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Two SPD officers on paid administrative leave for potential involvement in D.C. ‘insurrection’

Chief Diaz statement says “at least two…officers” reportedly in Washington D.C. on Wednesday.



Five Fast Facts

  • Acting police Chief Adrian Diaz has put two Seattle police officers on paid administrative leave for being in Washington D.C. during the riots and attempted coup of the U.S. government
  • The two officers have been referred to the Office of Police Accountability (OPA) which will conduct a review
  • Chief Diaz has stated that if the officers are criminally charged by Washington D.C. or federal authorities for their actions, they will be immediately terminated
  • The statement from the Seattle Police Department specifically used the word, ‘insurrection” in the statement
  • Seattle Police Officer’s Guild (SPOG) President Mike Solan is under fire for making statements that the insurrection, and storming of the governor’s mansion in Olympia, Washington, was perpetrated by Antifa

This is a breaking news story and will be updated as we get more information.

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