Cassie Sauer, CEO of the Washington State Hospital Association states, "I think that there is almost no chance that it's not [here.]"
Epidemiologists call travel bans politically motivated and ineffective as more cases are detected in Europe.
The WHO is expected to name the heavily mutated variant Nu as health officials call it a "matter of concern."
Travel returns to normal for Thanksgiving which is fueling worry that an explosion of new cases is coming.
There is momentum to dispel the first Thanksgiving myth and acknowledge the Mashpee Wampanoag and other First Nations,
2.5 million Washingtonians will become instantly eligible for a booster when the CDC Director gives final approval.
More states approve boosters for all adults as new COVID cases are up 14% nationwide.
3.3 million Washingtonians were fully vaccinated against COVID on May 30, only 675,000 have received a booster.
Dr. Anthony Fauci recommends boosters for all as new cases start to rise again across the United States.
The Washington State Department of Health plans to continue to follow federal guidelines for booster shots.
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