Tuesday through Friday will see temperatures soar into the 90s with little nighttime relief.
Clothing, linen, household electronics, and paper for shredding will be accepted.
Dr. Justin Blasko will receive a $400,000 settlement as part of his negotiated resignation.
The father of Antonio Mays Jr., 16, who was shot and killed on June 29, 2020 in CHOP, has lost patience with the SPD investigation.
The new number doesn't replace the National Suicide Hotline 800 number and makes access to services easier.
Bill G. Chambers plead guilty to manslaughter in the 2008 slaying of Tuba Man.
Seattle police didn't file required paperwork with King County Prosecutors in time to continue to hold Forsell.
Washington hospitals are already near capacity as the number of COVID patients increases.
The armed man made racist statements and said he would kill Jayapal while outside her Seattle home.
Patriot Front has been increasingly active nationally since the group formed in 2017.