staff to support approximately 666 additional acute care patients. ICUs are at 88.1% of capacity statewide, with 30.0% of ICU patients fighting Covid-19 – an estimated 352 patients with 56% on ventilators. The state has the staff to support approximately 145 additional ICU patients.

The 7-day rolling average hospital admission rate for new COVID patients was 123. The Department of Health reported 1,193 Covid-19 patients statewide on October 6, with 197 requiring ventilators.

Hospital RegionCountiesICU OccupancyICU COVID PatientsAcute Care OccupancyAcute Care COVID Patients
EastAdams, Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Wahkiakum, Whitman93.1%46.6%89.2%27.7%
NorthIsland, San Juan, Skagit, Whatcom74.8%34.2%86.2%13.1%
North CentralChelan, Douglas, Grant, Okanogan83.2%48.6%75.1%21.7%
NorthwestClallam, Jefferson, Kitsap, Mason92.2%43.2%95.9%27.2%
Puget SoundKing, Pierce, Snohomish91.0%24.7%94.6%13.5%
South CentralBenton, Columbia, Franklin, Kittitas, Walla Walla, Yakima88.1%33.1%83.6%21.2%
SouthwestClark, Cowlitz, Klickitat, Skamania 72.8%33.1%85.9%21.4%
WestGrays Harbor, Lewis, Pacific, Thurston78.7%21.8%84.5%15.9%
Hospital status by region – ICU Occupancy should be below 80%, ICU COVID Patients should be below 20%, Acute Care Occupancy should be below 80%, and Acute Care COVID Patients should be below 10%

We’re seeing a tale of two Hospital Regions in the data. All four metrics for the West Hospital Region are approaching a level that would trigger a recreational travel advisory. In contrast, The West Hospital Region continues to inch closer to normal. Eastern Washington and the Olympic Peninsula are the two regions holding the rest of the state back. It is important to note that the Puget Sound Region and East Region have a significant number of transfer patients, both from within Washington and out of state.

KING reported that Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett is backed up against a wall. On Wednesday they had 40 boarders, that is patients in the emergency department waiting for a bed, and 30 on Thursday.

“It’s disappointing we’re still in this position,” said Darren Redick, CEO of Providence Northwest Service Area.

“As of yesterday, we’ve opened up a six-bed satellite ICU to care for additional ICU patients, because we’re out of bed capacity in our normal ICU,” Redick explained. The hospital has been forced to cancel elective surgeries due to the surge of patients coming through the doors.

Back to School

School DistrictStatusLess than 10 Active Cases10 or More Active Cases
BellevueYELLOW– Ardmore (2*)
– Bellevue (7**)
– Big Picture (1*)
– Chinook (4*)
– Eastgate (1*)
– Enatai (3*)
– Highland (8**)
– Interlake (3*)
– Lake Hills (4*)
– Newport (4*)
– Newport Heights (1*)
– Puesta del Sol (1*)
– Sammamish (4*)
– Sherwood Forest (2*)
– Spiritridge (1*)
– Stevenson (2*)
– Tillicum (1*)
– Wilburton (3*)
– Woodridge (3*)
Lake WashingtonYELLOW– Bell Elementary (1*)
– Barton Elementary (1*)
– Dickinson/Explorer Elementary (1*)
– Ella Baker Elementary (1*)
– Eastlake High (2*)
– Finn Hill Middle School (3*)
– Franklin Elementary (2*)
– Frost Elementary (2*)
– ICS (1*)
– Inglewood Middle School (1*)
– Juanita Elementary (1*)
– Kamiakin Middle School (4*)
– Keller Elementary (2*)
– Kirkland Middle School (1* see notes)
– Lakeview Elementary (4*)
– McAuliffe Elementary (1*)
– Muir Elementary (1*)
– Northstar Middle (1*)
– Redmond Elementary (2*)
– Redmond Middle School (1*)
– Redmond High School (2*)
– Renaissance Middle School (1*)
– Rosa Parks Elementary (1*)
– Rush Elementary (1*)

