Lyles was shot by Seattle Police officers in June 2017 during a mental health crisis.
Fifteen Washington counties are advised to mask up due to new cases and increasing hospitalizations.
Washington state members of the Atomwaffen Division likely traveled to Russia for military and terrorism training.
After a cool and wet May and June, the 4th of July weekend is bringing more of the same.
Authorities closed Sound Transit light rail service and MLK Blvd. in Seattle as the bomb squad investigated
On Thursday, the infamous retired railroad bridge on Kirkland Way was hit by a second truck in less than 24 hours.
The retired railroad bridge on Kirkland Way has been struck by over height trucks twice during the month of June.
A woman had her property and car taken at gunpoint adjacent to EvergreenHealth Hospital.
Family members of Charleena Lyles accuse SPD of intimidation after off-duty SWAT officers come to inquest courthouse unannounced.
Test positivity in King County jumps to 11.6% one month after the mask mandate ends.