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Seatle’s burning question – is it hot enough to bake cookies on the dashboard of a truck?

We put the Internet videos to the test on the hottest day in Seattle’s history.



[KIRKLAND] – (MTN) The record isn’t officially in, but SeaTac Airport got to at least 106 degrees with an unexpected west wind helping keep things cooler than forecasted. Less than 20 miles to the northeast, Bellevue and Kirkland appear to be the regional hot spots with temperatures from 108 to 114 throughout the area. So the question of the afternoon is, is it hot enough to bake cookies on the dashboard of a car?

You may have seen the videos of people putting prepared cookie dough a foil lined cookie sheet in a car during the heat of the day, and eating baked or semi-baked cookies a couple of hours later. We’re putting it to the test.

We bought an 88 cent Kroger brand 12-pack of break and bake cookie dough and put it on a foil-lined pan in our company truck. The truck has been parked all day, and the dashboard is facing due west with direct sun. The temperature according to our weather station is 111 degrees and a thermometer we put inside the truck had gone past the 120-degree mark and was pointing at the -60, so roughly 155-160 degrees inside.

We put the cookies in at 4:01 PM and we’ll see if we can have milk and cookie time at 6:00 PM. Do you think they’ll be ready?

Check back later tonight for the verdict.

Baking Cookies

Do you think the cookies will be baked after two hours on the dashboard?

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