see notes below
NorthshoreYELLOW– Arrowhead Elementary (5)
– Bothell High School (42**)
– Canyon Creek Elementary (19)
– Canyon Park Middle School (4)
– Cottage Lake Elementary (3)
– Crystal Springs Elementary (23)
– East Ridge Elementary (9)
– Fernwood Elementary (1)
– Frank Love Elementary (22)
– Hollywood Hills Elementary (34)
– Inglemoor High School (1)
– Innovation Lab High School (1)
– Kenmore Elementary (2)
– Kenmore Middle School (19)
– Leota Middle School (3)
– Lockwood Elementary (25**)
– Maywood Hills Elementary (11**)
– Moorlands Elementary (2)
– North Creek High School (7)
– Northshore Middle School (2)
– Secondary Academy for Success (4)
– Shelton View Elementary (6)
– Skyview Middle School (11)
– Sunrise Elementary (7)
– Timbercrest Middle School (5)
– Wellington Elementary (31**)
– Westhill Elementary (52)
– Woodin Elementary (5**)
– Woodinville High School (11)
– Woodmoor Elementary (12)
Local Districts Scorecard – * indicates positive cases only ** indicates 5 or more confirmed positive cases

We redefined the school district statuses. Information for classroom and building closures has been a challenge to obtain, both for closures and reopening. We are adopting moving any school with more than 10 active COVID cases reported into the red, and we’ve adjusted the third column to reflect this change.

Maywood Elementary in the Northshore School District reported six confirmed Covid-19 cases.

We have a parent confirmed report of a single Covid-19 case at Kirkland Middle School, with an additional 17 students quarantined.

We multiple parents e-mailed us about two confirmed Covid-19 cases at Juanita High School. However, because the district sent the e-mail on Monday, we cannot confirm if these are new or included in the last dashboard update.

We continued to encourage parents to request improved daily data reporting from the Lake Washington School District.


No update

National Round-Up

Johns Hopkins University Cumulative Case Tracker is reporting 111,503 new cases and 2,556 deaths nationwide on Wednesday. The United States has now lost 704,000 residents to Covid-19 since February 29, 2020. In 2020, when no vaccine was available, 352,000 people died – so far in 2021, with a vaccine, the same number have passed on.

A study out of the U.K., where they keep more detailed records of unvaccinated versus vaccinated fatalities, indicated just 1.2% of deaths since January 1 were among unvaccinated people. Covid-19 data in the United States are recorded at a state level, and some states such as Florida, Idaho, Texas, and Wyoming, don’t track statistics for vaccinated versus unvaccinated.


Editor’s Note: I must remain objective. I must remain objective. I must remain objective.

As Alaska experiences the highest Covid-19 new case rate on the planet, Anchorage has been forced to ration Covid-19 testing because of a surprise budget shortfall.

Alaska Public Radio reported a spokesman for Mayor Dave Bronson said the administration plans to ask the city Assembly for additional cash “in the near future.” But for now, it’s scaling back its testing contractor’s hours at multiple sites around the city, with reductions totaling 108 hours a week, the contractor said.

Technically, Anchorage’s purchase order with its testing provider, California-based Visit Healthcare, runs through the end of October. But the city is paying a flat rate of $98 a test, and amid Alaska’s delta variant-driven surge, demand has been so high that without the reduced hours, Bronson’s administration would have exhausted its appropriation from the Assembly by Oct. 18, according to Acting Health Director Joe Gerace.

New cases in Alaska still lead the nation but have declined significantly from last week – but a lack of testing resources helps keep that number down. The state is still operating under “crisis standards of care” with 180 Covid-19 patients statewide. Alaska has 125 staffed ICU beds statewide, with 26 available. There were 842 new cases reported today. At the current rate of new cases detected, 1% of Alaska residents are catching Covid-19 every 8 days, and the state is under testing.

There appears to be a scandal at PeaceHealth Ketchikan. In April, registered nurse Marian Weber started work on the remote island as a traveling nurse. According to KTOO, she was a whistleblower who reported unsafe staffing levels impacting patient care.

“We had one patient that was intubated, and we had one that required continuous BiPAP (a type of ventilator), and these are ICU-level … patients,” she said.

But Weber said they weren’t placed in the intensive care unit — even though there were rooms available in the ICU that she said were equipped to handle COVID-19 patients.

Instead, she said, they were placed with the rest of the hospital’s COVID-19 patients in a section of the medical-surgical unit. And that was a problem, she said, because it meant critically ill patients couldn’t be monitored effectively from outside their rooms.

She was told to report the situation to a hospital administrator. On August 24, four days after reporting her concerns and just after signing a four-month contract extension, she was fired. On September 28, the hospital reported Sherry Dunlay, interim director of acute care, had abruptly departed.

