Russian forces continue to advance in the Donbas while Ukrainian forces move closer to Kherson.
Ukrainian forces raise the national flag on Snake Island as fighting in Ukraine is put on pause.
The Kremlin restates its intent to conquer all of Ukraine as Ukrainian forces gain ground in Kherson
Russian President Vladimir Putin declares victory in Luhansk while Ukraine makes quiet gains in other parts of Ukraine.
Russian forces capture the last settlement in Luhansk, completing their first military goal in Ukraine after 130 days of war.
Russia claims to have control of Lysychansk, Ukraine liberates two settlements in Kherson, explosions in Belgorod.
Fighting for control of Lysychansk continues while the Russian offensive bogs down across the rest of Ukraine.
Ukrainian defenses hold Lysychansk while a Russian cruise missile kills 21 and wounds 30 in the Odesa Oblast.
Russian forces withdraw from Snake Island near Odesa after a withering artillery and missile strike by Ukraine.
Ukraine is blasted by Russian missile attacks and clings to Lysychansk in the eastern Donbas.