An analysis of available data using models from the United Kingdom indicates Washington will run out of hospital resources by Jan 15.
Trevor Bedford predicts 50 percent of the United States will catch Omicron as official await a tidal wave of new cases.
Seattle will be one of the first cities in the United States to face the full force of the Omicron COVID variant.
The IHME forecasts Washington Covid-19 hospitalizations will begin to increase by Christmas.
MyIRMobile was forced to disable their QR Code based verification service on October 22.
An interview done in partnership with the Seattle Gay News.
The FDA is expected to authorize updated booster shot guidance in the next couple of days.
The most serious threat this winter isn't incremental staff cuts, it's Delta Plus.
Across the state leaders breathed a sigh of relief with most workers choosing to get vaccinated.
Data across the state shows a vast majority of people will meet the state vaccination deadline.
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