Hospitals in Anchorage, Bethel, and Valdez continue to be the most impacted by the ongoing surge.


Idaho has reported more than 1,321 new Covid-19 and another 24 deaths today. The state continues to see 1/2 of 1% of all residents infected every 7 days. In good news, the positivity rate dropped to 14.6%, however, it is likely higher with almost 8,000 tests awaiting processing.

Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin’s Indoctrination Task Force lost a member to Covid-19 this week. The task force was created to monitor and prevent critical race theory in Idaho schools, and other non-patriotic ideologies.

Pete Coulson, 67, was a member of the task force and told people he was “vaccinated by Christ.” After a three-week battle, he died of Covid-19.

“I am deeply saddened at the loss of Pete Coulson, as I’m sure everyone in (the) Treasure Valley is,” McGeachin wrote in a prepared statement Thursday. “He was loved by everyone who knew him, and he will be greatly missed. I’m praying for his family.”

If you’ve been following our coverage and thinking McGeachin’s beliefs and values are concerning, you’re not alone. According to a report in the News & Observer, a group of Republicans in Idaho have had enough.

Prominent mainstream Republicans, worried the state’s hard-right drift could scuttle their efforts to grow Idaho’s economy, are asking Democrats and Independents to register as Republicans to vote in the party’s May primary. “Everybody and their dog ought to get out to the primary and have their say so,” said Jim Jones, a former chief justice of the Idaho Supreme Court and former Republican Idaho attorney general. “That’s where your vote counts.”

Kootenai Health told KTVB they set a record for the number of pregnant women hospitalized and saw a sharp increase in stillbirths.

“We have definitely seen more pregnant hospitalization in the ICU,” said Robert Scoggins, Kootenai Health’s ICU medical director. “You are really taking care of two people and I think that’s a really difficult situation, makes us all very nervous but so far we have been lucky.”

But not all of Idaho’s hospitals are so lucky. St. Luke’s Magic Valley in Twin Falls is reporting more stillbirths.

“We are seeing more stillbirths, unexplained stillbirths and towards the end of the pregnancy,” said Dr. Stacy Seyb, who specializes in Maternal-Fetal Medicine.

Dr. Seyb said in April there were 18 confirmed cases of COVID cases in pregnant women across all St. Luke’s locations. September saw 150 confirmed cases. and 97% of hospitalized pregnant women are unvaccinated.

“If you are pregnant, you are three to five times more likely to be hospitalized and twice as likely to succumb to the process and die,” Dr. Seyb said. “The thing about COVID is it causes issues with blood clotting and placentas are very vulnerable to blood clots and I think we can see smaller babies that aren’t growing well as well and so those are the types of things we see overall.”

May the odds ever be in your favor.


Montana’s situation continues to worsen with KTVQ reporting 1,301 new Covid-19 cases and 21 more hospitalizations, increasing the number to 465. At the current rate of new confirmed cases, 1% of all Montanans are infected with Covid-19 every eight days. With a hospitalization rate of 5%, Montana does not have the staffing or facility resources to meet the current surge.

Hospitalizations have increased 40% in the last month and Billings Clinic is having to pay traveling staff as much as $200 an hour to work in the struggling hospital.

According to Montana Public Radio, the Montana Hospital Association has asked the Gianforte administration to use federal COVID relief dollars to contract traveling staff like nurses and respiratory therapists, especially for small critical access hospitals that can’t afford them right now. Gianforte’s administration declined to do that. Spokesperson Jack O’Brien says the administration will find other ways to help hospitals obtain staffing, though no additional details were provided.

ICU nurse Laurie Sutphin had this to say. “The worst thing is that we had so much hope when the vaccine came out. We thought we’d never be here again.”


Officials reported 681 confirmed cases, and hospitalizations grew to 217. Wyoming had 12 pediatric Covid-19 patients in September, beating the record set in August according to the Star Tribune.

Ten Wyoming facilities reported a critical staffing shortage Thursday. Eleven reported anticipating such a shortage within the week.

According to Oil City News, seven hospitals had zero available ICU beds available and four had only one ICU bed available. While ICU beds are not exclusively used to treat COVID-19 patients, when hospitals deal with surges in these patients, that can put a strain on their ability to care for other types of critical-needs patients.

Wyoming officials are drafting a plan for statewide implementation of crisis standards of care.


Taking the day off