Former Auburn police officer will spend almost 17 years in prison for the 2019 slaying of Jesse Sarey.
One of the officers plans to enter a guilty plea for falsifying an affidavit and lying to federal investigators.
George is accused of making racially motivated death threats in New York, Maryland, California, and Washington.
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas's opinion on contraception and gay marriage sent shockwaves through Congress.
Dr. Justin Blasko will receive a $400,000 settlement as part of his negotiated resignation.
Family members of Charleena Lyles accuse SPD of intimidation after off-duty SWAT officers come to inquest courthouse unannounced.
There is momentum to dispel the first Thanksgiving myth and acknowledge the Mashpee Wampanoag and other First Nations,
Miraculously, the fire was contained moments before torching the block and required the evacuation of 50 people.
Federal prosecutors charged the brothers with unlawful possession of a destructive device.
A wealth transfer of $600 billion to $1 trillion begins in the United States, intensifying the housing crisis.
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