New infection rates have plateaued across the lowlands, but positivity rate is increasing indicating under testing.
The conservative firebrand has created community division over his long standing anti-LGBTQ stance.
Malcontentment Happy Hour, our in-studio show on local, regional, and national news.
Customer berates business owner over Black Lives Matter sign and steals a coffee. The roots of why run much deeper.
The recall comes after an April 17 advisory to stop using the exercise equipment.
The virtual festival runs from May 6 to May 9 and Malcontent News is giving away tickets.
In an 11 AM press conference, Governor Inslee makes the surprise announcement citing a plateauing of COVID cases.
Malcontentment Happy Hour, our in-studio show on local, regional, and national news.
King County new cases have plateaued while hospitalizations increased over the weekend.
The driver was released from the scene without being cited.
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